xt72542j6z5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72542j6z5v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1932074 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-07-jun4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-07-jun4. 1932 2011 true xt72542j6z5v section xt72542j6z5v 

     Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, June 4, 1932.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session in President McVey's office, Lexington,
Kentucky, at 10:30 a. m., Saturday, June 4, 1932. The follow-
ing members were present: Judge Richard C. Stoll; James H. Rich-
mond, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Honorable Eugene Flow-
ers, Commissioner of Agriculture; James Rash; Judge Robert G.
Gordon; Dr. W. W. Wash; Louis Hillenmeyer; James Park and E. B.
Webb. President Frank L. MoVey and Acting Secretary D. H. Peak
met with the Board.

     1. Minutes Approved, The minutes of the meeting of the Board
of Trustees of April iS, 1932; the minutes of the meeting of the
Executive Comnittee of April 29, 1932, and the minutes of the
meeting of the Executive Committee of May 13, 1932, were approved
as published and recorded.

     2. Election of Officers. The following officers were unan-
imously elected; Richard C. Stoll, reelected vice chairman;
John Skain, reelected treasurer; D. H. Peak, elected Secretary.
The members of the Executive Committee; namely, Richard C. Stoll,
James Park, E. B. Webb, Joe B. Andrews and Robert G. Gordon, were
reelected. On motion, duty seconded and unanimously carried,
the Executive Committee was given power and authority to fill va-
cancies that may occur in that Committee.

     3. President's Report. President McVey made his regular
report, which was approved and ordered inserted in the minutes.

                        *.......... ...

     With the commencement of this year the University completes
sixty-eight years of service. Of these sixty-eight years fifty-
five have been spent on the present camnus.    The contrast of
the University of that day with the one 'of the-present shows a
large increase in student body, growth in faculty, many times the
number of buildings, a much-enlarged campus, increased areas in
experiment station farms, and a great betterment of equipment,
laboratory facilities and instruction.   In these sixty-eight
years the University has had many vicissitudes; numerous instances
of difficulties in its history, financial embarrassments, some
serious problems, as well as misunderstanding of its purpose in
the state. The year which is just closing has been one of the
most disturbing throug which the University has passed, and it
has left the University with a number of serious problems to



      In the fiscal year 1950-1931 the University was the recip-
ient of taxes from the state to the amount of $1,137,000.00,
In the present year closing June 30, 1932, the University will
receive approximately $237,000.00 less than it did last year.
Other sources of income have fallen off and the University will
be in arrears on July 1, 1932, approzimately the amount *hich it
owes in back salaries.  This sum may be as small as $140,000.00
or it may be more. One of the questions before this Board to-
day is the problem of meeting, in part at least, the salaries
due June 1 Ad July 1. The salaries of workers in the Experiment
Station and Mgvision of Agricultural Extension have been paid
on a reduced basis. Laborers and clerks whose wages or salaries
were less than $100.00 per month have received their pay.  The
burden of the financial shortage has fallen largely upon the col-
lege teachtrs, who were reduced ten per cent February 1, 1932,
and who have been paid only $100. per month on the salaries due
April 1 and May 1.  The attitude of these men and women in this
financial difficulty has been most admirable;  the morale has been
high. The difficulties which they face intaking care of their
families grow each day as the failure of the University to meet
its obligations continues.

     At the April meeting of the Board of Trustees the budget far
all departments and divisions of the University is presented.
Due to the uncertainty of the situation a final budget could not
be prepared at this time, but a tentative budget is presented to-
day for the judgement of the Board.  The difficulty in balancing
the budget was caused by the uncert inty in estimating the re-
ceipts likely to be received from 1~heritance tax and the genl-
eral property tax. On this point there was a legal question
which arises from the elimination of the University's sunport
frog the general budget bill and the resulting doubt as to the
continuance of the arrangement of previous years in providing in-
come for the institution.  Careful consideration has been given
to this point and I trust that at this meeting the matter may be
thoroughly understood, carefully considered and a conclusion
reached concerning it.

