I . .
` 136 lmlccr. {
· Lespedezem polystatchin, analysis of . I ..... . . .... xxiv, xxvi
] ` striuta, mmlysis of ..... 1 ......... .. . . . xxiv, xxvi 1
~ _ Letter of tI`ELllS1lllDtil1.. ..... . . .... . ...... . ....... iii
1 Lettuce 1nold ....,...A..............A.. ' .‘ ...................... 3
` rot . .......... . ..... . .......... ‘ .... 3
E Low hop clover, analyses of ....,............. . .‘ ...... .xxv, xxviii
Q . Mugdulis a.rmicol1is .... . . .. . . I ...... . ........ . .... .  59, 73
- M8.llll1lOCl1 clover, analyses of .... . .................. xxv, xxviii
` — Murcum, J. B ............. . ............ . ............ . ....... iv
Q Mathews, C. W . .............,..... . ..................... .. . v
, 2 ` ‘ report of ................................... xxxiii ”
·· John G .............. . ......... . . . ...... iv
g ` ‘ McElroy, C. W ....................... . ...................... iv
Q Meade County, soils from ................ . .... . ......... xiv, xvi
; ·` Medicugo sativa, analyses of ....... . ....... . .......... xxiv, xxvi
l lupulina, miztlyses of .... . . .......  ._ ...... xxiv, xxvi
{ . Meilionm toruloszt, Zlllill_\’S€‘S of ......,. . ..........A . .... xxiii, xxvi
] Mercuric chloride 011 potato scnli ............ . ..... . ....... 7
2 ` Meteorological suinintmries. ............. . .... . .... . ..... xxxv-xl
g V llethods of uvoimline; lettuce rot .... . .......... . ..... . .... 3 `
, { Mineola indiggenellat .................. . .......... . .... . ..... ... 225
  Monroe County, minerztl water from ............. . ......... xx
_f Mulilenbtirg County, ininerul water from ............ . ..... xx
  Muncy, V. E. ....l............................... . ....... iv, V, vii
1 report of ....... . ......... . ...................... xxxv _
i Mytilztspis ])Ol.ll()l‘1llll ............ . .......................... 217
E Myzus eerasi ............................. . ................... 234
; Native bush clover, amulyses of. ........................ xxiv, xxvi
l Nelson County, ininerztl waiter from .................. xix, xxi, xxii
E North11p,Co!. J. H ............. . ......... . .................. xxiv
Q Nurseries inspected i11 lS9S ........... . ................ . .... 272
_   ’ pests likely to be tlisseininuted from. ............. 201
E inspection law .......... . .... . ................. . . .266, 2139
t { Nursery stock, treartmcnt for woolly nphis ................. 213 ,
Q Oyster shell 1>u.rl<-louse, distril111tio11 of ................... 219, 217
t injuries by ........................,. 219
[ remediril trezttment .......... . .... 220
i Utlieers ofthe Station ............................. . ........ v
1 ()l¤llllIll tnrkeri .. .....   ..... A .........   ........   238 `
E Urelmrml l'llSE... .. .....,..... . ......   .. ............ 230 .
It tirgyizi leiirostiggniiai . ...., ...;. .,.. , .... .. 227 A
{ Urnithopotis sutivns, ztn:1l_rseso1'.. .... .. ... xxiv. xxviii
E ‘ l’:1tt1-1·so1n,Jz1s. li .... . . ... .... .... ..... iv, v
· Q l’ez1ch freckle . . .,.. .. . . .. . . .. .... . ....... 244
Q .
g .