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  Q      __   - Full Diploma Business Course,
¥   _ L_ {   Embraces Bookkeeping(Single and Double
V i ri ` .   entry), Commercial Arithmetic, Commer·  _\_
  _ 2 { cial Law, Penmanship, Correspondence, ·‘ v_‘‘, `
Y?      ‘   Spelling, Banking and Business Practice.  
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    ~   Commercial Course, *\-T
 I V   ‘ jj Embraces Bookkeeping, Commercial Ar- 
  ‘ - · ?’ ithmetic, Commercial Law, Penmanship ·
4   j and Spelling. O
'lnl { Shorthand Course,
l` E Embraces instruction in Shorthand (Gregg
‘ Pernin or Pitman systemn) Touch Type
___, · . . writing; Business Penmanship, Ortho- 0
_ _ graphy, Punctuation, and Business Corre-
. spondence.
` ' ~ L English Course, QS
  · I ~ Q Comprises instruction in English Gram- `
· ` ` i mar, Rhetoric, English Literature, Civil(“
. ;, .~ L GOVBFHmGHU,ATlUhm6ElC,Alg€b1‘&,&HdCOm-
_ ’ mercial Geography.
Z - , A  Special Classes
‘ ‘ ° ’ In Latin, Spanish, German, French and
P · . vi Penmanship.
,_ 5 l Social Features.
Y _/· The social features of the school are of the very ·
V ' .. gr best. By the peculiar personal interest taken ing
» i ;( the students b_y the faculty, and especially by
. `_ Prof. Hart and his wife. they are made to feel
· ‘  perfectly at home, and, while they are acquiring
; ` a most tliorough and practical education, they `
» g at the same time, have the most pleasant social G
, J V, surroundings.
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