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  W? _; _ »_  qi; By Sheila H. Hume marketed worldwide.
  I  { _   Currently, Foster is consulting i
  l   V i       Imagine controlling pain as easily as with an undisclosed manufacturer i
     ”   j V_,y gg — ·  checking your wristwatch. In a timely on a second-generation wristwatch
    7;,     VQ? A g g   leap forward in the battle against device. This one, he says, will be a
    , “   ”    ig?   pain, researchers at the University of completely selfcontained unit, capa-
ie,    5  jV .     Kentucky designed one of the ble of delivering measured drug , V
  j ’¢¢~r             ``’`'  ·`    world’s smallest patient-controlled doses by use of a mechanism similar
§   ·¤` °”* if       ” `  anesthesia (PCA) devices, operated to a painless transdermal patch, ‘
i‘e·     , _   by a wristwatch mechanism. rather than an IV line. "It’s at least a L
y y y The idea was to design a simple few years away from being market-
. Yi. . . ,ir”   iitt * alternative to the more complicated, ed," Foster explains, adding that dos-
. V    ' W `   · · · “ ·
  i-,,,   .; ·t.,   g . ~·ei r   cumbersome PCA equipment which ing and day-in-and-day—out depend-
limited patient mobility," says ability" are still being addressed in
;*:`° LITfgllsgsl‘;;"‘:;";::|YTi‘;I'::":|;‘$;;is Thomas Foster, who led the UK the laboratory.
CI' G UI ,
one ohho couogors gmdumo oduconon ond pharmacy research team that devel- Other PCA research, he adds, IS V
reseorch programs. Photo by Bryon Boylor, oped the device in conjunction with looking at drug administration by .
UK M°°l""l c°"*°" Pl‘°*°9'°Pl‘Y‘ engineers at Baxter—Travenol Lab- using ultrasonic delivery (mixing up
tho magazioo as Sharing third placo in oratories, Inc. in 1986. "We wanted drug molecules at a high enough
tho aprimmy Caro SChoolS»· oatogory something totally disposable, cheap, rate to penetrate the skin) and ion-
for U S medical Schools with MiChi_ easy to use and simple to operate,” tophoresrs — transmitting drugs
goo Sooo Uoivorsio, _ is also ioolud_ Poster says. "lrVe came up with the through the skin through very mild ‘
od io tho guidobook 1dea of the wristwatch. electrical current. Though they may y
US. News og; World Rf,/jon rankings Marketed as the Travelnol In- sound futuristic, Foster predicts even y
mo Comoilod through Suwoys of doaos fusor, the device uses a special 1nfu— these devrcestare only years away 1
and other too omcialo of aooroditod sor to deliver the proper drug from commercralapplrcatron. l
gmdumo orogmmo dosage to the patient. A drug solu— A
' tion is injected into the infusor, Sheila H. Hume is a contributing ’
inflating a special balloon reservoir. writer for Odyssey, the universityls mag-
Wqtch the Mull As the balloon slowly deflates, the azrne about research. Rejmnted wzth per-
ces Amman pressure forces the solution through mzsszon. © 1995.
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·l l{errlucky .-\lurnnus Full 1995