     Inquiry was made of the State Tax Commission as to the es-
timated amount of the inheritance tax and general property tax
likely to be received by the University in the year 1932-1933.
The Tax Coim-mission places the amount at $735,000.00.  In order
to be safe as possible, I have budgeted tha amount of tax re-
ceipts at $650,000.00. The general budget expenditures last
year amounted to $1,221,000.00. There is, in consequence, near-
ly $600,000.00 difference between the probable receipts from
1932-35 taxes and the receipts of last year.  After going through
the budget and reducing salaries ten to twelve per cent, and cut-
ting supplies and equipment as much as possible, the total ex-
penditures may amount to $985,00000.  Part of the difference
between this amount and the income from taxes is to be met by
an increase in tution charges of $75,000.00.  Other items in
income together with tax receipts will raise the total estimated
receipts to $1,035,000.00, or approximately $200,000.00 less
than the budget of last year.


     The budget which is placed before you today provides a meagre
living basis for the conduct of the affairs of the University,
All salaries have been reduced materially, equipment and supplies
expenditures cut to minimum and repairs to the plant omitted.
At the end of another year the plant will be distinctly less ef-
fective than it is at the close of this year: woodwork will de-
teriorate, roofs will be damaged and heating plants injured to
some degree by neglect. I speak of these things because it is
important to recognize the fact that reduced income means reduced
effectiveness. I hope that the morale of the University staff
will hold up during the year.  I am sure that its members will
do their best, but they need the sympathy and help of this Board
and the people of the state in order to carry on.

     At the close of last year the University had an overdraft
of $170,000.00 due to its building program.    This program has
been completed and no debts are carried against the buildings
which have been erected. At the present time the University owes
the Security Trust Comnany the sum *of $85,000.00, which is secured
by state warrants deposited with the bank as collateral in the sum
of $93,000.00. These warrants belong to the University and would
when sold cancel the debt.  The Universtty will owe in back sal-.
aries, if it makes the minimum hundred dollar payment due in May
and June, the sum of $140,000.00.  This is an obligation of the
state, and I have no doubt it is fully recognized by this board.
The difficulty now facing the University is how to pay the minimum
of $100.00.

     In order to meet the situation arising out of the University's
failure to pay salaries, a cooperative loan fund was established
in April.  The help of the Board of Commerce and many citizens of
Lexington made it possible to get together the sum of $45,000.00.
This sum was placed in the First National Bank and Trust Company
with J. E. McFarland as trustee.  Three members of the University
staff were appointed to act as a loan committee: Mr. D. H. Peak,
Dean C. R. Melcher, Professor E. L. Gillis.    The Committee has
made loans to seventy persons'-in the sum of $14,753.50.    The fund
has proved its usefulness, but in the long period between June and
October first, it will undoubtedly be called upon to the extent
of the entire amount.

     The University has been proud of its summer session.     Last
year 2600 students were registered in the two terms.     In past
years the state has appropriated $10,000.00 for each session and
the balance of the expenditures was made up by fees collected from
the students. This year the summer session has to fall back on
the fee basis.  It lessens the effectiveness of the school and
raises the question of salaries.  It is the intention to balance
the budget regardless of the number of students attending and the
fees received.


     In dealing with the problems of next year, some of the dif-
ficulties have been pointed out. It is impossible to balance
the budget without an increase in funds.  In consequence, $15.00
per session has been added to the tuition charge. It is also
thought the attendance will fall off, and I have estimated the
enrollment at 25O0. Many think, however, that numbers of
those who have gone to college outside the state will attend their
own University next year. No one can say at the present time just
what the outcome will be.

     The legislature of 1932 abolished the Geological Survey and
passed an act establishing the Bureau of Mineral and Topographic
Survey and transferring it. to the University. The survey was
left without income and at the present time there are a number of
obligations owing by it. The legislature provided for moving ex-
penses out of the general fund of the State. Something should be
done in adjusting the obligations of the old survey. The new '
director, Dr. Authur C. McFarlan, is called upon from time to time
to pay these bills.i\ He has no funds to do so and possibly no au-
thority to pay them. When the geological material is rearranged
and set up in the old chapel of the Administration building a
quite effective geological museum will be the outcome.

     Professor Funkhouser and Webb have taken their anthropolog-
ical and archaeological material and set it up in the old library
building. The mining department also has a considerable collec-
tion of materials and the time is coming when provision will have
to be made for the supervision of these collections if they are
properly cared for and displayed.

