$2 V' `
*1 Reserve 0fficers' Training Corps, Richmond 116 it (
Q 975. GOVERRREIT BILLS OF LADIRG, 1956 to date. Memorandum j 2
5 copies, showing weight, number of packages, and kind and de-
. scription of all articles received by the unit. Filed chrono— _
F logically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x 10 loose sheets, 6 in., I
Z on shelf. R. 10lD. (5420) q 3
» ~ I
Q 976. HAIRTERAFCE RECORD, TRUCKS, 1956 to date. Covering in- L
’ spection, condition, cleanliness, new parts, and cost of repairs `§
T of each truck; thirteen trucks are used by the unit. Filed chrono- 5
S logically. (Frequently, official.) 6 x 8 folders, l ft., in fil- ‘
ing case. R. lOlD. (5415) g
_ I
977. MONTHLY ROSTFRS, 1956 to date. Form AGO 9, listing men { 1
I on duty and any changes of status, such as transfers or discharges, Y g
occurring during the month. Filed chronologically. (Monthly, of- {
ficial.) 8 x 10 folders, 6 in., in filing case. R. 10lA. (5410) Q
248, showing type of motor, model, capacity, gas and oil used, cost 1
of upkeep, total operation cost, mileage, passengers transported, §
number of days operated during month, data on oil, and lubrication f
check. Filed chronologically., (Monthly, official.) 4 x 6 folders, 1
· 1 ft., in filing case. R. 10lD. (5414) {
4 r . 1 - . . . A
E 979. RLQUISITIOFS, 1956 to date. Form QHC 400, requisitions )
( for supplies submitted for approval to the Commanding General, 5th j
; Corps Area. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x )
i 10 loose sheets, 6 in., on shelf. R. 101D. (5419) i
1 980. SICK REPORTS, Apr. 1956 to date. Form AGO 5, showing date, 1
E name, Army serial number, grade, and whether taken sick in line of Q
{ duty. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, Z
1 l in., in filing case. R. 10lA. (5409)
1 981. STOCK RECORDS, 1956 to date. Covering all items of proper- g
? ty, expendable and nonexpendable, received by this unit. Filed .)
( chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 7 folders, 6 in., in gg
; filing case. R. 10lD. (5412) jg
{ 982. HOYTHLY STREEGTH RETURFS, 1956 to date. Showing location, ?f
( date, names of enlisted men and officers by grade, classifications Q;
of personnel, and any transfers or other changes during the month. iii
Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 6 ig?
in., in filing case. R. 10lA. (5415) iég
985. VOUCHERS, 1956 to date. Shipping tickets covering articles Fg
received, inspected, and accepted by this office; audited annually. ;§§
Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 8 x 12 folders, 1 a
ft . , in fi ling; case . R. 10lD .    