-3- Q
ATERICAN RED CROSS, NELSON COUNTY CHAPTER ( imsricss Natienal Red Cross ), "g. g~_
Court Heuse, Bardstewn. Founded 1917. Chairman, U. R.'Gentry, Court Square, g
· Bardstewn. Telephone 52. Secretary, Mrs. Lee Spalding, c/c Kentucky Standard, g
_ ·’ Bardstown. Telephone 145. Terns expired January, 1942. ~ ; g ; ;
. . _v_` . 4 '1   -·`. l _ __ ,  
Membership: in annual centributien ef one dellar or mere. _ Q
_ ._ _   ‘ ls,   _‘ A i` _ l I! `V 4  
- Cemuittces:` Preductien, Hrs. Henry Muir, Bardstewn; First Aid, J. H. Luckett, g
P -—· -· -- -—.·-·--—-·-•· _ , _ _ · ...  E
· , V Fairfield; Junier Red Cress, R. V. Sparrew,,Chap1in; Disaster, Judge Wallace g
•   . Brevm, Bardstemi.  C` _ ` ,   _ “ . A · .'  
V . —, `_ ·_· I · '       1 I `_  
Purp sc: Emcrgeney"aid in the event ef war er disaster. _,, A
, Nermal Civic Activities: ` Production cf‘c1ething, csnductsng courses in First Q C 3
Aid and a1letment'ef funds fer Negro hespitalizatizn and nedicine._ §;,·_
Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and,Freparatien e£·Surgiea1 Dressings, Q, ;__·
First Aid.` Training fer Red Cress Assistance, First nid. ,1nterested in ij
Meter Czrps Service. `.,A _;·q · ` ““ · ° _ __ ‘T
· Local Publicatiens: Hene.. _ » A
BARDSTOWN PUBLlC SCHOOL P. T. A. ( Kentucky'Cengress ef Parents and Teachers ), Y w
' c/b_lks. Ihrvin Hardy, 517 H. Feurth·Street, Bardstewn. F;unded»195l. F' P
_ President, Mrs. Ixrvin Hardy. _Te1eph»ne 2215U. Secretary, Mrs. Elbert Sprigg, FX
V 216·West Beall Avenue Bardstrwn. ·Teleeh;ne~245—J.1 Terms exnire‘ihreh 1945. »§ 5, ·
’ __ _ _ . .•.-4 _ , ~ r I V }  :1;
, Membership: 100. Open te parent or teacher ef child attending the scheel. Q
· ”CenQittees; Chi1d¤Ublfare, lhs. TLJJ. Oakley; Grounds, lbs. Harry Sparrew; §
Music, Prof. lmurice Tbrtin; Pregran, Hrs. John Bout; Heme Education, las. f
Jehn Fultcn; Hespitality, lks. U. F. Hibbs; lh;azine,*Eks. Jap Rgbyg Press, ` ig
' Lbs. Charles Thnn; Ways and Means, lhs. Cliff lbthews; Safety, Pref. Hutchinsen; QQ ·
_ h use, Inss Exily Hall; Fe;d f>r_Chi1dren,_T&s.iFearl·Tuttle, all ef Bardstcun. Q
. - Purpese: T: prcinte the welfare ef school children. 1 ·· l I V A ié
‘ " 1 _ ’ J ‘ ` .‘, “ ·£
` _£;§ial_C1v1c,\ctivitiesr Ceeperates with Lie;s .·`. Club in the matter ef sight Q ‘
2 Q censervati n for needy children which includes·the securing pf glasses. Q _
‘ " egegensentetivitiesj Engaged in Red Cress Assistance, Sewing and Freparatien ef E ‘
· » " ~° ` ~¤»‘-—»—¤ M  Y-.".`.Z`» ·, Ti \ `. .·..·     ¤ A ° .: ·. n it- ‘ -· ·  ii V -
» _ eurbical Drtsslngs. ‘1nacreleag in ;repaiati,n and L,rvlu; el reed, Child Care, w-
4 Cell eti n .on1 f Scrap Metals, Cellteting Berks. ` · ' Q
r ` , i T- ‘ al C I  
Lecal Publieati.;s: Rene, ` l , E
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