     In reading over the reports of the various departments of
the University, I am much pleased to see what they are doing and
the progress they are making under difficult conditions. The
amount of work done in the laboratories, seminar rooms and libra-
ries grows each year and is very creditable to the University.
The growth of the University has been rapid in recent years and
the institution has gained the respect of people both in and out-
side the state. It has been rapidly reached an important place
in the field of instruction, scholarships and research.   This
growth will be interrupted in considerable measure by the present
prevailing condition. It is hoped that the progress of the Uni-
versity may not be interrupted for any great length of time.

     4. a. Report of the Business Agent. The financial report
for April, 1932, was received and ordered incorporated in the
minutes.  The report for May, 1932, had not been completed in
time for this meeting.



                 EXHIBIT " B"

Statement of income and Expenditures
       month of April 1932


General Fund Income
Federal Appropriation   42,750.00
Vocational Ed. Board     5,879.62
  State Tax              776,159.11
  Int.on Liberty Loan Bonds  850.00
  Int.on Endowment Bonds   9,644.50
  Student Fees           148,057.84
  Student Fees - Sum. Sch. 46,861.90
  Student Fees - Un. H. S. 10, 210. 00
  Student Fees - E1.Tr.Sch.13,036.05
  Student Fees - Un. Ext. 25,145.62
  Miscellaneous Receipts   20,575.35
  Special Agr. Appro.      2,253.26
  Rentals                   2, 36.90
  Men's Dormitories       17,615.49
              Tot a],   1120,875.62



to date

             5, 79.62
5,032.51    791,191.62
  850,00      1,700.00
2,329.g2    150,397.66
             46, 61.90
  300.00     10,510.00
1,158.30     14,194.35
2,519.90     27,665.52
1,950.55     22,425.gg
   85-00     2,921.90
16l7443o   11

  Adm. Exp. & Maint,
  Add. & Betterment

646, 641.75
107, 547.62
1, 041, 209. 6

75 372, 46
1,928. 95
   381. 16
- 8, bS2.5

1,7Z928. 7
129 '89 2. lg

Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures              7_    01

Patterson Hall Income
  Misc. Receints
  Room Rent - Summer Sch.
                 Total _

  Add. & Betterments
                Total _
  Excess of Income over

50,430k 53
4, 777. 75
-o5,421. 1

40, 542. 00
8.844. 25
49, 387.13-

(62,937.99)    16,728.02

11,389.75     61,820.28
ll1,389.75,   66-810.23

  6,269.88     46, 12.76
                8 844z25
  6 -29g -     46; 146 78

_, 5, 119.8  __  11, 153. 92
   Z...    .  

: . : ,




General Fund Income
General Fund Expend.

i, 176,296. go

Excess of General Fund
  Income over Expend.
  Excess of Receipts over
  Expend. for General
  Ledger accounts
  59311 93z accounts Payable
  Excess of receipts over
  Expenditures fro the f is-
  cal year to date - General
  fund       -    -     -   l
  Excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for the
  fiscal year to date -
  General Fund
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1931 -
  General Fund
  Cash in Bank April 30, 1932
  General Fund
Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
           Total Receicts

  Student Notes



36,354. 20

42,*054. 26

, 7o6. 43
5.912. 69-

5,s495;. 57
5,4 L95) 5-7

f17. 12

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for the
fiscal year to date -
Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1,1931 -
Trust Fund
Cash in Bank April 30, 1932 -
Trust Fund

Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.     11,250.00
  Milk and Butter - Cash Rec. 9,200.00
  Beef Cattle Sales           l1O76.35
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales                   424.93
  Swine Sales                   760,76
  Poultry Sales               2,330.67
  Farm Produce Sales          1,719.45

94,952. 45


33,803. 17

1,213,4 W1.13
1g5,185 9.19


  52, 677.45
  33,803 17

(27,691.70)  114,362.56


                 66, 5o4. oo

      61. go    2, 36$. 06
    389.47      4Q095. 0
    551.27      6,463.96

      42.25        509.$2
-_ 55.L o _      5   $7.O00
     592. 25    6. 087.$2

     (40.o0)       376. 14

. 417. 64



 2 ,496. ?7

1, Z93 d's



Horticultural Sales
See& Test
Fertilizer Fees
Public Service - St.

