Best Copy Available





The Kentucky Kernel


Semi-Week- ly



To Select a State Chairman to Sue
ceed Late Edward W. Hlnes




"nniPirrnuu onmrm

No. 27

Tuesday-Frida- y

Students Outline Plan For Boosting
Kentucky During Holidays






Chapel exercises will bo conducted
Renewed nctivity of the Kentucky
Tuesday by tho Suky Circle, tho boost
Memorial Building Campaign Commit
ers' club of tho University. Herndon Johnson, Chism and Fielder
Letter Men and Prospective tee is expected In the next few days
Evans will bo In charge and speeches
with recommendations from the sub Professor Sax Directing
Form Winning Wildcat
VarStars Fighting
will bo made by Dr. McVey, E. G
committee on tne nomination or a
Work on Scenes and CurSquad
sity Positions
Gregg, DJIIard Turner and Ryan
State Chairman to succeed Edward W.
tains For Annual Play
Rlngo. The purpose of tho meet
Hincs who died several weeks
lng is to give to tho students BRILLIANT REBUTTALS
is composed of Dr.
Frank L. McVey, chairman; Senator DATE MARCH 31, APRIL 1 who (are gong home for tjie
Easter holidays a message to take to Banquet of Speakers Follow
Coach Says Men Will Prac Thomas A. Combs and Charles N. Man
the prospective
During Holidays ning, all of Lexington. t
Work On Costumes and versity. This canstudents of the uni
W tice Here
bo done by visiting
One hundred and
Lighting Effects Is Rushed the high schools in your home town, "Resolved, that Congress should lim
Under cloudless skies and a sun that and dollars has been subscribed to the
and Interesting the students with af it immigration to ten per cent of
would do credit to the day In Juno $300,000 fund, of which $100,000 is from
Under the able direction of Pro fairs going on at the University. Most
annual average of each ethnic group
that Lowell spioke of, Coach Andy Lexington and Fayetto County. The
Gill is driving his baseball squad city bond issue of $75,000 and the coun- fessor Carol Sax, head of the Art schools will be in session and at the that entered the United States be
ty court's appropriation of $25,000 were Department, each day seven Strollers beginning of prospective baseball sea- tween January 1, 1907, to January 1,
along with increasing momentum.
The sauad was reduced to about underwritten by 100 citizens and just- wield "wicked." brushes painting the sons when every high school boy is 1914, constitutionally granted," was
forty 'men Friday in order to give a ness firms of Lexington. The bond is- scenery, needed for the production of looking forward to make a college or the subject of a vigorously contested
national team, and this interest can debate between the University of
- better opportunity to the men who had sue was held invalid recently by the
"The Admirable Crichton," which will be stimulated toward the University
tucky and the University of Cincin
shown ud best in the few days of Kentucky Court of Appeals, affirming
the decision of the Fayette Circuit Be given Thursday and Friday, March of Kentucky if the Kentucky students nati, on Friday evening, March 18,
'practice. A further cut is expected in
31 and April 1 at the Lexington Opera will only advertise It at home. There 1921. The decision of the ludees was
a few days.
The Campaign Committee expects to House, The Strollers will, for the first is interest of some sort for every made in favor of tho affirmative, which
freshmen have all
Not a few of the
of embryo stars and be able to award the contract for build- time, this year own their own scenery prospective student, and it is every was taken by the University of Kenthe
student's duty to attend chapel Tues- tucky. The representatives of the
need only expert coaching and prac ing the memorial hall, which will be
marked step in the progress of the day and get the message that the Suky
campus, early in the
firmative were, ,R. T. Johnson. W.
3uv tice to develop. They and last year's on the University
The scenery will be Circle has for him to take home.
summer. Actual construction may be organization.
Chism and L. C. Fielder.
For the
2jf) men wno am noi matte letters aru
taken on the road to be used when
negative, J. W. Dalzall, H. E. Metzger,
scrambling for the positions left open begun in the fall.
and H. G. Gardner presented such arthe production is presented In Plne- oy gruuuuuuii.
guments for their side of the question
All of the men were, used by Coach
ville and Middlesboro.
that would have won the debate, had
'"Gill in a practice game Friday after DONALD DINNING IS TO
Barrie's play affords a rare oppor
R. T. Johnson, of Kentucky, not come
ty noon, which considering tne snort ume
