No. of No. of No. of ,    
Con- Total Con- Total Con- 'l`1.1.i
KENTUCKY Xo.o1 trihn- (Zontri1>· KENTUCKY No. o1` 1l'l1}\1— Contrih- OUT-Ul*`—S'I`.·\'I`lC No. ol trihu- (Zo1.I·I .,..;-1-
I (hy counties I .—\1u1nni tors utetl (continued) :\l\Il\lIl1 tors uted .·\lumni tors 111,,;
_ Adair .,................,. 41 3   17.50 Larue .....,............ .. 38 4 20.00 Alabama 4.4........... ,. 172 23 l:1$_1`   K
Allen ...................... 13 0 0.00 Laurel ......4..........~ S2 4 20.00 `Arizona ...............,., 18 2 1l1_1
l Anderson ...........`.. 07 3 17 .50 Lawrence ...........,.. 29 3 15.00 Arkansas ..,4.....,..., 40 3 15,1 Published
Ballard .......,...,...... 44 2 15.00 Lee ..........4,............ 25 I 5.00 California .............. 398 44 :1911,1. Kentucky 01
‘ Barren ..,. . ............. T2 T 42.50 Leslie ...............,,... 20 I 5.00 Colorado ,..,........,. 56 (i 111,1 at Lexingtor
Bath .....................` 55 I 5.00 Letcher ................,. 03 2 10.00 Connecticut .,........ 77 T 311,1 $5.00. Mem!
Bell .......... . ........... I 17 9 50.00 Lewis ............ . ....... 37 0 30.00 Delaware .............. 41 2 I(1,1` Association
Boom- .......,   .....   T9 4 2.0.00 Lincoln .................. 93 6 30.00 Dist. ofCo1umbia .. 138 22 fllir Alumnus.
Bourbon .,.............. 290 27 2.02.50 Livingston .....,...... 13 0 0.00 Florida ............ . .,... 411 42 -107,1 *·;—_
. Boyd ...................... 288 :32 270.00 Logan ...,.........,...... -14 7 40.00 Georgia ..,..,..,....... 252 32 21lf Member of
- Boyle .......... . ......... 187 I 6 92.50 Lyon ...................... 18 I 5.00 Idaho ...............,,.,. I0 0 111 Kentucky
` Bracken ................ 59 -1 45.00 McCracken . ...,....... 194 12 82.50 Illinois ,.., . ...........,. 425 -17 .11;, A Alumni C1
Breathitt .......,........ 49 2 I0.()0 McCrearv ............., 39 2 I().00 Indiana .......,.......... 523 4 I 211i* -·-—;
Breekinridge . ......... 35 I 5.00 McLean .........,...... 24 1 10.00 Iowa ...,..........,..,.... 46 1 ar. Entered as
Bullitt .,...,.......,...... 30 1 20.00 Madison .............,.. 194 13 85.00 Kansas .........,........ 44 5 3;. Office at Le:
4 Butler ..,..... .. ......... (i 2 10.00 Magotlln ................ 215 0 0.00 Louisiana .............. 104 15 sy the act of A1
‘ Caldwell ................ 53 5 40.00 Marion ....,............. TI I 50.00 Maine ........,.......,... I2 0 111 ni Associatio
Calloway ....,....,.... TS 3 35.00 Marshall ................ 32 3 15.00 Maryland .........,.... 167 19 111111 »-T-
Calnpbell ,...,......,.. 204 24 130.00 Martin ....,............. IS 0 0.00 Massachusetts ,..... 75 7 111 ` IHGIEII G. Kil
Carlisle ...............,.. IS 2 10.00 Mason ........,..,...... 135 I5 102.50 Michigan ...,....,..,.. 228 20 lt1]‘ G. LBS MCC]
1 Carroll ......,........... 02 5 27.50 Meade .................. 23 0 0.00 Minnesota ........,.,. 39 I 3 Marguerite Il
` Carter .................... 50 3 15.00 Nlenitec ,............... 10 0 0.00 Mississippi ....,....... 76 5 111 Anne Wiema
1 Casey .................... 45 5 90.00 Mercer .,................ 124 9 5().()0 Missouri .....,.....,,.,. 155 13 73 -———
1 Christian . ,.,.......... 138 T 57.50 Metcalfe .........,..,. 11 0 0.00 Montana ...........,.... 11 1 Q 1956 57
. Clark .. ..... , ........,.. 234 19 100.00 Monroe .... . .........   10 I 5.00 Nebraska .............. 18 I B `
` ,— Clay .................,..... 26 1 10.00 Montgomery .......... 119 10 52.50 Nevada ........,.. . ...... S 0 11 Will Ed Cor
. Clinton . ,........,....... 11 1 5.00 Morgan .............,.. 36 2 20.00 New Hampsliire .... 10 0 11 Ayes Ashl
1, Crittenden ............ 32 3 15.00 Muhlenberg ........,. 74 1 15.00 New Jersey .......,.... 232 :17 QTY W11l1am P.  
