031V. R14V.

EE the early snow-flakes!
    Softly they descend,
Like an orchard blossom
  Scattered by the wind.

Here and there they're flying
  Over all the trees,
High above them swarming
  Like white-winged bees.

Faster still they're whirling,
  Dancing into sight,
Like a troop of fairies
  When the moon is light.

Tripping down the highway
  In a reckless gait,
Falling like a feather
  Without sound or weight.

On the distant churchyard
  Over graves unkept,
WNrhere the leaves have drifted
  And the clouds have wept.

Little band of angels
  Doing only good,
Making white the meadow
  And the lonely wood.

Greeting with light kisses
  All they chance to meet,
Leaving shining footprints
  All about the street.

Little winter children
  Full of life and fun-
Oh! I love the snow-flakes,
  Love them every one.

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