., *5 5 ··
3 DKUGHTQRS OF ;nERlCh,RnlYIOYFCOUNClL yl29 (State and National Council D; of
j L; Jr. O. U. A. M.), q/0 G. E. Gonglcton, Dcattyvillc. Foundcd 1955. Council-
» -— · » - . .
é or, mrs. lrcnc ;hdc, Bcattyvillc. Bccrctary, G. P. Conglcton. Terms cxpirc
Q Dcccmbcr, 1942.
- rf i , _ . P ` . . . . . . ,.
lj hcmborship: 92.,Cpon to whitc fcmalc, nativc born hmcrican citizcns, lo yoars
ll of ago and ovcr. Also to mcmbcrs of thc Jr. O. U. L. M.
* ’ Committccs: Mono rcportcd. V ` ` ‘ `
' 7- .' ,, . . ' " , .
i· Purposc: rromction oi patriotism, rospcct for thc nmcrican Flag and rovcrcncc
I for thc jiblc in public schools. . `
i Normal Civic Lctivitics: Aids Jr. O. U. 4. M. in proscnting flags and Biblos
. toMfHP{Tic schools. .‘ L J - ‘_ .
Y Y . . .`Q ` . . .` i . 1. . 5 , 1
I - Dcfonsc nctivitics: Intcrcstod in sowins and lrwnzration of Survical Cross- `
1 T;*"" """"""¤"'"   · "‘“;` "'-?"""""‘ . - ~· . ~ (J
3 ings, Rc; Cioss assistancc, rrcparation and carving of Food, Family Social
l ¤orvicc in lrdustrial Lrcas, Child Caro.
l M I . V _ ' ‘ -. `
y Local rublications: Nonc.
? ERIE LEU LCCEPYED ILSOUG, PROCTCR LODGE #215 (Grand Lodgc of Kchtucky F. &
L. Io}, Bcittyvillc. Foundcd 1851. Msstcr J. D. Hchillion, Bcattyvillc.
1 Sccrztary, Robert S. Smallwood, Bcattyvillc. Tclcphonc 95-J. Tcrms cxpircd
1 Dccchhcr, 19&2. . ·
  Icrbcishi ; 75. ualifications must bc a man of cpd moral charactcr and
l ____________,__,,___ ·'
i not in Atheist. . c V
l Committccs: Konc rcportcd. · in
5 Purposc: Fraternal and social.
N   Normal Civic,Lctivitics; Coopcrating with local clinics for chilorwn. Assis-
’“" E ts in all worthy civic cntcrprcsgg., . .
; I · , _ ‘
  Dcfonrc ictivitics: Engagcd in Pod Cross nssistancc, Child marc. lntcrcstci
?     » ~ or — s * · Tw , is 1·   ·· ·. ,.--:-1 ?`,·E-y—j_·y·
in imciécncy Rcpalr Scriicc, hotai corps .cr.ic,, hacio Op-ihtior .Mc nr U .,
l Putlic Sycaking, Consumcr Protection ,..`... ctiritics.
1 Lvcal Publications; Nono.
~ 1 GIRL SCOUTs, BE;TTYVlLLE PLTROL #1 (Iational Girl Scouts, Inc), q/o Virginia
Burgcss, Boattyvillc. Foundcd 19il. Loader, Virginia Burgess. nssistait Lca~
` dor, Virginia Blount, Bcattyvillc. Torn; indcfinit;.
Mcmbcrship: 16. Opcn to girls lO~l2 ycir; inclusivc. V
HF · —\ · . ,· ,—· » — ~ `" ·— .w·. ·~ ~ a=w‘
° — Committccs; Lxccutivc, Mrs. GcorLc 2. Long, hrs. Okcgm Cultch. PV H