tunity for a reckless artistic "splurge"
remarks In his brilliant
that the men have been on the field,
BE NEW KERNEL EDITOR in scenic effects and costumes. The
was fast and snappy.
first and last acts take place in one
President Frank L. McVey presided
All the men retained on the squad
Bernice Young Succumbs at the debate, and the judges were
will stay over the Easter Holidays,
of the magnified ent reception rooms
Following Heroic Fight
Dr. Benjamin J. Bush, pastor of Secand practice will begin at 2 p. m. on Managing Editor of Tuesday of Loam House, Mayfalr, sumptuous,
ond Presbyterian Church, Lexington;
Issue of Kernel To Be
For Life
those days. This is the custom in col
elegance, velvet 'hangings, ancestral
Superintendent J. H. Risly, Owensboro,
Editor-in-Chileges which have Easter vacations and
portraits and all that sort of thing.
president of Kentucky Educational AsCoach Gill said that this period would
The action of the second and third acts
sociation; T. B. Boyd, Lancaster, Kenafford an opportunity for long practice
tucky Superintendent of Schools. The
Bernice Mildred Young, iPIneville,
hours which was impossible when the GRIFFIN MANAGING ED. deals with the shipwrecked party and
men were attending classes.
their Island home, two years after Senior student of the University, died main speeches were 10 minutes with
Rogers, Ridgeway, Gillespie and "Big
With ithe next Issue of The Kernel, they have reached the island. There at the Good Samaritan hospital this rebuttals of 5 minutes on both sides
The debate was under the direction
Boy" Pribble are fighting it out for which .will be that of, April 5, the duties
morning 'at 8:20 a. m. from blood
is a romantic barbaric beauty to be poisoning.
.Heber's last year backstopping job. of
She went to the hospital of W. H. Mikesell. Music was furf
will be assumed by achieved in these scenes; the
Saturday for an operation and though nished by the University band.
All are showing up well.
Donald Dinning who for the past
Cooper and Slomer are almost sure
hut with its decorations of she made a heroic fight for her life, At the conclusion of the debate a,
dinner was given in the private dinbets for a couple of games a week year has held the position of Managing skins, shells and odd bits of wreckage. gradually declined to the end.
Bernice Young was one of the most ing room of the Phoenix Hotel for the
each. "Coop" has the same delivery Editor of the Tuesday Issue. The
With such an order, even the most
prominent students In the University. teams, the judges and officials, and
for a slow curve and fast one that chief office of The Kernel staff has
She has been a member of the basket members of the faculty Interested in
Continued on Page 2
been Vnade vacant by the resignation
Continued on Page 2.
ball team for two years, this year also
Continued on Page 4.
who volunteered to
of Robt. J. Raible,
serving, as manager. She was in the
share the coveted position by dividing
cast of the Stroller nlav "Mice and
Men" dn 1918 and was to be in "The BUGHHEIT WANTS MEN TO
the period of publication during the
Admirable Crichton" cast this year.
DORMITORY OKEHED present semester.
She was a member of the Kappa Delta
Dinning has been a member of The
sorority, an officer of the Mountain
Kernel staff since his entrance Into
'Club and active in other student or
Gibson Industrial Fellow rthe University three years ago, holding
ship Awarded to E. M. . the positions of reporter and sporting Third Year Engineers To
Team Will Make Trips to
Visit Dayton Dam ancj
Johnson, Senior.
editor during his Freshman year, sportRHODES SCHOLARS
Cincinnati, Nashville
Factories in Ohio
ing editor and associate editor durand Sewanee
Contracts for the erection of the
Fifty-fiv- e
y.tyS- ' new dormitory were approved by the ing his second year, and managing
Junior Engineers from the
350 Pounds Annually Allowed Student
Coach Bucheit is anxious that more
executive committee of the board of editor during the present year. He Electric, Mechanical and Civil En
Who Is Selected For
men come out for track and urges all
K.eniucKy is a member of Sigma. Alpha Epsilon
trustees ot the university oi
gineering Departments will leave for
who ever thought they could run any
at the committee's meeting Wednes- and Alpha Delta Sigma fraternities.
their annual inspection trip March 29.
kind of a race, throw a javelin, vault
day afternoon in President Frank L.
Gerald Griffin will assume the duties The trip Includes visits .to factories
Candidates for the Rhodes' Scholar- or jump a bar, or toss a weight, to
