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  Engineering, the Engineering Library and the departments of D
  Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, and Mining and Metallurgical
  Animal Pathology Building. This building houses the offices
  and laboratories of the Department of Animal Pathology.
  Animal Pathology Hospital. This building is used as the ani- n
`   mal hospital ol` the Department of Animal Pathology.
  Barker Hall. This building houses the Buell Armory, the of-
  tices. classroom, and storerooms of the Military Department, the
V   rifle range, the women’s gymnasium, and the Department of Phys-
\ _   ical Education for Women.
V   Bowman Hall. This is a residence hall for men, providing rec-
.3 reational space and lobby facilities for the men’s residence hall
.   Boyd Hall. This is a residence hall for women
  Bradley Hall. This is a residence hall for men.
’   Breckinridge Hall. Breckinridge is also a residence hall for
ij] men. -
  Central Heating Plant. This plant contains three steam boilers
  which supply heat to all buildings on the main campus, to the
  Experiment Station, the Tobacco Research Laboratory, the Animal
  Pathology Building, the Small Animal House, the Dairy Products
  Building, the Livestock Judging Pavilion, the Agricultural Engi-
· A neering Building, the Meat Laboratory, the Aeronautical Labora-
` tory, the Animal Pathology Building, and the Insectary and
  This plant is especially equipped, instrumented, and diversified —
§ for use as a practical steam laboratory by mechanical engineering
ci students.
  Chemistry Annex. This temporary building is located between '
E Kastle Hall and Pence Hall and is used for chemistry laboratory
/7 ; and lecture.
~' Coal Research Laboratory. This building houses a pilot pléml
  for the low temperature production from coal, of motor fuels.
.., lubricants and high grade, smokeless, solid fuels as well as th€
if base materials from which explosives, plastics, and synthetic rub-
} ber may be manufactured. Oil shales and other carbonaceous
. materials may also be processed in this plant, The laboratF‘T$' li
opt·r:it<·rl by the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer
‘ Combined Shops Building (not shown on map). This building
_ provides temporary quarters for the Division of Maintenance and
Operations and the general ·University store room;