The Kentucky

'Two Blind Mice
Opens Monday


Sunny, Cold






' Two Blind 3Iice, Satire On Government,
Opens At Guignol Theater Monday Night
Ann Guthrie

Orchestra To Present
This Sunday's Musicale
Program Is Set
For Memorial Hall
By Joe Coyle
The University Symphony Orchestra will present the next to closing performance in the music department's series of musicales Sunday at 4 p.m. in Memorial Hall.
The second part of the
program will feature Kenneth
Wright, instructor in the music department and concertmaster for the
orchestra, in a concerto for violin

and orchestra.
The first part of this Sunday's
presentation will be the "Overture
to 'Coriolan', Opus 62" by Beethoven. The overtuie was written
tn 1807, not for Shakespeare's tragedy of which it is reminiscent in
some parts, but for a drama of an

obscure poet, Heinrich von Collin.
Beethoven used elements of the play
in Kiiilriinar nn- his monumental rnn- Mntinn nf lVn Ktprn Pnirwn eenpral
Wright Is Soloist
Part two will consist of "Concerto
for Violin and Orchestra in D minor.
No. 2, Opus 22" by the Polish violin- The concerto is
1st Wieniawski.
divided' into two movements which
are "Romance: Adante non troppo,"
and "Allegn. moderate a la Zin- Mr. bright will play the solo

"Entr'acte trom Act IV of


By B.ll Mansfield
"Two Blind Mice," a political satire on Washington bureaucracy, will
be presented by the Guignol Theater
Monday through Saturday
of two elderly
The play, which tells
ladies named Letitia and Crystal
who are running a supposedly
government bureau called
the Office of Medicial Herbs, will
have a set in keeping with its zany
Even the problem of finding something to fill the rows of herb Jars
with such tags as pleurisy root,
pepsissewa, and camomile failed to
stop the stage managers who filled
every jar with something different.
The Jars contain almost everything
that even faintly resembles a herb,
including sawdust, glue, split peas,
gravel, and lespidezia donated by the

people. Left unfinished when
died, it was completed by
who also orf.
chestrated the whole piece.
The "Overture in the Masque of
Comus" by Arne will be given in
Part IV. This is the music for Dr.
adaptation of Milton's
"Comus" which was produced at the
Drury Lane Theatre in England.
Part V of the presentation will
consist of "Second (Indian) Suite,
Opus 48" by MacDowell. Only the
lourth portion of the suite, "Dirse,"
will be given. The thematic materia'
of the suite has been suseested for
the most part by melodies of the
North American Indian. The "Dirge"
is a Kiowa woman's mourning song.
MacDowell was an American composer who wrote during the latter
part of the ninteenth century. He
was a composer, teacher, and conMous-soris.--


The cast, which includes seven
University students making their debut with Guignol, includes L:uiia
Turnbull, Jane Ratchford: Crystal
Hower, Maxlne Perrine: Mr. Mur-rar-


con-viol- in

versity musicians will be the Youth
Society orchestra, under the
tion of Howaid Pence, in an
noon concert April 30.


followed the principal of judging the
entries on their merits as media of

best-printe- d,


book-design- er

Merle Armitage,

chairman; E. M. Kauffer, artist and
designer; Gyorgy Keps, professor of

design at Massachusetts In- of Technology; and James
Hendrickson, designer, typographer,

and printer.


selecting the exhibit, the jury


Taken into
sideration were these factors: type
conception and design, choice of
paper and type face, workmanship,
legibility and attractiveness of page,
use of color and illustration, if any,
and finally, the register and impres- sion. Out of 725 entries, 50 were
Broadsides Included
Item 29. "The British Post Office,"
item 30, "Interludes of Cervantes,"
and item 31, "Shelley's Major
Poetry," were designed by Mr. Conkright, Class of "28, with Helen Van
Zandt. Mr. Conkright is now head
of the Princeton University Press.
Also shown with the exhibit is a
collection of typographical broad-visute
sides designed by many of the
graphers whose work is represented
tne exhibit,
The exhibit will remain open to
the public through April 23.







