thing climaxed by "God Bless America" and "Auld Lang Syne." The crowd ate it up. They roared. As they roared I thought that after our black decade of imploring, suing, marching, rebelling, lobbying, singing, praying, and dying we had come to this: a Vice Presidential Dixie with the President as his straight man
Roger Wilkins, former Assistant Attorney General who is now with the Ford Foundation, wrote the above for the Washington Post.
Reagan's ready
YOSEMITE, CALIF. (LNS)-Ronald Reagan has called for a "bloodbath" to silence student revolutionaries. He made the remark here April 8 during a campaign speech before the Council of California Growers. In answering questions from the floor Reagan said he doesn't think campus militants are interested in solving problems and called them 'part and parcel of revolution.' He added, "If it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with. No more appeasement."
"BLOODBATH" wouldn't look too good in the California headlines. Later Reagan's press Secretary told reporters, "He wasn't even aware he said it."
Faculty liberalism
"Ten degrees to the left of center in good times. Ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them, personally."
Phil Ochs, on liberals.
WASHINGTON (CPS)-Most faculty members are liberals on off campus issues, but conservatives on matters that relate to their own positions, according to a study of 60,000 faculty members conducted by the Carnegie Commission on High Education.
The study, as reported by the Chronicle of Higher Education, shows that while a majority of the faculty members favor either immediate withdrawal or a coalition government in Vietnam, they take a very hard line when it comes to student demonstrations.
Not only do they disapprove of disrupters, with 76.1% agreeing strongly or with reservations that "students who disrupt the functioning of a college campus
should be expelled or suspended," but a near majority (46.8%) agree strongly or with reservations that "most campus demonstrations are created by far left groups trying to cause trouble." Ronald Reagan couldn't have said it better.
The study is currently being analyzed by Professors Seymour Lipset, Martin Trow, and Everett Ladd.
The American professoriate, said Ladd, "looks much more liberal than the general population or than other professional groups on national and international considerations. But when you shift to questions of campus demonstrations on educational change, where they are directly involved, you find a very marked shift in orientation.
'There is a striking and clear shift toward a more conservative attitude where the faculty's self interest is involved," he said.
82% of those responding to the survey were male, and 94.4% were white. 1.4% were black, and 1.7% were orientals.
By rank, full professors comprised 26.9% of the total; associate professors 22.1%; assistant professors; 28.8%; and instructors 13.8%.
- Results show that most faculty members are unsympathetic to changes in the university which have been proposed in recent years.
By discipline, faculty members in humanities and social sciences appear to be more liberal than those in the sciences.
Over 30% of professors in sociology anthropology, social work, and English support immediate Vietnam withdrawal, while less than 10% of the professors in Business, Home Economics, Physical Education, and Agriculture think we should pull out now.
Professors in the humanities and social sciences are also more likely to approve of "the emergence of radical student activism in recent years."
Some other results:
Over 44% of the faculty agree that "undergraduates known to use marijuana regularly should be suspended or dismissed."
The majority disagreed either strongly (48.3 per cent) or with reservations (29.3 per cent) that "undergraduate education would be improved if all courses were elective.-"' ' ' ^jr*t{
The majority disagreed either strongly (36 per cent) or with reservations (30.1 per cent) that "undergraduate education would be improved if grades were abolished."
On the other hand, the majority agreed either strongly (23.S per cent) that "undergraduate education would be improved if course work were more relevant to contemporary life and problems."
Nearly half the faculty members a-greed that "most American colleges reward conformity and crush student creativity."
More than 70 per cent of the faculty members said they considered themselves intellectuals.
The majority disagreed that "most American colleges and universities are racist whether they mean it or not."
Less than half agreed that "more minority group undergraduates should be admitted here even if it means relaxing normal academic standards of admissions."
Almost three-quarters disagreed that "the normal academic requirements should be relaxed in appointing members of minority groups to the faculty here."
Almost 60 per cent disagreed that "the concentration of federal and foundation research grants in the big institutions is corrupting to the institutions and the men that get them."
Criminal minds in children
NEW YORK (LNS)-If you wanted to roll Easter eggs on the White House lawn this year you had to be under eight years old. The age limit used to be twelve, but those eight-to-twelvers... they can be pretty tough troublemakers, the White House staff recently decided.
Two weeks after the egg-roll edict, President Nixon's former personal physician discovered evil lurking in the minds of six-to-eight year olds too.
Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, in a report to the National Commission of the Causes and Cure of Crime, urges the nation to find a "direct, immediate and effective way of tackling the problem by focussing on the criminal mind of the child."
The doctor recommends to the President that massive psychological testing be carried out on every child between the ages of .six to eight to "expose delinquent character structure." Children who are' -not into easter-egg rolling but instead are * possessed of "violent and homicidal tendencies" would be subject to "special treatment." Then, if the child-menaces are not satisfactorily turned into mush -heads, they will be channelled into camps where "group activities" will be conducted by government psychiatrists.
