
these two lines. of work.

      Upon motion made and unanimously carried, permission is given

to pay out of the Budget allowance of the College of Agriculture

a surm not to exceed $319.60 on the expense of publishing the Agri-

cultural Bulletin known as"The Rural Kentuckian" which will be

issued during the school year of 1916-1917.  If at the end of the year,

the Journal is not self supporting, further aid will be withdrawn or

be modifyied in such a way as to meet the exigencies of the situation.

     Upon motion made and carried, Miss. Auby Chinn who has been

instructor in Cookery in the Department of Home Economics has been-

given leave of absence for one year and for the time is transferred

to the Agriculture Extension service, and during the year she will

draw no salary from the University but devote her whole time to the

Extension work.  During her absence, Mriss. Johnnie Cramer will be em-

ployed at a salary of $25.00 per month for ten months, which employ-

ment also was approved.

     Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Dean of the College

of Argiculture was given permission to rearrange the work now being

done by Dr. Pinnell and was given authority to straighten out the

work to the best of his ability and if necessary to assign Dr. D. J.

Healy a certain portion of the work in the instruction of the College

of Agriculture.

     Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Denn of the College

of Agriculture is given permission to arrange the work in Home Econ-

omics so as to enable Miss. Sweeney during the coming year to devote

three fourths of her time to the work of instruction and demonstration

in the affairs of the Department of Home Economics and approximately
one fourth of her time to the work of Extension in Home Economics.