Legal Guardian: A person who by court order has Movement Into Kentucky: A student (or in the
been appointed to act in the place of tl1e parents of case of a minor, his parent or legal guardian) who
a minor student. has not established residence in Kentucky is classified
. , . . . as an out-of-state resident. For tuition assessment l
Legal Residence: A person s residence 1S his perma- . . ·
. . . purposes, a person does not establish a legal residence [
nent dwelling place. It is the place where he ·1s Y _ . . . _, _ .
, . . . merely by spending t11ne 1n Kentucky, payment of
generally understood to reside with tl1e intention of _ _ . . . . I
. .· . . . . taxes, owning real property or by attending an institu-
rcmamrng there indefinitely or of rcturmng there when HOU Of highm Cducqtion ‘
absent from it. l· or the purpose of these regulations,
enrollment at an institution of higher education is not Military P€T$07m€l¥ N0 PGYSOU Slltlll be presumed tv
sufficient to establish residence in Kentucky. ll*“`€ gmncil OY lO$l l¤·$l€ll€ residence Status lil K€¤·
_ _ tucky while serving in the Armed Forces. Persons
a. }\laintenanee of Residence: The fact that one assigned to mihtmy duty and residing in Kentucky for
t°‘“l’(’mfllY fcsldfis Clscwllcm Wllll*l1€1>¤r1><;S_s an indefinite period of time shall be considered resi-
el fctlmlmg to lm llOm°~ docs not change ui dents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. A minor
lcgfll f°5“l°"CC· his1>f€$¤1¤€¤,ll1el rst _ Cga residence in the same manner as any other non-resi-
` l$$l°°“C° mud X ‘U‘l“° (mm mt] HO _mtCn' dent. An alien who possesses a student visa cannot
, tion of returning to it and actual residence bc Clnmmcd is q resident
‘ taken up in another place coupled with the
intention to remain there permanently ancl/for
, indefinitely. The burden of proving legal _
l residence rests with the student.   V‘   if . "`j·.; J       ’
. . .     *     . -~-     y    
. c. Lstablishnient o Residence: An adult student   ,‘~—       ; . ·  
. . . . . tt ri       ‘»»» . r , r
attempting to establish residence in his own ,;;g§aj       v
right is presumed to have met tl1e rcqurrc-   ;r     > ,    
ments for residency when he has rnarntamcd ,f ¥¤ ~ ‘  ·. ,   4 ~ ‘ r»., y    ’;"?§;$
· , . . ;  z:&>~=~`— · . .12. et.     4   4; rr  `*   I    
` continuous residence 111 Kcl1tL1Cl<}' fOr at lC21St Page   ,    ’ I     Y
· · · ‘” *’  .·e%1·s m:‘;"2.·i':, ’-   ·.»   i it  {ff   ° ·W”
1 one academic year exclusive of any t11nc spent  sg}; { ‘···’*     M M.   A _   1  l
' . . · - ·     .:l»¥   ‘ · ri ,   ' l   ‘ ` l
Q m attendance at any institution of higher   ·         ° l
{ learning in Kentucky.   ·   , V   ;  ,       Z  
l       .—;§f i>=,.  7, ' i       sr.
i  . ;  ~  . .5.   sez    
~ · · · ~ ·   wi. ‘ f ¢   V ——    .. r· ·   it
  Legal Residence of a i\I1nor: lhe legal residence of   _ . I tf  ,    , -  
, . . .     i ..    ’ = H  ‘ · .   `···, is t 
i an unmarried l]llI]()l' 15 normally that of tl1e father.     V I   _ ‘ ,.  . F        
'   g > .»  rr .,‘¤g ’§ ~   yg 4;: w ;,
. . .   i V ,   .»._. _ L    · ,    
i a. l·atlier Deceased: lf tl1e father is not living,     ~ l pl     ’ ·_ agi
the legal residence of the 1n1nor IS that of the .1     .__tr 1 .     • " ~    _ __ A __ 1*% . aj
l mother. _   A   , "     $r, %i Z`=a; V,   ·:_ 
 i_é;;1z..' Q 1 ’¤ 4 _._,,Z_ »  ` - rl i    . , ‘  
b. Parents with Separate Residences: If the   ,   l Q l   M ] l gil  wi ’
. . . .·   .- ._, i in · ais  `.‘‘’< ,_;
parents Illilllltlllll separate residences, tl1e y   .. ,,  gg l ·  
. . . ,**1 ·—"r     is   ·
residence of the minor IS that of the parent   , ‘   i’*   ..’,, §   i·
with whom he lives.   " 1*   y.».I.  ’ QW         .
c. Parents Divorced: lf the parents are divorced,   . —   —    ...  ‘
the legal residence of the rnmor is that of   ja  .3;;   , V      
A the parent who was granted custody by court Ffh    .4   -. , ~   gym ~..._   .   [  
· . Y , eg   , ‘a.. .     '..» T. , 3     ”*
order; 1f custody was not granted, the nnnor s     Q,   ec . s gy;    a g 3 *·
I · · / ria,    } 2{,;=g:T  w    up-VL':}-ATG%.., UW "  · »/ra _,,, A K I v I d
legal residence is that of the parent with whom     .’  ¥‘ Q. ;  .—.. te “=.i.;5é;».. i"‘i; ___.   __ ‘ Q  s    , *
. ...,.` .f   4..’    ¤;Z”·‘  —:-· »·   =·  
h . I .,.. I t f } 1 .,   ,   t   wi  *92,-·  no t     ·   .., , ,;.... \.£:   _   _;_ri_:,;;g ;3·;·:·»_q,,,:   
· · t · ¤·>=.#* at   --         s—-- .:‘:z;'»·~=<1¥a:~:+·/    
remains that of lns father. ,   »»‘·   .;   ,“-.     ·..- N  _.     .;1j»:;<> ·s.,
! JQ        .";.»¤l:5X”.»Q... ai! * "  (```'’ *  
* · . . "·   `     F r   , `  _..,      < :E32·f»‘:?$§Y:·,-it
. [lsv of Recorrlsr .·\ student whose admissions records     if   , _ ~i·-   ..;-wi:;g:;_;
. _ _ .   ,— _. ,     . -     . ~   ......   . N .,.». 2;,
show him to be a graduate of an out-of-state high °     " {·   _   ,-i~ 2;; - ;, , yy};  
i school and his legal residence to be outside of Ken-   V   I   .~i,  °  __,·.   it Q.; -·.· l
l tacky will normally be classified as a non-resident. · · ‘·°·`   ~e  e····=”‘§ll _ i i:-·· ‘ ‘