handling of the $19,000 appropriationr by the Kentucky Legis-

lature-, under the new Agricultural Bill was ordered to be

recorded, which is as follows:-

     Judge Henry S. Barker,
                Lexington, Ky.

     Dear Sir:-

               A few days ago you and Judge Lafferty were
     in my office and we discussed the provisions of Chapter
     20 of the Acts of 1916, which act relates to agricultural
     extension work. The provisions of Section 5 of this act
     arprorriates to the University of Kentucky for the fiscal
     year ending June 30, 1916, and for each succeeding year
     the sum of $l1,O00. This money was appropriated "for
     the nuroose of agricultural extension-, and for the use of
     the College in teaching agriculture." This section allows
     the University to receive this appropriation but of course
     it must be expended for the purposes specifically mentioned..

               While it is not written in the act that only
     $5,000 of this appropriation shall be used for the teaching
     of agriculture, nevertheless, by private understanding on
     the part of those who were interested in this work, no
     greater sum than $5,000 may be expended for teaching Agri-
     culture in the College.  The sum appropriated may be drawn
     by the University and may be used by the University in any
     way that is required in order to.comnply with the terms upon
     which the University may receive money.

               All money held by the University for extension
    work, whether received from the state or nation of from
    counties, is under the supervision of the Agricultural
    Extension Committee,

                         Yours truly,

                                 Signed-H1. 11. Logan

                                        Attorney General.
     The Secretary of the Board of this Committee:'is directed

to ask Attorney General 6f this State for an opinion as to what

members of the Board of Agriculture of the State a~re members

of the Board of Trustees of this University,

      Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered that

a special meeting for the election of Business Agent and such