1, 199.75
2,980. 37
lS, 664.00

Appro.                 7,333.32
Public Service - misc.     39.60
Feeding Stuffs - Fees  24,2454.91
Adams - Fed. Appro.    11,250.00
Serum - Sales           2,366.95
Serum - Virus Sales       111.45
Serum - Supply Sales      144. 5o
Serum - Milk Receipts      53.241
State Appropriation    18,013.40
Creamery - License Fees 5, 604.50
Creamery - Testers' Lic.1,858.00
Creamery - Glassware
Tested                   247 73
Robinson - State Appro. 6,731.244
Robinson - Misc. Rec.     500.09
W. Ky. - State Appro.   7,158.14
W. Ky. - Misc. Rec.       459.0O
Purnell - Fed Appro.   45,000.00
St. Appro. - Patterson
Farm Purchase         25,000,00
Nursery Inspection -    1
Fees                   1,545e00
Nursery Inspection -
State Appro.           1,035.86
Poultry Improvement     1,630.00
Cream Grading           6,450.00
Blood Test              1,2: 2Sz
         Total        221,424.20

  Expense                291, 112.11
  Add. & Betterments       2 644.25
            Total        293 7C6. b
  Excess of Expenditures  
  over Income           (72,332.16)
  1930-1931 account s pay-
  able liquidated during
  Current Year         g      1177)
  Excess of Expend. over
  Receipts              (88,&43.P3)



3,7 0 0O

  8933. 97



 1, 23g.06
74,330. 23

     13. 036
--f -2 3Z6. 38


48.093. s

Excess of Expenditure8
over Receipts for the
fiscal year to date -
Experiment Station
Cash in Bank July 1, 1931 -
Experiment Stat ion
Cash in Bank April 30, 1932
Experiment Stdlon


15, 000.00
   156. 10
   54. 11

15, 665.41


1, 724o. 00
  1,730. 00
  1,37925 2



(16.511. 37)

(40.749. 69)

4o,749. 68)
6 0,174.92


Extension Division Income
Federal Smith-Lever
Federal Add. Co-op.
Federal Supplementary
Federal Capper-Ketcham
State Smith-Lever
State Capper-Ketcham
Urban Garden Fund
County and Other

  36, o01.18

__ 316,406. 20



3 1,901.1g

Expense                  324,550.7(
Excess of Income over
  Expenditures              (8,144.
  Excess of Income over Ex-
  penditures for the f is-
  cal year to date - Ex
  tension Division
  Cash in Bank Julyl, 1931 -
  Extension Division
  Cash in Bank April 30, 1932
  Extension Division
General Fund Income   1,176,296.80
Trust Fund Income          2,206.26
Experiment Station- Inc.  221,424.20
Extension Division Inc.  316,406.20
            Total       1,716,333.46
 General Fund Expend.   l0O90; 59 674
 Trust Fund Expend.           467.57
 Experiment Station Exp. 293,756.36
 Extension Div. Expend.   3240550.76
            Total       1,709.371.43

6 36,138.97

S) 11,789.45






 37,134. 33 1,213,431.13.
    161.8o,    2,368.06
 714,330. ?  295, 754. 4
 47,5928:45  364 .3 4.6r5
159,554.81 -1.-97- ;, 8~. 2 7
94,052.E5 1,185,549.19
     42.25       509.82
 26,236.38  319,992.74
 36.138O97   *6086:9.73
 -157.,370-015 .6744

Excess of Income over
Expenditures              6,962.03
193G-1931 accounts payable
liquidated during Current
Year                    (16,511.37)
1931-1932 accounts Pay-
Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for General
Ledger accounts          56,354.20
Student Loan Fund - Notes (1,321.57)
Excess of Receipts over
Expend. for the fiscal
year to date - Combined
Fund                    _45,1483.2
Excess of Receipts over
Expenditures for the
fiscal year to date -
Combined Fund



(3 676 7f5

32,150.  ) 6




1,482. 10)



, _

= . * . . . . .

