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i   I   j W/inIer2003 · Volume 74 • Number 1
  ~ V     Coming Full Circle
_ »   Vi   l V V Alan Hawse ’9O EN and his wife, Dr. Jill Robertson Hawse ’92 ’93
. V li_· . 01*   PHA, retumed to Kentucky to be with family and pursue professional
  careers in the Bluegrass state.
` By Linda Perry
V `fes . . . . .
i   Surviving, Grievmg, Healmg
I " UK student Holly Dunn’s recovery after serial
{  ( ____   . A killer Angel Maturino Resendez raped her and
‘     ``t·»·-   0 left her boyfriend for dead along railroad
 g  ‘ tracks near campus is documented in the
On the Cover:   { Kentucky Kernel.
Alan Havvse, director of the _ l»-,. .. ·
V Lexington office of Cypress   By Emily Haggdgm
rl Semiconductor Corporation   · , ° gniz
  Cover photo: John Sommers Il   ‘ ~ #   SIX lieu) cd as ,
= g UK Great Teachers
i V_ The University of Kentucky
. i Alumni Association presented
i l , six university faculty members
V  L- A• Lakers m ‘G00d Hands’ with Great Teacher Awards in
i Dr. Steve Lombardo MED ’67 plays a February at the Helen G. King
V . l crucial role as team physician for the Los Alumni House.
    Angeles Lakers, who are three—time de-
'° kl··     fending NBA champions.   ‘=~‘ r T r gj
By Gary Libman  
D E P A R T M E N T s      
  OPENING REMARKS 2 E, ` ; is ‘ V
  PRESIDENTIAL 4   Third T`1me Is a Charm  if l
  CONVERSATION Perseverance pays off for UK se- .
t UK BEAT 5 nior Mary Catherine Correll in the   .   ,; ·   A  VV_
    9 fOl`ll'l of H   SChOlHl°Shlp fOr   ., t " 
_ 24 winning the Miss Kentucky 2002  I
;_   THE OPEN DOOR competition. Now she’s taking a , V
CLASS NQTES 32 year off from her studies to fulfill V,  V A   
SPORTS 4Q her duties and promote the Na- .  ' ‘  ‘   "
45 tional Marrow Donor Program as ’ .
· GLEANINGS her platform. Q V    _, C 4
‘ BOOKMARK 46 By Linda Perry aww    A
QUICK TAKES 48 ri   i  T
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 lj _ ` Alumni Association