which matters of college interest are discussed. The various de-
` partments bring special lecturers to the University. The Art
in- Department presents not only to its students, but also to the whole
,y` University, exhibits of great paintings, of etchings, and of draw-
' ings. The Music Department sponsors a philharmonic orchestra,
a University band, a men’s glee club and a women’s glee club, all
ist, of which give concerts and furnish music for convocations. The
· Y.M.C.A. sponsors a series of forums and informal discussions in
the Student Union, the men’s dormitories, and in the various fra-
)__ ternities. The Cosmopolitan Club, composed of students born in '
foreign countries and some from the United States, studies through
the various departments and activities of the University the social,
my political, and cultural life of foreign countries. Departmental .
md clubs add effectively to the cultural life of the University.
ary Each year the Guignol Theatre presents a series of plays in
ra~ which students, faculty, and others interested in dramatics may
_ _ I The University has its own FM stations on both the low band
m' (44,500 kil.) and the upper band (91,300 kil.), carrying the call
letters WBKY. Students taking courses in Radio Arts, and others
WOO of demonstrated talents are permitted to gain actual broadcasting
experience by filling positions on this station. From the WBKY
TUS studios, daily programs are also broadcast to WHAS, Louisville,
We the Lexington commercial stations, and other outlets.
1S' ' Religious Life
The University, because it is distinctly interested in the reli-
gious life of students, encourages them to maintain their member- V
(io- ships in the churches of their choice and to attend religious worship
en- regularly. On the campus the Young Men’s Christian Association
and the Young W0men's Christian Association are active organiza-
I tions, each with a full-time secretary. Frequently great spiritual
nd, leaders are brought to the University to speak to the students.
Through the resident secretaries and visiting ministers opportunity
is given the students to consult with sympathetic and able persons.
my . The vitality of religious life on the campus of the University
ein. V of Kentucky is evidenced by the Pitkin Club, the active student
denominational groups, Sunday School classes for students in the
‘ respective churches, and weekly religious discussions groups, the
V Inter-faith Council, which includes representatives of the church
groups, the Newman Club, and the Hillel Foundation.
any The Phalanx Fraternity, and the Dutch Lunch Club are other
ons §tUdent groups meeting regularly for the purpose of encouraging
» at mterest in church and religious life.