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fl .Y—Y ·BARDSTOWN-YGUUGER`UOlLN$S CLUB (,StateVand»Eaticnal Federati;n ef`Yemen’s
_O 519 Y'V- Clubs >, G/0 ETS; Jfhn W. xuir, 207`S;uth.ThirdQStreet,`Bhrdstevn, `Frundcd
,  t. - . ·-. — .,.- ,- , ‘ QH; ·,‘ · » -., -_. 1, 1, ,
Mltd   1950. President, Drs. Jchn M. pair. _,.>ecretc.ry, iirs. JV. s:. AO.1'.`£rbI·I10., ards--
ix.; ` _ , _' C H
•; t;wn. Telephone 140. Terms expire Mercn, 194c.
A Membership; 45. Open tc civic minded ycumger wtrw;’ef Bardstew; and Helsen
° `C[ejt§.—l Z. V A `
JC-b :` · 1 "' ` 1 vw ‘ ·· • -'   Tl ·· · ~· ·‘¤ 1
O ’ V Committees: Jays anc Leans, lrs. Lee Grigsby; Civic enterprise, Mrs. erin;
‘D { Wilson; Health, lbs. A. D. Steely; Natienal Defense, lbs. J. J. Hamn¤;d,
Q all of Bardstewn.
F Purpese: Child Welfare, civic interests and cultural dcvelepment ef iiihers,
rst 1 r - _ . . . . ...- . .. W , - . .
“ v » · ·Ncrmal Civic lctivities:_Ceeperati1; with ned Cress 8HG kentucky Cripgled
g¤ Children's Commission., _ V
is FDV r C it- . P . . . N ‘ ¤\ . . .. A - `
= ’ l» M Defense Activities: Engaged in hed Cress assistance, Guild Care. lnterested
{V in Hespital and Clinical Assistance, Preparatian azd Scrvixg ef ?e;d,
  Cellecticn cf Scrap Tetals a;d Other lltals, V
l Lccal Publicatiozsz Neze,
l E -` · · e -· 1 . _ 4
)f “ BETmL£HEh.iChDENX Pe&$£T—TZAC¤jR_lSSOCllTlOL, c/e irs. Victer Aelley, 505
H, Berth Third Street, Bardstown, Fcuzded 1928. President, lis, Vieter
rf · - , ~ . -. H - e ~ » .» _ ~
§g’ Kelley. Telephone l89, Term expires liy, lQ4e; Secretary, irs. T, u.
°° V ‘ lKurt1cy, B&fdSbOW1j‘ Telephene ¢l7.,_Tcrm expires §cpte2ber,_l9él.
Membership; 75. Open tc perscns ef either sex interested in the welfare
· · 1 . cf schcul children and sch cl pr