b. Does it mean that those veterans declared ineligible
           for the privileges under Public Law 346, if residents
           of Kentucky at the time of enlistment are entitled to
           the educational privileges provided for in the Kentucky
           Revised Statutes?
        c. If a veteran refuses aid under Public Law 346 because
           a financial loss may be sustained in the long run, is
           he eligible for the state benefits?
        d. The extent of the educational privileges allowed under
           Public Law 346 is related to the length of active ser-
           vice.   After a veteran has secured all the benefits
           under this law, is he entitled to the state benefits?
           For example, a veteran may be entitled to fifteen months
           of education under Public Law 346. After the completion
           of these fifteen months, is he entitled to state benefits?

     5. What is meant by a "veteran"?
         a. Is a student holding an honorable discharge from the
            Army Air Corps Reserve a veteran?
        b. From the ERC?
        c, From the ASTP?
        d. Is a student who holds an honorable discharge with 0 days
            of service, a "veteran"?

     After discussion of the questions involved, the Board, in order
to protect the rights of the veterans and in order to relieve the ad-
ministration of the University from liability, took the following
                          * ** * * * * ** *

             9. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the President of the University is authorized
                to take the necessary steps towards getting
                from the Courts a declaratory judgment on
                Section 164.480 KyRevStat., clarifying all
                questions above presented, and any other ques-
                tions that might hereafter appear.    The
                Executive Committee of the Board is requested
                to work out the details necessary to institute
                legal proceedings for declaratory judgment of
                the questions involved.

                           * * * ** * * * * *

             10. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                  the Executive Committee adjourned at 2:60 p.m.
        . .~~~~**. * * * * * * * *

                                             Frank D. Peterson
                                             Secretary, Executive Corn
                                             mittee, Board of Trustees.