A Q Cumberland .... . .... . 24 0 0.00 Nelson .................. IIT G 30.00 New Mexieo ......... , 51 9 311 Helen G. K1
‘ Q Daviess ............. . .... 312 00 -155.00 Nicholas ......,,........ 54 I 5.00 New York ...........,.. 511*1 58 l11i' 522 $B§’l`€
Edmonson ............ 4 0 0.00 Ohio ....,.,............... 02 2 10.00 North Carolina ,,,,., 109 15 11111‘ B. A. S111V€1l
` Elliott .............,...... 14 2 10.00 Oldham ......,......... 52 5 30.00 North Dakota ........ 5 0 11 1911CS, Unn
_ Estill ..................., 51 0 0.00 Owen . ................... 55 1 5,00 Ohio .,,,.,,,..,.,..,,,.,.. 98:1 1:13 s3;· MPS. Hglmrltl
; I 1 Fayette ..........,.....,. 4 .203 509 3.282.50 Owsley ,,,,.,_...,,,,,,_. io 1 5,00 ()1(11r1mm.. ,,___,________ 70 10 3; Versailles
if  1 ‘ 1 Fleming .,.............. 66 3 15.00 Pendleton .............. 19 2 20.00 Oregon ....,.,....,...... 19 I 25 19591
1 ` Floyd ............,....... 157 3 20.00 Perry . ................... 144 2 10.00 Peiinsylvania .,,,,.., 282 30 225 william M- I
Franklin ................ 409 52 465.00 Pike .............,.,..,... 172 9 50.00 llhodc Island ....,... I2 Q 1: born (Terr
` Fulton ........ . ........   S4 4 22.50 Powell .................. 22 I 5.00 South Carolina ...... S-I Ii li Paul G- Blal
` Gallatin ..............,. 20 3 15.00 Pulaski .................. 192 19 117.50 South Dakota ...,.... 15 I 1 0€hIa1ld II]
_ Carrard ................ 05 5 25.00 Iloliertson ...........,.. 19 3 ` 20,00 'l`omn·ssee __,,,..,_,_,__ 195 :19 11% lV¤1l¤¤m H·  
. Grant .................... 72 rl 15.00 Roekeaslle ............ :10 1 $,00 Texas _________,_______,__ :16:; 30 .11; Bids. Lexi
. Graves .................. H8 5 32.50 Rowan .................. 52 2 I().00 Utah .......,.............. 1.1 1 111 R· R- Da“’S0¤
;, ( Grayson ................ 32 2 10.00 Russell .,............ . . .. 30 I 5,00 \’(·;mOm ___44_4_________ :1 0 11 1958)
· 3 (ln-eii .,.,................ :17 :1 15.00 Scott ..........,,,_.__..I,_ 102 lll 47,50 virgimu __,_,_______,,_, .;.1;; .10 gg;. Blgmton L. C
·   (Ireenup ................ H7 8 45.00 Shelby . .............,... 13-1 I 20.00 \Vashington ..,...., I3 0 If` _mgt°Il ITE
' P; Hancock ................. IT I 5.00 Simpson . ............... 19 31 15.00 \Vest Virginia ,_,_,,__ 2112 .1:3 Q01 R1C11a¤`d E- C
; . l-lardin ........,......... 12.1 18 112.50 Sp1·ne1·i· .................. 19 .1 22.50 Wisconsin ,..........   57 .1 1;‘ Wes 19571
. g 1-Iarlan , ................. 200 24 140.00 Taylor ................. . 00 5 25.00 Wyoming , .........,... S 0 ll Heflndon J- 1
