MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRIUSTEES,July 30, 1895 - page 27-28

      Genyl. Buell submitted a report of the Committee
on Military Instruction and College discipline, which was
received and filed.

      On motion the report was made a special order for
10 A. M. July 31st.

      On motion the Board adjourned to meet 9 A. Yi. suntime
July 31.

V. E. Muncy,  Sece               R. J. Spurr, Chrm.

      The Board of Trustees met in the President's room
at 9 A. M. suntime July 31, 1895

Present:                        Gen'l. Buell
                                Mr. Bird
                                Mr. Gathright
                                  " Gooding
                                  " Hindman

      The minutes of the previous meeting were read and

      President Patterson offered the following Resolution
which was unanimously adopted.

           11 Resolved that the Board of Trustees in
      accepting the resignation of Prof. J. S. Terrill
      assistant in Botany and Entomology in the Experiment
      Station desire to record their sense of his eminent
      fitness for the position which he held, his dili-
      gence, his industry, and his uniform courtesy
      and gentlemanly bearing."