Paying lnvestment. Students by calling at I ·  
Star Cllothmo House I
You can buy fine Clothing and Gents’ Wear at l0 Q
per cent discount. 34 E. Main St.  
  Greeble & Lang. ee I .  
·—“*““?—·-·——"· I
Unce we get m the wedge  
The tasd is easy. If you will give us a chance we will  
CO1'lVlI'1C€ YOU that WG 02111 Dl83.S€ yOU.. WG C3.I`I'y 3. COII1- 2
plete line. Prescriptions a specialty.  
Main and Broadway. Phone 459.  
S Goo pe1·’s Drug Store.  
with C11 1*2t O 11'1g 01*6 I
MC I ICI dr St  
Manufacturers and Dealers in  
Mears Wear.  
30 E. Main St., opp. Courthouse. L. KAHN, Manager.  
me Leamno  
Phetuzrapher- ·
5 West Main Street. i
Send your Linen to .... it
For First·class Work. A
Represented by A. S. Dabney, Room 17, Old Dormitory.
· I