_. . _

  : , ,



Cash in Bank and on hand
July 1, 1931 - Combined
Cash in Bank and on hand
April 30, 1932 - Combined

Abstract of item as shown on Statement
of Income and Expenditures as "Excess
of Receipts over Expenditures for Gen-
eral Ledger accounts $52,677.45."


Accounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance


3, 692. 27

Sundry Accounts





( 37,36o. 18)



     b. Sales of State Warrants Approved, Statement of State
Warrents sold since meeting of May 29, by Committee, R. C. Stoll,
Frank L. McVey mnd D. H. Peak, was f iled and the sales were ap-
proved. Copy of this statement follows:

     State Warrants sold since last meeting of the Executive



E 3380
E 1980
E 2651
E 1360

E 5155
E 1978
E 642


$3442. 46

41 9214
4119. lo




88 per cent

$3089 e60



$3170. 40
2902 54




4930,73         7
(Paid on Securi-
ty Trust Co.

90 per cent

     c. State Warrants.  After a discussion of the probable out-
come of the suit relative to validity of act authorizing the issu-
ing of bonds to take up outstanding State 'warrants -pending in the
Court of Appeals, the question of sale of state warrants was re-
ferred to the Executive Committee with full power to act, and
the Committee heretofore appointed to act on sale of state war-
rants was continued.

     The Business Agent reported the following state warrants on

Experiment Station
Extension Division
College Divisiom

   1 6 9506.67
5 1   T5- -6  -

Latest offer for warrants - 86 per cent.

E 636

E 5156






     d. Security Trust Company Notes. Since the last meeting
of the Executive Committee the proceeds of sale of warrants lodged
as security for $90,000.00 notes at Security Trust Company, viz.;
$4515.73, was anplied as a payment on the notes, leaving a balance
due thereon of $85,494.27. It was ordered that the balance be
renewed for 30 days from May 29,1932, and that in addition to pay-
ments of sale of warrants that further payment be made on the notes
sufficient to reduce them to 75 per cent of College Fund warrants
lodged as security, the payment to be made as soon as funds are

     e. Estimate of Income and Expenditures. The Business Agent
made the following estimate of income and expenditures for June,


Balance, May 31st
State Treasurer (May Collections)
Vocational Education Board
Training School

14,704. o8

Weekly pay rolls
Utility bills
Dormitory payment
Patterson Hall
University Extension
Vocational Education
Accounts Outstanding



38, 4oo. 00


     The above statement is made without
on notes at Security Trust Company.

                         Due on Salaries

Balance March salaries
Balance April salaries
May salaries
June salaries


estimate of any payment

_68 ,3z5e0o4




     The prospect of paying any part of May salaries at this time
depends on the action of the Board of Trustees.

     If the May payroll is paid on plan of flat sum not to ex-
ceed $100.00 to each person, the amount necessary will be approx-
imately $35,445.37.

     If the May pay roll is paid on plan of payment in full to all
who get less than $100.00 per month, the amount necessary will be
approximately $10,500.00.

     From a statement made by State Tax Commission there is pros-
pect of larger collections of inheritance tax in June than in May
but the uncertainty of such collections made impossible any ar-
rangement for payment of May salaries other than from actual cash
on hand. The question of further payments was referred to the
Executive Committee.

     f. Plan of Handling Receipts and Expenditures. The Business
Agent made a report on plan of handling receipts and expenditures
under change of new laws affecting the University.  This was referred
to the Executive Committee for consideration.

     g. Expense of Transferring Geological Survey Property. A
statement of expense of transferring properties of the Kentucky
Geological Survey from Frankfort to the University was approved
and the Business Agent was directed to submit a copy to the auditor
of Public Accounts for payment of the amount set out therein as
provided for in act of last General Assembly. Statement follows:

     Expenditures in connection with transferring properties of
Kentucky Geological Survey from Frankfort, Kentucky, to Lexington,

     Labor                     $268.20

     Travil Expense              25.60 (Copies attached)

     Payment to Department of
       Buildings and Grounds    14I.91 (Copy of bill attached)

     Payment to Union Transfer
       and Storage Company      300.00 (Copy of bill attached)

Total        742.71



     5. Budget Presented and Approved. President McVey presented
the Budget for the year 1932-1933 which was estimated by the mem-
bers of the Board, and on motion duly seconded it was approved
and ordered to be set up as estimate of receipts and basis of ex-
penditures for fiscal year 1932-1933.

