6 t han I , b e i n g a single i n d i v i d u a l . " I t h e n protested a gainst his construction of m y w r i t i n g s , and retired. E x h a u s t e d b y this effort I returned o nce m ore to m y b ed. B u t feeling the necessity of m e e t i n g the v i n d i c t i v e m achinations of m y enemies, I dictated a h a n d b i l l to the p eople. (No. 1,) w h i c h w a s t a k e n d o w n b y m y w i f e , exp l a i n i n g t he offensive editorial, a n d a s k i n g a suspension o f public opinion and action, t i l l m y h e a l t h w o u l d a l l o w m e to be heard.* I h ad hardly got through w i t h t his w h e n m y chamber w a s entered by T . H . W a t e r s , m y personal enemy, w i t h t he f o l l o w i n g l e t t e r :
L E X I N G T O N , 14th Aug. CASSIUS M . C L A Y , E sq. 1845.

S I R :     We, the undersigned, have been appointed as a committee upon the part of a number of the respectable citizens of the C ity of Lexington to correspond w ith y ou, under the following resolution. Resolved, T hat a Committee of three be appointed to wait upon Cassius M . C lay, E ditor of the " True American," and request h im to discontinue the publication of the paper called the " True A merican," as its further continuance, in our judgment, is dangerous to the peace of our community, and to the safety of our homes and f amilies. In pursuance of the above, we hereby request you to discontinue your paper, and would seek to impress upon you the i m portance of your acquiescence. Your paper is agitating and exciting our community to an extent of which you can scarcely be aware. We do not approach you in the form of a threat. But we owe it to you to state, that in our judgment, your own safety, as well as the repose and peace of the community, are involved i n your answer. We await your reply, in the hope that your own good sense a nd regard for the reasonable wishes of a community i n w hich you have many connexions and friends, w ill i nduce you promptly to comply w ith our request. We are instructed to report your answer to a meeting, to-morrow evening, at three o 'clock, and will expept it by two o'clock, P . M . of to-morrow. Respectfully, & c.

* In this handbill J briefly narrate the circumstances of the meeting, as here staled. D. M Craig being the onlv Whig present, I supposed it a party affair, and so stated it. B. W. Dudley and G. W. Bunt had not then come i n, who are Whigs, but are safd to have been present after I left there.