Appellate judges, by a 3 to 2 vote.
upheld the arguments of Farmer
Helton and Bruce Stephens, University College of Law seniors, in
a mock case argued before the Kentucky Court of Appeals last week.
Robert N. Hubbard and L. G. Smith,
also law seniors, gave the opposing
Helton and Stephens, who were
representing the Brandeis Club, will
receive a collection of law books.
The name of the Brandeis Club will
be engraved at the top of a plaque
to be set up in Laf ferty Hall to
commemorate the annual law club
competitions. Hubbard and Smith
were representing the Miller Club.
This case was the .final round in
the first annual competition among
the eight new law clubs which were
formed on the campus last spring.
The question was whether a radio
station was liable for $100,000 damages because a senator called a
businessman a "fellow traveler" during an imaginary unrehearsed radio
round table.
Helton and Stephens argued that
the expression was libelous and that
the station was responsible lor it.
Hubbard and Smith argued that the
spoken word is slander, instead of
libel, and also since the broadcast
was unrehearsed, the radio station
could 'not' be responsible.
The court did not decide the case
but decided which student team did
the better job of presenting its
side of the question.
The "moot court" for the benefit of law students was the first
held since 1942.

Irvin Goldstein
Irvin Goldstein, elementary edu
cation junior, will make a World
Student Service Fund tour of
Europe this summer at SGA's of
ficial representative.
Although SGA was unable to help
finance the trip this year, Gold
stein has been officially approved
by the assembly and will report on
his experiences to campus groups
next fall.
The WSSF tour includes England,
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Goldstein also plans to visit Germany, France, Hollandd, and Belgium.
Goldstein Is a member of Hillel
Future Teachers of
America, and the YMCA. He has
served on the WSSF committee and
has been a freshman guide and
freshman advisor. He is a member
of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.

Music Festival'
Is Next Week
The State Instrumental Festivaly
will be held on campus next
and Saturday under the direction of Lewis Clifton, director of
University Extension, and Miss Jean
Marie McConnell of the extension
oeveral thousand high school students from Central and Eastern
Kentucky will attend. Thirty bands
and five orchestras are expected to
participate in the festival.

For Toniffht
Is About West Point

Movie Set

From West
"Ten Gentlemen
Point," a historical film of the
United States Military Academy,
starring Maureen O'Hara, Charles
Montgomery, and Laird Creaar,
will be shown tonight in Memorial Hall at 7 and 9 p.m. Admission is 30 cents.

By Holt Mastin

tice of produce exchange held sway,
won fame as something of an entertainment freak. It got its start in
a most unusual way.
During the height of the depression in 1933, Robert Porterfleld was
just another actor in New York
wunoui money or a jod. limes
square laced its worst season in
history. He gathered a group of 21
A delegation composed of six fac
ulty members and five graduate stu- actors, who followed him more from
courage, and led them
dents represented the University at hunger thanMason
the 42nd annual meeting oi ine across the town and Dixon Line
to the old
of Abingdon, first
Southern Society for Philosophy and town
established west of the
Psychology held recently at Nashville.
Their assets comprised less than
The University delegation included
D. James S. Calvin, acting head of $10 in cash and the cast off set from
the Department of Psychology; Prof. an old "Rose Marie" road company.
John Kuiper, head of the Depart- They proposed to present plays for
Dr. Morris the natives in exchange for food
ment of Philosophy;
Roseman, a part time member of and shelter.
The group moved into the dormithe psychology staff: Dr. John H.
Melzer, assistant professor of philo- tories of ttra. defunct Martha Washsophy; Dr. Robert Claser, assistant ington College, closed by the deErnest pression. Towns folk lent them
of psychology;
Meyers, instructor in psychology; furniture, silver, taffeta hoop skirts,
students in the the sword and boots that grandpa
and five graduate
Department of Psychology. William wore at Bull Run. A decorating
B. Martin, Travis Rawlings, Richard shop donated a barrel of chipped
Griffith, Lee Caldwell, and David and cracked china. Porterfleld talk- ed the town council into giving him
the use. rent free, of the century-ol- d
Opera House. It was. and is, an
ideal playhouse.
The presence of
the city jail under the stage proved
Ping-Pon- g
the only handicap to theater pre- g
tournament, sentations.
A doubles
Five days after they arrived, the
sponsored by the Student Union
Sports Committee, will be played off Barter Theater opened for business,
informing the public that the price
next week in the SUB game room.
Anyone interested in entering the of admission was 35 cents or its
tournament must sign up today in "equivalent in vittles or work." The
the Game Room or in Room 122, question uppermost in every heart
SUB. An entrance fee of 25 cents was. of course, "Will we have an
per person will be charged, and audience?" They did, and the crowds
irophirs will be awarded the win- continued to come.
The company played Abingdon
ning teams.

