We may say that the dead have an inalienable right to a cor-
rect epitaph; Justice and Truth demand this, and we believe that
no one at this late day will deny that African slavery as it existed
in America fifty years ago is a dead issue and therefore entitled to
a true and correct history as much for the benefit of future genera-
tions as in justice to the slave-owners who will soon have all gone
the way of this subject proposed for discussion.
    To begin with, I do not propose to discuss this subject with
any person who is not willing to admit that the Bible as contained in
the Old and New Testament is the inspired Word of God and there-
fore true, wise, and righteous; then whatever in regard to this sub-
ject can be made to accord with the inspired Word of God should be
accepted as true and correct, whether it accords with the prejudice
passions, and predilections of the reader or not.
    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and all such writings have long since
served their purpose and should pass to their reward and receive
their just deserts, while history should be just, true, frank and
honest. To make anything to stand the test and storms of time a
firm foundation is needed and "How firm a foundation for saints of
the Lord" can be found by searching in God's Holy Word; then let
us find what is the "thus saith the Lord" in regard to this subject
and abide by that, whatever it may be. To do this, if need be, we
can go back to the days of Noah, soon after he came out of the Ark
and learn what this prophet of God said in Genesis. First, let us
see what is said of Noah in the 6: 9, 10. "Noah was a just man, and
perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. And Noah
begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth." Then further on (9:22)
"And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father,
and told his two brothers without." And then the 24th verse:
"And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son
had done unto him. And he said of Canaan, 'a servant of servants
shall he be unto his brethren.'" 26th: "And he said, 'Blessed be
the Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.'" 27th
verse: "God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents
of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."
    Now, here in the prophesy of Noah, we see that it was the pur-
pose of God revealed at the very origin of the present race of men