-7- · ,
Wn j Kings Daughters, Bardstown Circle ( Continued )
T Committees: Home for lncurables, lbs. O. Nicholas; Devotional, lhs.
" "?"‘ ‘/·` ‘ ’<"Y"" · wq 4 . . r · - .
4 Guthrie Nilsen, Social, nrs. Kate Lewis; Membership, Ims. John Rodman;
T Sick, Hrs. Harry Alexander; Christmas, Inss Martha Simpson, all of Bardstown.
  Purpose; To promoto·charity. P"
{ Normal Civic Activities? 'Provides relief for needy families. .’
T Defense Activities: Engaged in'Red Cross Assistance. Interested in
, Preparation and Serving of Food, Child Care, Collection of Scrap Ietals and
“ Q Other Metals, Collecting Books, "
§ Local Publications: None; , V .
E KNIGHTS OF COLUHBUS, #l29O ( Knights of Columbus, Supreme Council ), Fourth
Y f and Flaget Avenues, Bardstown. ‘Founded 1907, Grand Knight,_Everett judd, `
Springfield. Secretary, Bernard Hurst, ll5 South Third.Lvenue,‘Bardstown. ;
I · ·   ..
o Tclephone·l5&.‘ Terms expire_July, l943. .
n Membership: lO8. Open to Catholic men certified by the-parish. C _
QT Committees: None. _ `
lc Purpose: To pronote Catholic activity in the community.
S Normal Civic Activities: ‘Ch;ritable serviccs.. Xaisini of funds for the
@ church. Eermod a Blood Donor Club, N < `
Q Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air`Raid`darden Service,
E Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Froteetien, Salvage
Q Demolition Service, Emergtncy Repair Service, Voter Corps Service, Ambulance
Q Service, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Hadio_Operatien and depair, Collect-
Ԥ tion of Scrap Metals and Other lbtals, Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders,
T Fublic Speaking, lntervieuing. T lp.
E Local Publications: None. ’ r
i NELSON COUNTY COTZUNlTY°COUNClL c o Irs. J. V. Rouse Chairman lO6 South
r . <. V ’ - . ’ ’ .H
ji Third Street Berdstown. Feundod·l940. rresident nre. J. V. Reuse. Tele-
3  I _ , _ p . p 3
g phone 585. Secretary, Mrs. Charles hahonry, new daven. Terms expired
Q September, l94l• _
g x
2 Membership: lO. Open to persons of eith-r sex having a definite interest
ii in civics.
S Committees; Nutrition, Yrs. Louisa Grigsby, Dardstewn.