McVey's office. The bonds ot the three
of managing editor of itho Tuesday In Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton', ship must make application on or be- grab an abbreviated shirt and less
in the construccompanies concerned
fore October 29, 1921, to Dr. J. J.
trousers and make his appearance on
tion work also were approved. The Kernel, the position made vacant by Ohio, where the engineers will in
secretary of the Committee of Stoll field at 3 p. m. dally. This Is
T. J. Jackson Lumber Company of the promotion of Dinning.
spect the manufacturing plants, the Selection of Kentucky. This scholarnot a "Come Over to Macedonia and
Lexington has the general construction
Raible will devoto the remainder of various systems they use, their ma ship has recently been Increased
from help us" plea, but seconds and thirds
Electric Company,
contract; the Allen
the year to preparing a Student Hand- chinery in operation and other Interest three hundred to throe hundred and are going to count for a lot in the S.
Lexington, the electrical work, and
book of tho University.
A. A. meets this year and Kentucky
ing points In connection with their fifty pounds a year, due to Increased
H. Netherton and Company, Louisville,
living expenses, and is tenable for wants to carry off tho honors.
. the heating contract.
three years during tho course at
A number of good trips are on sched
The committee also passed favorably
One of the chief features of tho trip
ule this year, including Cincinnati,
on the proposition of the Interdepart
inspection of thp new DayOther members of tho Selection Com- Nashville and Sewanee. Tho Wildcats
mental Board of Social Hygiene of
PLEDGE AT DANCE will damtho
which is bedng built. After mittee are: President Frank L. Mc- will bo soon In action in seven meets
Washington, D. C, subsidizing the Unithe destructive flood In 1913, work Vey, chairman; Professor Charles A. this season. Tho first will bo on April
versity for a department of public Alpha Zota,
tho national honorary was begun on
an enormous dam which Keith, Eastern Kentucky Normal, and 9, when the Kentuckians engage tho
health and hygiene for the year
agricultural fraternity, will hold Its
Mr. Allen Barnott, Sholbyvillo.
Voluntoors at Nashville. Tennessee,
This department has been In
protect ttho city Worn other
spring pled, ,g exercises at tho an- would
Election will take place, December at Loxlngton Is next on tho menu,
operation this year and a now agreenual dance, Friday evening, April 1, floods. The construction of tho dam 3, 1921, and tho successful candidates April 1C, followed by Miami, at Oxford,
ment will bo signed to continue the
1921, In tho ballroom of tho Lafayotto C&of the finest typo and will be of will tako up residence at Oxford In April 23rd.
The Cincinnati Bearcats
work through next year also.
Hotel. Tho pledges are chosen on a great Interest to the University men. 1922.
journey down to Loxlngton to meet
The secretary of the committee was
of scholarship, leadership, and
To bo ollglblo for this scholarship, our boys April 27th after which tho
Soyeral clubs and organizations In
have blank forms printed basis
Only those men who have
tho student must be between 19 and Cats will have almost threo weeks to
and election of personality.
for the noalnation
completed three semesters' work and these ithreo cities are planning enter- 25 years old, unmarried, and must have
an alumni member of the board of trus- whose grades place them in tho up- tainment for the visitors while there completed two years of college course. prepare for the crucial S. I. A. A. meet
at Sewanee on May 13 and 14. May
tee8 t0 succeed P. P. Johnston, Jr., per
of their class are eligi and tho trip will be, not only one of Men from other states in Kentucky In 7th tho Kentucky high schools will
whose term will expire January 1, 1922.
work and benefit but of pleasure. stitutions, are eligible for tho Ken meet on Stoll Field for their annual
These blanks will be sent out to the
The active chapter is composed of: Professors W. A. Newman, Blgloy tucky Scholarship, as well as for that track tournument. Tho Kentucky In2,200 alumni of tho university about
H, G. Sellards, E. M. Johnson, C. U.
of their own state. Further Informa- tercollegiate Atheletlc Association will
July 1. The nominations will bo acted Jett, J. H. Atkerson, H.
Singer and It. D. Hawkins
tion may bo secured from Dr, J, J.
J. Well, O. K. Barnetto,
will accompany tho men on the tour. Tigert.
Continued on Page 3.
Brown, D. Y. Dunn, R. E. Davis.
Continued on Pag 4.











Ox-for- d


two-fifth- s
