. ir
ij _,¤~ 
.   ..41.,
i I
E .
. Index. 135 , 5. ;·-
. l V
Formaldehyde, formol, etc, used in potato scab experl- ;   ' .`
ments ..... . ,......... 6 , ?
Form of certificate for free analysis of fertilizers ............ 16 Q   ·
Frazee, D. F ........... ... ...........,.........   .... iv {  in .
Frozen sap blight .......... . ........,... . ,....... . ...... 247 ~     ~ ‘
Gaither, Mrs. li. H., butter sent by .... . .................... xiii    
Galerucella luteola. .. .,.. . .... . ..... . ....... . .......   54, 65      
Garman, H ......... ... ........ . ..........., ...,v, viii, ix   Q  
_ Bulletin No. 80 by. ........................ .... 201   _ .
G No.S1by. ..................   3 *1 -·
· N0. 84 by ...,......... . ....., . .____ 53 lei  
report of .. ........,.................... .... xxx iir V..·” ;.
Gas lime for woolly aphis .   ...... . .......... . .... ,, 2|2       A-
Gathright, J. T .. . ......................... . . ....... iv, v lei;  
Gladys Yakna, butter of .... . .................. . ..,...,.. xii ‘     Q.
Gloystein, Friederich, sulphate of potash sent by ,....., , , , xvi  If];
tobacco stems sent by ........ . ...... xvi 1;;  
Gooding, A. P ........ . ..........................,.,...,.. iv j·l;gj`.·7§·Z·`f¢
Graham, J. B., wood ashes sent by . ....................... xvi  
Grape mildew ............. . .. . . ......... . . .. . . .... 237 ' 1  
remedial treatment for ....................,,,, 235  
Green River Tobacco Co., tobacco stems from ........ .. . xvi ifggj, 
Greenwell, Chas. J ...... . ...... . ............ . . . xix, xxi, xxii  
Gun-shot peach-leaf blight ,........... . ......... . . . . ...... 244  
” Harper, J. N ....... . . ..............     ................. v, ix  
Hawkins, Dr. J. E ........... N .... . ....... . ............., xxiii  
Hind, C. B _ .... . ........ . ................... . ......... xix  
Hillenmeyer, H. F., on woolly apliis . ...................... 216, 217  
· Hobson, Gen. E. H. ....... . . . . ...... . . .... . ......... iv    
. Holt, \Vm. H ...................................... iv  
Horse weed, analyses of . . ............   .......... xxiii, xxvi g.  
Hot water for woolly aphisréi ............................... 213    
Hylesinns opaeulus .......................... . ............. 60, 73  
Imported elm leaf-beetle ....... . . . . ..............._. . .... 65  
description of ..................,... 66  
means of spreading; ..............,. 68    
remedial treatment . ........r.... (ill Q;  
Inspeetion of nurseries ..... . ....... . .......... . ....... 266, 268  
` Japanese bush clover, analyses of .. .... . ........ . . . xxlv, xx vi   ” _ ; · 
Kennedy, J. Il .... . .... . ...... . ........,   ....... iv, xxil l  ° ,
Kerosene emulsion, how tomake ................. 20:;  .Y  
Kidney vetch, analyses of ........ . . ...... . . . . . xxiii, xxvi l   5%: }
Landes, J. 1 ...... . ...... .... .. . ....... . ......._. iv    
Lurue, L. M .......,...,... . . . .................. . ....... xvii    
1 1  T 2