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  Presidential Message
  The University of Kentucky is a growing, future—minded
and institution of which all alumni can be justly proud.
" Of _ Vi/ith important programs in every iield—teaching, research
 *4* and servicc—the University more than ever needs the active sup- V
mw port of its alumni body. i
~(,,.l,S Many may have already responded to solicitation by fellow
rliur p graduates in their areas with contributions to the Alumni Fund.
l`*`f>¤¤ ` Others perhaps have intended to give but, for one reason or
$"t"T   another, have not done so.
  { Our goal this year is to double the membership of our Alumni
A to .» Association——a membership composed of those who contribute
t re- i to the Alumni Fund. This is a good goal, a high goal, a chal-
Dir . lenging goal—worthy of our alumni. And it can be achieved if
N_‘(l;_j ` all of us do a little more in support of our Alma Mater.
· my   It thus is important that you—now receiving The Kentucky
gm. A  Alumnus because of past contributions—continue your support.
{est- r And, with equal emphasis, let me urge you to encourage non-
ll"“ active alumni to join your ranks in pressing forward toward a
mm] K future of excellence for the University that provided the educa-
HN ; tion which has enabled us to gain whatever successes we may
(ima ·  have had in our post-graduate careers.
and. i
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Os- . E.   NUTTER,
qolin  lg President
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*i`\_(f;Q 5 ’_. How TO ow};
Wi   Your personal check may be drawn to "UK Alumni
  A  Fund" in any amount urged by your conscience within the
Nui   limits of your pocketbook.
  These tax-deductible contributions should be mailed to:
RIP- Q; Helen C. King Alumni House
WN 5 University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky -10506
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