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15.     TTE. your irtyis, a l ing f eel:s as c onI the mpt, h ich o nal mpt>ntly    I bar ; nt or a ny eem ome t old e ad, derj h it l ow, lted g i t, free e mthat

k ind of property. You have seen before this time that the course   ^ P    ' ' y w hich I commenced, myself, to the State, is widely "* different, in many essential points, to this author's views. The article written by myself, and published in the same paper, was ^ written a few days after the leader was in type, and which has ] been the cause of so much dissatisfaction, the justice of which, to some extent, I am w illing to acknowledge. I assure you upon the honor of a man, it was never intended to mean, or to bear the construction which my enemies have given it. I was p ursuing the reflections of my own mind, without t hinking of the misconstruction that could be put upon my language. H ad I been in the vigor of h ealth, I s hould have avoided the objectionable expressions, for by sharply guarding against the cavils of my opponents, I would best guard at the same time against any thing which could be considered of an incendiary    character. I cannot say that the paper, from the beginning, has been conducted in the manner I could have wished. The cause of this it is not now necessary for me to mention. Satisfied, however, from past experience, that the free discussion of the subject of slavery, is liable to many objections which I did not anticipate, and which followed in an excess of l iberality, a rising no doubt from the fact that I had been denied the columns of the w other presses of the country myself, I propose i n future very ma- ^ t eriallv to restrict the latitude of discussion. I s hall a dmit into my paper no article upon this subject, for which I am not w illing to be held responsible. T his, you perceive, w ill very much narrow the ground ; for my plan of emancipation which I put forth a few days ago, is of the most gradual character. M y other v iews put forth there also, are such as I learn are not at all offensive to the great mass of our people. By this course, I expect to achieve two objects, to enable me to carry on the advocacy of those principles and measures which I deem of v ital importance to our state, without molestation and without subjecting the people to the apprehensions and excitement which are now unhappily -upon us. You may properly ask, perhaps, why was not this thing done before 1 I r eply that I did not foresee any such con" sequences as have resulted from a different course. The denunciations of the public press on both sides, I conceived, and am s till of the same opinion, arose from the desire to make both parties political capital. And you w ill 6 ee also, when the excitement is worn off, that there-have been many selfish purposes sought to be accomplished, at the expense of your peace and mine, by men who are professing to be actuated by nothing but patriotic motives. Having said thus much upon the conduct of my paper, I must say also, that my constitutional rights I w ill never abandon. I feel as deeply interested iu this community, as any other man in i n it. No man is, or has a connection, more deeply interested in
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