- Lock and Dam.Ho. 29, Ashland 2
9. ORDERS, 1916 to date. For merchandise and supplies necessary
to operation of locks. (Rarely, official.) 8%-x 12 envelopes, 5 in.,
in wooden drawer. Storage Room. (6259)
10. SEHIHORTHLY CIVIL SERVICE REPORTS, 1916 to date. On all civil
service employees, showing status, whether discharged or reemployed,
and any change in rate of pay. (Rarely, official.) SL·x ll folders,
4 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6265)
11. TELEPHONE BILLS, 1916 to date. List of long distance calls made,
and monthly statements of cost of service. (Rarely, official.) 8%-x ll
_ envelopes, 4 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6261)
12. TRAFFIC BOOKS, 1916 to date. Record of boats and tows passing
through the lock, showing name of boat, owner, and time of passage. _
(Rarely, official.) 11 x 16 vols. (5), 8 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty.
Storage Room. (6258)
15. WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS, 1916 to date. Cooperative observer's
memoranda, showing temperature, precipitation, and wind direction. (Fre-
quently, official.) 2 x 4 vols., 5 ft., in wooden drawer. Dirty.
Storage Room. (6254)
14. DAILY LOG OE CONSTRUCTION, 1917 — 1921. Showing personnel, daily
duties of each employee, amount of time spent, work accomplished and
notes on precautions taken against espionage. (Rarely, official.) 6% x
11 vols. (6), 6 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage Room. (6255)
15. CIRCULAR LETTERS AND REPORTS, 1919 - 1921. Annual reports on
operations, monthly traffic reports, correspondence regarding orders and
shipments of materials, and circular letters of instruction to the lock-
master. (Never.) 6;·x ll envelopes, 2 ft., in wooden drawer. Damaged,
dirty. Storage Room. (6256)
16. PAY ROLLS, 1924 - 1950. Showing names of employees, classifi-
cations, rates of pay, and time for which payment was made. (Rarely,
official.) 6i-x 11 envelopes, 2 in., in wooden drawer. Dirty. Storage
asm. (szsz)
17. ANNUAL OPERATIONS REPORTS, 1950 to date. Showing operations and
major improvements, gage readings, number of wickets and traps raised or
lowered, reasons for operations, and accounting of property or equipment
destroyed. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 15 envelopes, é in., in drawer of
steel filing case. Office. (6245)
18. ANNUAL PROJECT COST SUNEARY REPORTS, 1950 to date. On expendi-
- tures for maintenance and operations, supplies, equipment, pay rolls, etc.
(Rarely, official.) 10 x 16 vols., l;·in., in drawer of steel filing
Case. orriee. (ezso)
U 19. BOILER INSPECTIOT REPORTS, 1950 to date. Showing defects, find-
ings, and suggested repairs and improvements. (Rarely, official.) Ug·Z
ll envelopes, i in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (6240)