Delegation Attends
Annual Society Meet


CANCER DRIVE will begin next Monday and
Above, Martha Swofford, Wendell Vance, and
Virginia Henry pose with one of the posters to be used to encourage
I ni versity personnel to contribute to the drive.

last through the week.

Mortar Board To Sponsor
Cancer Fund Drive
A campaign for money for cancer are to be placed in mail boxes and
research and treatment will open distributed over the campus.
Monday on campus, sponsored by
An attempt is being made to have
Mortar Board, senior women's lead- Kentucky's mobile cancer unit at the
ership honorary.
on Wednesday,

Actual collections will begin
Wednesday through residtnee halls,
fraternities and sororities. Collec
tion boxes will be placed in the Grill,
post office, book store, and other
central points.
Martha Swofford, president of
Mortar Board, said that the cancer
campaign is educational as well as
financial. Doctors will talk at Jewell,
Boyd, and Patterson Hall house
meetings. Informational pamphlets

Swofford said.
No specific sum has been set as a
goal, but
of the money
will go for cancer treatment and
for research, according
to miss swoirord.
The campus campaign is a part
of the national cancer drive that is
conducted throughout April.
Cooperating with Moriar Board
are the dormitory house councils
and Intrrfrnterniiy and Prmlullonic

one-four- th

SUB Will Sponsor







25-2- 7,





-- v-


MAY Ql'EEN CANDIDATES are (left to right, seated) Agnes Hutchinson, representing Zrta Taa
Alpha, sorority; Doris Walker, independent; Mary Jo Ridley. Alpha Delta Pi: Doris Eith. Kfp Kappa
Gamma; and Doll Price, Kappa Delta. Standing (left to right) are aney West, independent; Barbara
rowell, Patt Hall: Janice Stille, Alpha Xi Delta; Sara Mae Greene, Chi Omega; Martha Swofford. Delta
Zeta; Jane Barnett, Alpha Gamma Delta: Nancy Harris. Jewell Hall: Nancy Tamp, Delta Delta Delta: and
Betty Blake. Boyd Halt Carolyn Critchlow, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Jean Gaines, Sayre Hall, were not
present when the picture was taken.

May Queen And Eight Attendants

To Be Chosen In Election Today







Suky May Day Program Set For May 13;
Floats, Coronation, Dance Are Features


Election of the May Day Queen and eight attendants will be
held today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student Union Building.
bv Sukv, will be held
The annual Mav Dav

Dean Stahr Named

To Legal Committee

Dr. Elvis J. Stahr, dean of the
College of Law. was appointed to a
committee on legal apprenticeships
and another on public relations at
May 13.
the Kentucky
The May Day program will include a parade with floats repre- the last meeting inofLouisville,
Bar Association
senting various campus organizations, a program on Stoll Field The entire faculty of the College
of Law attended the meeting.
where the Queen will be crowned, and a dance that night.
Important speakers were John
Each sorority and women's resi-'- J
Sherman Cooper. U. N. delegate:
dence hall nominated a candidate Delta Delta
Gov. Gordon Browning of Tenne.s- -'
Delta: Betty Blake
for May Day Queen and two candi- Boyd Hall: Carolyn Critchlow, Kap see: and William J. Gallagher.
dates at large were selected by the pa Alpha Theta; and Jean Gaines. president of the American Bar
office of the Dean of Women.
Sayre Hall.
The candidates are Agnes Hutchinson, Zeta Tau Alpha; Mary Jo
Ridley, Alpha Delta Pi: Doris Eith.
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Doll Price.
Kappa Delta; Nancy West and
Doris Walker, Independents; and
Barbara Powell, Patterson Hall;
Janice Stille, Alpha Xi Delta: Sara
Mae Green, Chi Omega: Martha
Swofford. Delta Zeta: Jane Barnett, Alpha Gamma Delta; Nancy
Harris, Jewell Hall; Nancy Camp,

