March 28, 1945

Dean Thomas Cooper
University of Kentucky

Mayi dear Dean Cooper:

     This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the
check for $100 from tr. Walter J. Salmon, which he gave
in appreciation of information that had been furnished
him by the Experiment Station.   I shall ask the Board
of Trustees to accept this gift to be used for the work
of the Experiment Station.   The Comptroller will place
it in trust to the credit of the Experiment Station,

     I know you deeply appreciate Mr. Salmon's gift
as it is a very effective way of demonstrating his
appreciation for the good work the Experiment Station
is doing.

                                Cordially yours,

                                (Signed) H. L. Donovan

                                      April 2, 1945

Mr. Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller
University of Kentucky

My dear Mr. Peterson:

     I enclose herewith check from Mrs. Annie C. Neely
for fifty dollars, made payable to the "Graduate Reference
Reading Room," a gift to the library, as "an expression
of sincere appreciation for the courtesy shown me by the
library". Please credit this amount to the library in
its restricted fund.   We hope to use it for the Graduate
Reading Room in some special way.

                              Sincerely yours

                              (Signed). Margaret I. King