President Todd said that he really appreciated Mr. Samuel taking the lead on this. He reminded the
Board that Mr. Samuel chaired a committee to look into somewhat of a volatile topic when he took office,
and that was the whole issue of the health care. He conducted very open, frequent meetings and came up
with some extremely innovative things. The University and its employees are benefiting today from the
thoughts of Mr. Samuel and his committee as the administration tries to keep health care costs down. He
said that he appreciated Mr. Samuel and his energy. This must be a record for getting Board approval to
establish a college and having an accreditation visit this soon. It is very admirable.

      E.    Reappointment to Board of Directors of the FUND for Advancement of Education and
Research in the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Medical Center (PR 3)

      President Todd said that PR 3 is a recommendation to reappoint the Board of Directors of the FUND
for Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky A. B. Chandler Medical Center.
He recommended that the Board give approval to the reappointment of Mira Ball for a two-year term ending
June 30, 2006 to the Board of Directors of the FUND. Dr. Meriwether moved approval. Ms. Sims
seconded his motion, and it carried without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

      F.    Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors University of Kentucky Research
Foundation (PR 4)

      President Todd said that PR 4 is to appoint and reappoint two individuals to the Board of Directors
of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF). He recommended that approval be given to
the appointment of Phil Patton as a Trustee member for a three-year term and the reappointment of Ken
Roberts, the Dean of Pharmacy, for a three-year term to the Board of Directors of UKRF. Mr. Shoop
moved approval. His motion, seconded by JoEtta Wickliffe, carried without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end
of the Minutes.)

      G.    Agreement between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation
(PR 5)

      President Todd recommended that the Board approve the agreement that was circulated in the Board
packet between the Board of Trustees and the Kentucky Medical Services Foundation (KMSF). It was
negotiated pursuant to the Board of Trustees resolution regarding medical practice plans and was adopted in
1978. There are only minor changes in the modifications. They include updating the dates to reflect 2004-
05 and the revision of section 6B of the agreement to establish payment dates for certain services that are
provided under the agreement. Ms. Elaine Wilson moved approval. Ms. Smith Edge seconded the motion,
and it carried. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      H.    Appointment of Vice President for University Initiatives/Associate Provost for Multicultural
Affairs (PR 6)

      President Todd reminded the Board of their approval at the last meeting to establish a position
entitled Vice President for University Initiatives/Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs. He said that he
was pleased to recommend that Dr. William H. Turner be appointed Vice President for University
Initiatives/Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs effective July 1, 2004. Dr. Turner could not attend
the Board meeting because of a family commitment. President Todd reported that he had met with Dr.