Kenneth Blevins
Kenneth Blevins was elected
president and Frank Maturo vice
president of the campus YMCA in a
mailed ballot election this week. Lee
Myles was made treasurer and John
Brannon secretary.
Bruce Ferguson, Elliott Jones and
James Thompson were elected to
serve on the advisory board. Faculty
members elected to serve on the
board are: Prof. Merle Baker, Mr.
Ben Butler, Dr. Carl Cone. Dean
Frank Dickey, Dr. James Gladden
and the Rev. Thomas Johnston.
Blevins is a member of Lambda
Chi Alpha, the
Pitkin Club, Phalanx,
Chaplain of Alpha Phi Omega and
is president of Alma Magna Mater.
He is a commerce junior from Cov-



Inter-Fraterni- ty

Debate Team
Attends Meet

ington, Ky.
Maturo, president of Alpha
University debaters participated in
Omega, is a junior from Georgea meeting of the Blue Grass Executown.
tives Club at the Lafayette Hotel
Blevins will replace Elliott Jones Tuesday night.
as president and Maturo will retain
Dr. Herman Donovan introduced
his present position as vice
the program, which was a debate
on the national question, "Should
the United States Nationalize their

Trials Of Barter Players
Were Many In Early Days
For 10 years before the war, Robert Porterfleld's Barter Theater at
Abingdon, Virginia, where the prac-


Ann Guthrie, a junior physics
major, has been selected as the University's candidate for Queen of
the 1950 Kentucky Mountain Laurel
Festival to be held at Pineville
Dean Sarah B. Holmes
has announced.
Miss Guthrie has already won
three campus beauty titles. She was
selected Dream Girl of Alpha Tau
Omega, Miss Christmas Seal of 1949,
and Mardi Gras Queen.
A member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Women's Athletic Association,
and the Physics Club, Miss Guthrie
is a graduate of
School and attended Sweet Briar

Junior Gets Law
WSSF Tour Win Mock Case





Is Nominee

Students Are Named

Best Book Design Exhibit
Is On Display In Library

Three books designed by Uni- versity of Kentucky graduate P. J.
Conkright are featured in the "Fifty
Books of 1949" exhibit now on
display in the lower foyer of the
Margaret I. King Library.
The exhibit, selected by a Jury of
toutstanding men in the
ing an designing world, has been
touring university and city libraries
lor the past year.
Sponsored by the American Institute of Graphic Arts under the
ausDices of the American Federation
of Art, the exhibit consists of books
judged the
Jury Named
Making up the selection Jury


George Stone; Miss Johnson,
ZeH Sharf; Mailman, Tommy Martin; Tommy Thurston. Charles Drew,
and Simon, Dudley Saunders.
Karen Norwood, Minna Bloom-fielWilbur
F. Threadweight,
Claude Trapp; Major John Groh,
Robert Tuthill; Lt. Col. Robblns,
Jellico, Joe Knight; Dr. Harry
John Marlowe; Marine Sarg-eaElbert Herbert; Charles Brenner, Ed Mills; Ensign Jamison, Robert Kays; and Senator Kruger, Ed
Briggs Is Director
The play is under the direction of
agriculture department.
Wallace N. Briggs, producing director, and Lolo Robinson, associate diDesign Is Stenciled
cert pianist.
Instead of using wallpaper for rector.
Glee Club I'shers
special stenciled defor the production
The concluding feature of the con- - sign set walls a leaves is being used. 75 Tickets for students and $1.25 are
of small
CCrt Will be "Capriccio Espagnol,
of the towns people. They may be obtained
Opus 34" by Rimsky Korsakow. It In contrast to the. contents grandat the Guignol box office in the
will include a
is made up of four sections, ai- - jars the set
wt,da. Variazioni. Alborada, and father clock atfrom Aberdeen, Scot- Fine Arts extension or by phoning
Fandango asturiano." A composition land valued
for the orchestra, it was composed
lrom sketches of a projected virtuoso
violin fantasy on Spanish themes,
Ushers will be members of the
university Men's Glee Club,
day's special guests for the

'Kho- The last performance

" by Moussorgsky will be
offered ia part three of the program.
is a "musical
whose here is the Russian


..... ....