     6. Granting Degrees. The following list of candidates for
degrees, recommended by the University Senate, was presented,
and. on motion, duly seconded, the degrees recommended were au-
thorized to be conferred:


        Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Thomas Clifford Amyx
William King Anderson
Kenneth Rigdon Andrews
Rosalind Marie Angelucci
Kathryn Aufenkamp
Donald Roland Auten
Harmon Bach
Anna Louise Barton
Robert Tevis Baughman
Robert Douglas Baxter
Georgia Lee Bird
James Joseph Boucher
Everett Augustus Bowden
Donald Dwight Braden
Custer James Brashear
Mary Virgellen Bryant
Joseph Ca.den Burk
Mary Cecilia Burk
Ramona Mae Iliff Cavana
Vernon Mifflin Chandler
James William Collier
Justine Ann Cook
Agnes Barbour Cooper
Betty VanBuren Crawford
Adrain Anthony Daugherty
Myra Eugene Dickerson
Dorothy Mae Downing
William Howard Dunn
Ellis Guy Dunning
Oma Alden Durham
Alice May Durling
William Wesley Dve
Elizabeth Shelby Eaton
Elmo Bernard Firenze

hary Elizabeth Fisher
Daniel Eison Fowler
Ellen Lois Frazar
William Durham Frazer
Rose Joan Fudold
Juliet Lee Galloway
Jean Allen Gibbs
Daniel William Goodman
Dorothy Gray Gorlim
Marie Isohel Gridelli
Susan Faines Grover
John Felix Hall
Lloyd Ellis Hamilton
Martha Ann Hall

John Daniel Hasler
Nell Winn Hinton
Elizabeth Tutt Hoernel
Andrew Graham Hoover
Alice Jane Howes
Mary Margaret Howes
William Fields Hubble, Jr.
Margaret Bell Humphreys
Virginia Hunter
Mary Eleanor Isgrig
Mary Christine Johnson
Virginia Kreugh Johnson
Percy Hampton Johnston, Jr.
William Chester Jolly
Dorothy Leila Jones
Roger Horace Karrick
George William Kay
John Simms Kelly-
Jesse Alonzo Lawson
Nancy Clarirre Layson:



James Leith
Clarice Deverra LeVin
Nancy Duke Lewis
Frances Elizabeth lMcCandless
Elbert Otto McDonald
Margaret Wilson. McLeod
Charles Hugh Maguire
Euphemia Nell Mahan
Violet Sophia Meisen
Esther Geraldine Mobley
Henry Edward Montgomery
Lillian Xathleen Morgan
aelen Suzanne Moyer
Elizabeth Napier
Mary Moore Nash
Jules Louis Nathanson
Edgar Norman Neff
Virginia Halley Nevins
Annette Newlin
Jerrold Duke O'Bryant
Kern Pell Patterson
Bannie Lee Perkins
Guinevere Arlene Pitzei-
Mary Elizabeth Poole
Lucille Helen Preston
William Owen Preston
Elizabeth Margaret Ragland
Vivian Mae Rawlins
Carolyn Ray
Emma Henrietta Redding
Sidney Loubell Redinon

Edythe Louise Reynolds
Robert Wesley Reynolds
William Price Richardson,
Sara Ellen Rife
Jack Keen Robe
Delroy Mor.aon ioot  Jr.
Dorothy Elizabeth ?oot


Wary Alice Salyers
Nancy Ann Sample
Effie Sandusky
Sidney Trenholm Schell, Jr.
Marian Elizabeth Schuler
Robert Joseph Seebold
William Albert Shafer
Mary Esther Sheridan
Sophia Neale Slater
Eleanor Marshall Smith
Katherine Louise Smith
Edna Ray Sousley
Jo Frances Steely
Charles Francis Stone, III
Ernest Cole Strode
Theodosia Elinor Tebbs
Louise Roberta Thompson
Mary Allison Threlkeld
Elon Bramble Tucker
William Lee Tyler, Jr.
Carol Elizabeth Unruh
Elizabeth Goode Van Arsdall
Rebecca Cunningham VanMeter
Luther Matthew Vaughn
Nancy Alice Waddle
Benjamin Hubert Warren
Elizabeth Ann Weathers
Richard Malcolm Weaver
Josephine Fleming Weill
Alice Jeanette Wheeler
Roberta Virginia Whitehead
Henry Joseph Wiemann
Robert Allen Wise
Mary Lou Yelton
George Willis Yost
Virginia Louise Young

