
flEALIZING the need of a manual on citi-
zenship for the new voters in Kentucky,
     the author has endeavored to compile
sucri information on the government and its
workings, as will be of use to all voters, espec-
ially the ones just entering political life. A
strong appeal is made to the women voters of
our nation to prepare themselves for public
life by keeping in touch with the issues of the
day as well as the functions of government.
While it is a great privilege to take part in
public affairs, and study the questions of the
(lay, so that we can vote intelligently and criti-
cize justly, let us not forget that the home is
the most sacred refuge of life, the nucleus
around which all pure and true civilization is
formed, and that the chief end of all good gov-
ernment is to improve and protect the home,
the church and the community.
  Will you take part in building up your gov-
ernment and establishing "High Ideals" and
true democracy
              EMAMA GUY CROMWELL,
                               Frankfort, Ky.