r.,v WW




Betty Hammock and Ellen Drake
took the affirmative while Joe
Mainous and Sidney Neal argued
the negative.
nights but Following the debate, the club
Friday and Saturday
towns other members participated in a question
trouped neighboring
Porterfleld was careful to and answer period.
select plays adaptable to the one
and only set he possessed.
Then, as now. actors doubled in
Today Is Deadline
other Jobs, set and cosume designers, scenery builders and costume
For ODK Applications
seamstresses, stage hand, electri
cians, ticket sellers, ushers and what
Today is the deadline for maknot. Everyone works hard at Barter ing application for membership in
gets a well rounded stage train
Delta Kappa, senior
men's leadership honor society, it
At the end of the first season, the has been announced.
22 refugees from Broadway returned
junSeniors and
to New York with a box office suriors are eligible if they have 2.0
plus of $4.35 and quantities of strawover-a- ll
standings and activity in
berry jam. The once hungry actors
one or more of the following
had gained an aggregate of three fields:
hundred pounds, and as actors they speech, forensics, dramatic arts,
were much the better for their expublications and social service.
Application forms can be obThe following spring they showed
up again 35 altogether including tained in the Dean of Men s office. Ryburn Weakley, president,
such noted "alumni" as Greeorv
peck. Hume Cronyn. Jeffrey Lynn, said.
Charles Korvin, Patricia Neal, Frank
Latimore, and Lisabeth Scott.
Now, however, it is a different
story. By virtue of a $10,000 grant
from the Virginia
has re- Nine new members were elected
opened his depression inspired
brainstorm as The Barter Theater to the Student Union Board in the
election held Monday. This brings
of Virginia, first state aided theater
in America, and it has become the the total number of persons on the
most famous stage enterprise in the board to 15.
It tours nearly all the The new members are Bet tie
states and in 1947 grossed some Bryant, George Creedle, Fred Dorr,
Martha Durham. Caroline Freeman,
Washington. Minnesota, Maryland, Jim Inman, Bob McCowan, Frank
and West Virginia have already sent Maturo, and Bob Wilson.
delegations to study the Barter
Two members of the faculty. Dr.
Theater with a view to starting
James S. Calvin of the Department
their own.
The University YMCA and YWCA of Psychology, and Dr. Earl Kauf
are sponsoring the Barter Theater's man of the Physical Education De- latest production. "The Show Off." partment, wereDr.appointed to the
H. L. Donovan.
which will be presented tomorrow SUB Board by
night at the Henry Clay Auditorium,
Automatic members are the dean
Student tickets are $1.01, general of women and the dean of men
ndinission is $1.30, nnd reserved nlons with the social director nnd
the SUB director.
seats are $1.61.


A''-- "






Members Are Elected
To Student Board


Dot BUiwi
exhibits a summer rotton typical f the ones to be seen at the style
by the economics of clothing class Monday nijht
show being presented
at 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall.

'Country Style9 Highlight
In Loom And Needle Show

do-- si
"Swing your partner
Come and see our Fashion
Memorial Hall is the place
Make mine country style' the
April twenty-fourt- h
is the date.
Starting at the stroke of eight.
Loom and Needle will style each
In this show which was planned
By the Economics of Clothing
Yes. everybody, this is your invitation to see a lot of new cotton
dress styles on a group of beautiful
Mrs. Gordon H. Wilder and Mrs.
Dorothy W. Meade of the Loom and
Needle shop are in charge of the
style show, and have chosen girls

from various organizations on campus as models.
The following girls will take part
in the show: Jane Blount and Joyce
Haines. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Barbara Willing. Sue Bird, and Nancy
Brewer, Kappa Alpha Theta: Dusty
Rhodes and Dot Dickson, Delta Delta Delta: Betty Martin and Jane
Barnett, Alpha Gamma Delta: Betty
Elliot and Pat Moore. Chi Omeaa;
Bobby Clarick and Fran Golcisttin.
Tau Alpha Pi: Libby Rogers and
Bambi Parker. K.ippa Delta: Jeanne
Wilson and Jane Hunter. Alpha Xi;
Martha Swofford and Betty Vancy.
Delta Zeta: Sara Davidson and Ron-n- a
Lee Rickterkessin?. Zeta Tau Alpha; Betty Andes and Lynn Gamble,

