’   • Increase funding seven percent ¥rr‘f*"mr`mé;*jr*“r
PIEG fOr HIghEI` EdUCCI'I'IOI1 during each year of the next bienni—   BUSINESSES REVISII'Ed
 'o*4` " um in order to bring Kentucky higher eee ··—~-e-e———~--f-~ee--A e — —»- eere-
V Your college degree from UK is framed education to the average funding level l Walll lo eollllllelld You oll llle lasl
? and hanging on your wall. So why in neighboring states. issue of the Kellllleky Alll’””ll·’· Parueu“
  should you care about future funding • Increase funding beyond the aver- lar lY rlle article oll small buslllesses lll
  for Kentucky higher education? age during the second biennium, and KellluekY· Ir is lllee· oeeaslollallY» l0
  Because our state’s economic commit long-term to making Ken- read somerlllllg Poslrlve aboul
  future, its quality of life, and maybe tuckyareal leader in higher ed. Kellruekles eeorlolllle elevelolmlelll
; even your own livelihood are at stake. • Maintain competitive tuition poli- _ and rrle PeoPle Wllllllg lo rake ellallees
_l The trends are ominous. Consider: cies and bolster financial aid to l oll the rurure orour srare·
\/Vhile enrollment has increased by 40 ensure access to higher education for l l also Wallr You ro know llow muh
percent at Kentucky’s public colleges all Kentuckians. r l have €¤i<>y€d Your serles oll WWll»
, and universities over the last decade, How can you make a difference? erlllal Passageer All of the arrleles were
{ higher education’s share of state Lots of ways, but mainly by speaking loreresrlllgr but the lelrers of memo'
l funds has actually declined. out for higher ed: Write the candi— rles or llearlllg the laews rrlar rlle War
r Students are attending Kentucky’s dates, write letters to the editor of Wasover were esPeelallY thought Pro'
  colleges at record levels. But in recent your newspaper, attend gubernatorial Vokmg allrl led ro rl lot of eollversarlorl
l years, when times have gotten tough forums and ask the candidates to and r€m}¤1S¤¤sW·th my ehlldrell and
Q and state government has needed to make higher ed a real priority, invite grandehlldrelr _
r slash funding somewhere, it has higher ed speakers to your club meet- Thanks fer el elle megezme
l zeroed in on higher ed for the biggest ings, discuss the issue with neighbors _
  hit. This despite estimates that more and associates, and so forth. We need Charlene D' Pnteherd
i than 60 percent of newjobs require your help!
l post secondary education. It’s wrong- Kentucky’s ability to provide mean-
  headed policy designed to rob Peter ingful employment for its citizens L I Ed p _ I I
l in order to pay Paul. depends upon our system of higher _ mee to me me an Oeeemene ee mlm
{I And it’s exactly the wrong signal to education. The current trend of m the Kemeeky Alunlmle gives you e
  economic development prospects diminishing state support is a short- ehenee re get mreueh with U"? {0 slmreyeur
l who, unfortunately, already know Ken- sighted strategy that threatens 0j]m?0m·a"'d Zdeae We [Oak fmwmid [0
‘ tucky ranks 48th among the states in progress. hemmgjeem you
f percentage of adult population with The Advocates are currently plan- _ _
  college degrees. ning a full slate of activities designed Xgrltel _L;ttere te theKedl;g;i’ UI?
  The bottom line is that Kentucky’s to bolster support for higher ed, all H umnig eSOClet;;_n4056g_%)l19umlll
  system of higher ed needs to be treat- the way through the general election E_(I_:§§jll;;1(;;;§;1(glllkCC uk edu `
  ed more fairly. It should be a top pri- in November. Please help us convince Fax 6 6323-106% ` y` '
g ority. Since education is a continuum, the candidates that supporting higher ' ` `
l from elementary school all the way ed is the right thing to do.  
  though college and beyond, higher ed Thanks for your help! For more
  deserves more than lip service when it information, contact: The Kentucky
  comes to funding. Advocates for Higher Education, Inc.,
  The next governor is the key. P.O. Box 35, Somerset, KY42502.
S That’s why The Kentucky Advocates
for Higher Education is now meeting jim Wiseman
" with the candidates and asking them KentuckyAdv0cates
to support the following proposals: for Higher Education
i l
E Fal] 1995 KentuckyAlumnus 35