· iiarnrnn ................ lss I0 62.50 rnari .................... 27 1 $,00 oraaar. .,1 os, ____ gsi 10 Ill . PINS 19571
’ Hart ...................... 43 3 15.00 Trigg ..............,,,,,. 24 :2 15,00 - .... . . . . Gerald Grim
` p Henderson ............ 136 13 65.00 Trimble ................ 27 1 5.00 Sub-Totals .... 7,898 854   Ii.l1lZ I°“ ITEYIII
. _ Henry .................... I I4 4 20.00 Union .................... 77 2 10.00 '1`otals ........., °2-1.062 2.448 $1(i.i11' DL Ralph A1
x Hiokniau _,,,__.,.,._., 30 1 5.00 Mlarren ...... , .,.,,,,.... 130 I5 90,00 rrr  —-· - ——-- 1011 IB0£11‘d
, [ llopkins ................ 143 23 157.50 Washington ........,, 52 .1 :35,00 ° The wm] a1nn1,r»1» ..1 .11111m.i 10.- “·11... ·l· S· Wéllku
‘ S . jackson .................. 24 0 0.00 \Vayne .................. 47 3 17.50 arc current addresses in the alumni filer. 1303141 Of
. . ‘ Jefferson ................ 2.358 1 34:3 1.964.50 Webster ..,,,,.,.,.,,__, 67 0 0_00 L0u1s Cox, F
_ { jessaniine .............. 185 9 50.00 \Vhitley ..... . ......... 162 Io 35,00 HUIIIGV L. BE
 ` johnson ................ T4 S 40.00 \Volfe .................... IS 0 1),00 S-. SCCOIIG
' ` Kenton .................. $145 33 220.50 \`vll1)(l1:(lI‘(1 ............,. 225 I-1 l·1Q,_Fi() ` Pl€$I\`-IQIIU
. Knott .................... 311 0 0.00 - -— - Miltguerltc lvl
Knox ...................... 57 I 5.00 16.164 1,594 $10,18750 lllgiflll IL1{
, _ H. D. Palmor
. . Dorzgy)
_» . r. eorge ‘
. W V ` i ~»¤ · I
· _ THE SECOND REPORT ON THE ANNUAL ALUMNI ROLL CALL lor 1956-or shows an 111c1‘<·1l~· gQ,?1€,1°'2HQ;‘€
* 1723 new members and $10.730.50 since July 1. when the first report was published. This increase is m<11‘ }§`§.0‘l.Q; I;
. couragmg. and brings the grand total to 2.500 members. lt IS still short of last years total 01 4.600. and 111 J C AP:
. . . . _ , . arlisle
Ihlplllg to €‘XC€€(1 11118 1lgl1I'€ (1ll1'1l1g 1110 11101111] of 1N0\’€111l,)t*l'. LexingtonM
. Robert H. Hi
· , _ , , ,_ V _ _ _ _i€S_. Lexing1
. ;;()··U pAp.TI(1]]>_.1T1()1\ MEANS 1,200 ACTIVE MEMBERS. What per cent 01 the z11111nn1 lll vlllll Y;§g"g‘*Xj*
. , .. . . . . . _ '_ . ‘ S · I
;11‘t· 111€1111)€1'S lll   NVQ SOIICI1 )’0l1I' 1101}) 111 l°€&IClII1Il.{ IZIIIS 010111 l))’ N()\’(‘lIll)(·‘l‘ 311   The l)1|l)l1t‘llI111 E‘R*)’If1Td Benn
_ the complete Alumni 11011 (.2111. \V111I 11l1‘ 119.1110 ot CHCII CO111l`1l)ll1I1lI.{ 1I1lllIlll1IS, has been lield up until our ill X-   l%6¤r{1l2v11
•- . . · . El 01*
; 1 ..200 actrve members is reached. N.W.Nee1, c
~ Herbert Hunt
. . . . ~ - C
_ \()1.l1'S 101' 21 g1'€2l.IZ€1' UlIlV€1`S11)’ ot 1&C1It11Cl