_ Lock and Dam No. 6, Brownsville 6
48. STUDENT RECORDS, Jan. 1919 to date. Pertaining to students'
work in military science. Filed according to the war Department_Co£—
respondence File. (Daily, official.) 1O x 12 folders, 8 ft., in drawers
E'f"f1TEg‘6a`sET` more Office. (szsv)
(A) Lockmaster's Dwelling
(B) Tool House
This office was established in 1904. It conducts traffic through
locks, reports on activities to the Louisville office, and makes meteoro-
logical readings for the Weather Bureau. Prior to the flood of January
1957 all records were filed in the tool house. The daily traffic logs
for 1925 — 1925 were destroyed by the flood.
49. DAILY TRAFFIC LOG, Apr. 1, 1905 - Mar. 1921; Oct. 1, 1925 to date.
Record of boats and tows passing through the locks. (Older records, rare-
ly; current records, daily, official.) 8 x 15 and 9 x 14 vols., 6 in.,
on wooden table and on desk. Damaged by flood, bindings broken. Tool
Room (Bldg. B) and Locknaster's Office (Bldg. A) (6405, 6409)
50. HETEOROLOGICAL REPORTS, 1917 to date. Cooperative observers'
meteorological readings of weather conditions and miscellaneous phenomena,
showing month, station, county, state, latitude, longitude, hour of obser-
vation, character of day, and monthly summary. (Older records, rarely;
recent records, occasionally, official.) 12 x 14 envelopes, 6 in., en
wooden table and on wooden desk. Tool Room (Bldg. B) and Office (Bldg.
A). (ance, 6411)
51. CORRESRORDERCB, 1955 te date. With the district office and un-
official parties; also bulletins, instructions, and memoranda. (Rarely,
official.) 4%-x 9 bundles, 5 in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A).
52. QUARTERLY STEAE GAGE OBSERVATIORS, Sept. 1957 to date. Showing
daily observations of gage heights, date and time of readings, weather
conditions, and highest and lowest stages. (Occasionally, official.)
4 x 6 vol., 2 in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (eaos)
55. {ONTHLY TILE BOOK, Jan. 1958 to date. Showing lockmaster and as-
sistants, rates of pay, time worked, and amount of pay. (Occasionally,
official.) 4 x 7 vol., l in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (C4lO)
54. XOITILY GAGE HEATHER RBPORTS, Kev. 1, 1955 to date. Form 56,
showing temperature, weather conditions, and hourly river stage obser-
vations; this data is later transferred to the daily log. (Daily, of-
ficial.) B x lO vols., 2 in., in wooden desk. Office (Bldg. A). (O407)