Courses in the field of Economics are concerned with that seg-
2 ment of human behavior which is directed toward making a liv-
j ing. The list of courses includes the Principles of Economics,
  Economic History, Applied Economics, Business Cycles, Labor
» fi Problems, Money and Banking, Public Finance, Public Utilities,
  et cetera.
  Economic activity constitutes a substantial proportion of man’s
Q total activity and is therefore worthy of study from the standpoint
  of acquiring a liberal education.
  Students interested in majoring in economics and in preparing
_   themselves as professional economists or as specialists in such
\   fields as taxation, labor relations, finance and statistics, should
· j ,¤ add to their program of study other social science subjects and
.   work in Commerce. The latter courses assist greatly in understand-
ji ing the field of Economics.
j   The need for well-trained personnel in the field of Geography
’   has become increasingly apparent. At the present time three major
  fields of activity utilize the services of competent professional
;g geographers: Education (Elementary, Secondary, and Collegiate),
X! Government (National, State, and City), and Business (Trade,
,} Transportation, Publishing). The Department of Geography is
  prepared to offer necessary training to students for these economic
  activities. »
; In addition to the development toward professional geogra-
· · phers, the Department of Geography contributes directly to the
; fulfillment of the College of Arts and Sciences requirement in
. Social Studies (Geography 3a, b). To non-geography majors in
i all colleges of the University the Department of Geography offers
  a wide selection of supplementary and elective courses. ·
  A thorough foundation in all phases of Geography is required
{ of all department majors. For those who do not wish to become
‘ professional geographers, but desire a major in Geography, courses
- in other fields may be substituted after major requirements have
.   5 been met. (See Catalog of Courses.) Attention is directed t0 all
  Social Study disciplines (Anthropology, History, Political Science,
3 Social Work, Sociology) to Geology in the College of Arts and
si Sciences; and to related or supplementary courses in the C0H€g€5
i of Agriculture and Home Economics, Commerce, Education, and
Y Engineering. `
'l`he demand for the professional geologist comes from the need
· for geological guidance in the exploitation of the nation’s mineral
~ wealth. Its relation to mining and to oil and gas exploration 15