P · 3 ·
5 Bourbon County Agricultural Conservation Association(Continued)
E Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Motels and Other Metals,
Q Teaching Classes of map Reading ond Sketching._ Interested in Auxiliary Police,
g ._ . TTF . _ . . _ . . . . ···- ` ·"*‘7T""""‘?'*"`*?' . . .
{ Air Lnid Warden Serv1ee,_C1vilian nircraft morning Service, nuxiliary Fire
Q Protection, Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair Service, Motor Corps
Q Service, Ambulance Service, Discussion Lenders, Public Speaking. ` `"` .
j Local Pwbiicaticms; none,. _` _ ; " _ NSA " ·~ .. r
Q BOURBON COUITY COMMUNITY COUNCIL, c/b George L. Doyle, Paris. Founded 1940.
é President, George L. Doyle. Telephone 694. Secretary, Raymond Turner, Paris.
{ Telephone 55. Council inactive at present but could be quickly restored in ·`
f the eveit of`emergency. V ` 1
·§ Membership: lOO. Cpen.to residents of the county interested in the welfare "
Q: of the cemmunity._ ·
$ Committees: Nutrition, Mrry E. Collins, P;ris.~ R
Q Purpose: Nutritional education. Promote preserving ;f food, etc.
R. Norm l Civic-Activities: Co-sponsor of movement for new·hi;pital in Paris in
.§ conjuncticn with ecmmunity health program.
§; Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Air Laid Vhrdcn Service,
gé Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Pr`tection, Preparation
tf and ¤crving of Food, Child Care, Recreation, Public Speaking, Consumer Protect-
g ion Activities. A. . _
i Local Publications; None. _ `I" i
i BOURBOH COUNTY EXTENSIOI SERVICE (U} S. Department of Agriculture; Extension
i Service U`of K), c/o County Agent’s Office, Ceurth use, Pcris. Founded 1925.
E President, Wesley Florence, R. R. #l,'Paris. Telephone Sh whan 2231. Secre-
§ tory, Mrs. Eleanor L. Thompson, Paris, Telephone IOS-VL Executive Secretary,
`f P. R. Watlington, Crunty Agent, Paris, Telephone 732. Terms expired Junuary,
Q l94l. ‘ ’ — V
E Membership: Farmers and othergmrsons interested in the improvement of egr-
Q iculturol pursuits.
; Committees; None. V
,# Purpose: Educational work in developing all phases of the county's agricult-
§ ural resources. `
§ Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with 4-H Clubs for improved production
ig of tobacco, crops, live stock and Boil.
I1  `