
President Barker presented a communication from Prof. J. J,

Hooper in regard to preparing a horse exhibit at the Univer-

sity during Commencement week of next year.  Upon motion made

and carried, President Barker was directed to look into the

matter and make a recommendation at the next meeting of this


     Upon motion made, seconded and carried upon yea and nea

vote, the Appropriation of $2000.00 was made to the department

of Physical Education and $1500.00 for the Y. If. C. A. work

which are the sums paid for this work previous to the year

now closing.

     Mr. Stoll voted No on the second appropriation and ex-

plained his vote in the following language:-

          "I am compelled to vote No for the following
    reason: I eelitve that the employment of a proper,

    Capable and competent Secretary of the University

    Y. M. C. A. would be of great benefit to the Univer-

    sity and I would gladly vote for this resolution

    were it not for the fact that I do not believe that

    the funds of this University, derived as they are

    from State and Federal taxes can under the law be

    used for religious instruction.."

    Upon motion made and carried, the following was adopted:

    The Executive Committee hekeby interprets the resolution

of December 23, 1913, to mean that the Director of the Exper-

iment Station has full charge of the University grounds, ex-

clusive of buildings, under the condition set out in said


    A letter addresses to President Barker in regard to the