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Sidney Howard Bert
William Alexander Bruce
Charles Joseph Budden
Thomas Henry Cutler, Jr.
Hamilton Richardson Duncan
Paul Marvin Dunn
William George Haag, Jr.
Roberta Nell Harding
Gillespie Ballou Hoernel

William Kenney, Jr.
Eugene English King
Kasper Doke Little
Joseph Henry Mills
William Stanley Morgan
Freida Rebecca Robinson
Kermitt C. Thompson
John Andrew Venn
Virginia Jessie Wallace



Canidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
             Industrial Chemistry

Nelson Edward Boyd
Cornelius Kennedy Cail
John Philip Clements
Bruce Straub Farquhar

Thomas Moore
Henry Philip Orem
George Roberts, Jr.
Harold Edwin Ross

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                      Musi c

Loretta Lockett Bitterman
Hilda Elizabeth Cooper
Foster Krake
Edward John Lewis

Alice Helena McDonald
Flossie Louise Minter
l.Iollie Mpack Offutt
Helen Champe Smith


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Cecil Edward Ayres
Edward Ellis Ball, Jr.
Frank Kinney Ball
Cecil D. Bell
John Owings Brennan
Chloron Livingston Conley
Robert Benton Davenport
William Earl Florence
Fred Caldwell Hafer
George Moreland Harris
William Edgar Heathman

Hyman Sol Levv
Sam-el Scott McClain
Samuel Tilden Offutt, Jr.
Ova Dow Perkinson
Henry Allen Quisenberry
Earl Glen Robbins
Robert Lynn Rudolph
Allen Gross Shipley
Joseph Bruce Stevens
Keith Scarborough Venable

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
               Home Economics

Virginia Rudy Carlin
Mabel Glenn Connell
Helen Willa Darnell
Roberta Elam

Caroline Clinton Grubbs
Margaret Jeanette Hillis
Laura Prewitt Mooces
Frances Imogene Taylor




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                 Civil Engineering

James Roger Butts
Frank Milton Cutler
Theodore Alphonsuis Gregg
John Ray Honey, Jr.
William DOrwin Kelley
Audley Dflbert Langford
James Keith Latham
William M. Martin

Robert Lee Moorman
Charles Leonard Newman
Edward Thompson Riley
Wilbert Francis Watkins
Charlie Alton Whitaker
John Simmons Williams
Carol Leone Yoder

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                Mechanical Engineering

Clyde Lisle Adamson               Richard Hanley I-oney
Walter Lewis Albert, Jr.          John Shirley Noonan
Adger Stewart Augustus            John Otis Pasco
Arthur Salatial Curtis            Zelmer Weaks Pigue
Harry Frederick Day               Robert Edward Porter, JA.
Nicholas Benjamin Dicken, Jr.     David Heavrin. Pritchett
Archie Hayes Duncan               Stanley Hart Robertson
Jesse Harrison Farris             Charles Edward Sanders
James William Flowers             Harry Vroman Smith
Andrew Gayle Hamon                William Ray Smith
John Clement Hearne               Manlius Rupert Stewart
William Allen Hunter              Charles Kyle Tioche
Edward Hendrich Johnson, Jr.      Robert Guy Tucker, Jr.
Amos Wickliffe Kalkhoff           Leyburne Herbert Westerfidld
Luster P. Lewis                   Mannon Walter Whitaker
Marcus Jenson McBrayer            Walter Leroy W1olff
       Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
                    Metallurgical Engineering

Edward Orville Barkley
John Sistrunk Buskie
William Butler Carrington
George Richard Gerhard

Edwin Ward Humphreys
William Leland Husk
William Robert Patterson
Osborne Kenneth Sharp

Candidates for the Degree of Bachel