c rt N at Dur I [ D WMU helps the soil to hold the plastic firmly. \Vhen pinning
open Q ·. < ‘ the ulastic or ilacin the soil, one should keep the
4 · t .-· e· 1. . . . .
WIRE ,;_ {4* t \ plastrc stretched. Th1s IS aided by fastening the last
\t f 7¤\ gk · i l . . .
tr ((r"`\ ,’ `_; 5.;;, \ _   · Q ‘\ wicket in each row to a stake driven beyond the end _
+ ’¢ Q { `,' [ '   I   \ ·   of the row. The wicket is drawn to the stake by short
‘ * I l :./7 i   |\   Wif€S and is thus able to keep the ends of the plastic
— »   ‘-·§%>?5‘°‘*  "
‘ * .. ele   i    · taut.
. , ¤f"\t‘ wa §tQ\*;\— ` . _.,_   ` , . ....
_' ‘ >§\xt __   —g*`~5’ >a»a/ ' Two things help to provide insulation which will
Fig- I-- VVil’€ wickets support the plastic over the plants, Pl`Ot€€t the CYOP OU th? COld€l` Ulght$· Th¢`$`€ 2U`¢‘ til?
1 Notches in the wickets permit the plastic to be tucked back, use ot exposed packed soil on each side ot the row .-
v l’€"'“i“i“§ "€“*ilmi°“ and i“$1’°*"i°“- and providing for dead air space. Research has shown
_ I _ I H _ _1 t 1 tl that heat in the soil around plants is not lost so
1 ‘ U . i . .— . 7 · · · . . . » .
1 r "T‘k";° {’“T“"‘ “1 .‘]“ ° P'*`““’ ;‘i‘ i_""?‘ ?""’°   readily if there is tm area of packed. firm soil near
—» “lL ( _' t is Qiémltm tO_u§G A W mel pléce O, the zone where the plants are growing.
· A 0.003-inch plastic as a reinforcement at the point of »
pinning. The sheets are not pinned where thev are ,»— —
v . . '
‘ supported by the notched wickets. It is at these J 1./
T ( places that the operator can pull open the plastic to i “  
. . . . . . x
at provide ventilation. let in rain, or work with the plants. ____:._,_. :.;::;==:=-=-  i `   s »i;==j¤g¢gs;:s:;:.¤;.;.____
-··=·€-I ·--·· = ·=·==:·*5??Z"=asezat=¤we=;=.=;:;>:·=-=:=:-¤~: ·.-.·. ' ` ‘ .-:-¤=.as=2::2::=asszzas5iis52%2525252Sz?25;é2€si§S§S;€;¤.
At those times the Plastic is tucked mm the notches   i t -E?if};Z3}?E$?§EEE§$?E?E?E?E?E?E?EFEFEiiEEZifEEEiEEEEE{$§E§E§E§S?E?§?E?§€E¤;=; ..._ ,
Q l”“"’“l€d m the “"Ck"lS· Atterlvmfl the Plastlc Call   .$9!.l.§i§i§%§iE§E?".(1Q`»2€¤s”L'“§§i  .§?§5éi§ifP°9.l$?Fl .i..  
be 1>¤N<‘f¢h¢*S» mid it will resume its  
`       S               ’       if 
T the lap virtually air tight ;rggirq_ Every third Space Fig. 2.- Packed soil next to the plant-growing zone helps to
t cnn be left Open nt all tnnes except On tmstv nights provrde insulation and is essential lor successful use of
' plastic lor protecting plants outdoors.
when all should he shut. More spaces can he opened ‘·
fg on exceptionally hot, sunny days. If the soil is dry _ _ _ 1 l f I
nu can be Opened betOte n min Deadean space. is provided iy tre `use o dll()tltV1
P layer of plastic pmned over the top ot the first layer.
"‘ Plushc Held D°W“ bY S°'I The first layer is allowed to sag slightly, and the
tt lt the soil is placed correctly on the edges of the second or outside layer is stretched tightly. The two
plastic and the laps are pinned securely to hold the layers are needed only when one wishes to protect
plastic firmly to the wickets, no damage from wind tender plants when severe frosts are expected. Such
and rainstorms can occur. The soil under the edge protection was effective at a temperature of 25OF. at
Ȣ of the plastic is dug out with a tile spade and then Lexington. Setting tomato plants in a trench about
* put on top of the edge of the plastic. By tramping 8 to 10 inches deep helow the wickets also helps
on this soil, one presses it onto the plastic, which prevent trost damage.
5 Fig. Ei.- A Held scene, showing use of plastic to protect hor- hy wickets (left). Some oi` thc wickets have notches into
ticultural cro is. The ilastic is su > >orted over the >Iants which the mlastic can be tucked.
* 1 I 1 l l 1
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