Dr. Hutschnecker himself has been accused of holding undue sway over the nation's First Patient. Similar accusations were made against Adolf Hitler's personal physician.
Although Dr. Hutschnecker's proposal does not say so, the kindergarten con centration-camp idea is obviously closely linked with a recent report from the capital claiming that the federal government plans to intensify its surveillance of left-wing groups and individuals.
It once was that the benevolent elite that runs America gave its errant children a second chance, and sought to woo radicals back into Society. But the Nixonites have decided that such efforts are futile, if that "criminal mind" is already forming back at Age Six. As one Wixoif aide put it, reforming the criminal like "turning off the radio in the middle of a ball game to try to change the score."
President Nixon takes the matter of infantile criminality as seriously as the matter of radical criminality"are not the two intertwined?"and sent Dr. Hutschnecker's memorandum along to Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Finch with a suggestion that several pilot programs be set up.
Not everyone has responded with warm smiles to the project. Dr. Edmond H. Valkart, chief executive of the American Sociological Association, commented, "These tests can't distinguish. If Mich-aelangelo had been tested at age six, they'd probably have killed nun."
James Wechsler, liberal columnist for the New York Post, mulling over the Hutschnecker Plan, came up with a scenario for President Nixon's official announcement when the Plan goes nationwide:
"I know that what I am about to
propose will not be popular with some of our children from the ages of 6 through 8. But I must take that risk for the nation's protection, and I am sure that the great majority of those in the age group affected will feel a greater sense of security once they have passed the test. And the minority who fail"and I am sure it will be a small minority"will one day realize that what we have done was best for them as well as for the country
"I know some demagogues will accuse me of prejudice against this particular age group. Nothing could be further from the truth. Some of my closest friends are under 9, and I trust they will remain my friends regardless of whether they are pronounced normal when their minds are examined. But let me make one thing perfectly clear: whatever .opposition I may face among 6- and 7- and even 8-year olds, I will not be intimidated. And I repeat this assurance: no healthy-minded, clean-living, average boy"or girl"has anything to fear from this program .."
Happy Trails
This here's the last issue of the fly you'll be seeing until late August/early September. Because of financial deficiencies (on the part of both blue-tail fly, inc. and staff members), we have to break until then, when we hope to get it on to a more solid footing. Which means conquering two basic problems: distribution and advertising. We need more of both. Hopefully, we will have a couple of people working for the fly full time beginning in the fall. That will be a new wrinkle and it should help us solve the two problems mentioned above and also get us onto a steady publication schedule. If all goes well we should be able to continue on a monthly basis. If all goes extremely well, perhaps we'll be able to make it twice-monthly.
Note: If you will be changing your address between now and the end of the summer, be sure to send us a change-of--address card (which is preferable to a letter"unless you want to talk a bit, in that case, send a letter). For the time being, our address is still 210 W. Third/Lexington 40507 Should that change over the summer, we'll have the post office channel our mail to the proper place. ââ€"  'i&'ff
In retrospect: This is the seventh issue of the fly. When we put the first issue together last October, we weren't exactly thinking about getting to this point; we were trying to figure out how to get out the November issue. As the Big Coach might put it, "We take 'em as they come." At times it was quite a hassle keeping things at least near the surface. And there were some other problems, most of them coming in the last month. Our printer (The Georgetown News in Georgetown, Ky.), who had given us trouble on several previous occasions, refused to print out last edition. He had previously told us he would"would--print a "dirty" paper. "I'll print all the dirty words and pictures you want," said he. "BUT I WON'T PRINT FILTH'." Which, when translated, means politics. The wrong kind of politics"from his standpoint, anyway Going by those definitions, says we, "filth" is what we want to print. And so it came to pass that our five-month relationship with the Georgetown News was terminated Then, we had to struggle to find another printer. We got so desperate that we even tried to get the fly printed in an All-American city (Danville, Ky.). The man there wanted to know if there was any ob-SCENE-ity in this here paper. Not by our standards or the standards of any court, we replied What's that word right there? asks he. Fuck, says we. Can't help you, concludes he. Finally we found a printer in mid--Indiana (we've tried in vain in both Louisville and Cincinnati) and while it's an 11-hour round trip between there and here, the people are friendly and the printing quality is very good. Then there was the problem of the theft of our rack of papers in the UK Student Center. They took the rack and all. Worth about $50 papers included. ROTC boys, according to the grape vine. But, all things considering (such as the harrassment visited upon our borthers and sisters at Houston's Space City), things ain't so bad. After all, here we are"and there you are. Jimmy crack corn.
And to quote from our favorite tune: "Happy Trails"to you, un-til"we meet" again..."
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