g atmosphere which would contribute to high intellectual requirements, the preservation of books and other ma-
"d endeavor. terials is a vital function of society.
E In accomplishing its social purpose, the University
I? functions in four principal ways. Its major function
~ is as a teaching institution, but it also serves as a Divisigns   Bureaus
d center for research, as a service agency, and as a center _ _
ter are preservation er knowledge. The University has l¤ <>¤¤l¤l>¤ll¤e l0 the Welfare Gl the Slate lllmugh
stated its aims in each of these areas as follows: lcseatlelh efpelllllentltlinr an? _€l1l?ll¤ Selfneer d‘ille§all‘
men s ma ·e impor an con ri u ions. n a iron,
certain divisions and bureaus have been established
1 1- The T€3Cl1lI1g Function specifically for these purposes. Included in this group
K Out of the undergraduate colleges and the graduate are llle Exnenmenl Slanen and the Ceepelallve EX'
Schools Of America Come the greater Portion Of the tension Service of the College of Agriculture, the Office
r nation's ieeders aria ire berrer eirrrerre. The errrrrerrie Ol l>¤~‘¤·l¤Pm€¤l Same and B¤Sl¤<>SS R€S€¤l<>ll» llw
Q of 8 State university Should bc SO designed and its Bureau of Government Research, the Bureau of School ·
. · teaeirirrgs ee eirreereei rirer the state are the rrerrerr wai Sclvsesg lllc U¤¤v<¤Sllv =·¤_’ Program, llle Exlenslen Class lileglalnl llc
$ petcnce; men and women who can provide the knowl- Evenlng Class _PlO$l3m* the Cemmunlly College
I F edge aria reeirrrrerri erriie to cope with er rrerierrei errri $v$l€_m» the A¤l0gY>r llle C0lnputlng_Celltel’
modern society. Much research, in other words, should Cenlelenees and lnellllllesi the _C9ll¤Cll OH Agmg’ llc
· be aerre with no compulsion erirer aren are urge to eee D¤¤¤V¤¤ Sem Clllms Fcllowsllp l’l¤gl¤¥¤_r llle Kell-
ireyerrri are preeerrr borders ot man’s knowing. igslvv He; $2*00; Srrrcllgdlceglrr Elle Call tlllslglsé
#4 Ol llc Cllr lm llc   ralc ll Mlm Ol Q Slllc vé?iI$“ee..ri. ri? li§2‘iTf....rr`2§l ‘2§ ri2‘;. fr P3;-
. university, and particularly a land-grant institution, Ads .‘ . 1 C f gl) i I Ch
p cannot ignore the contemporary requirements of state mlSS1Om’ llc cuter QI CVG Opmenla . were
. . r d the Institute for Plannin and Administration.
— and nation. Rather, the program should be effectively em g
corrclatcd with non-university research, and it should
seek solutions to the acute problems of society whether _ I i
they are economic, technological, social, cultural or HzStOTy
at m<>l=·l· Over a century ago the miracle of public higher edu- i
“‘ cation was mainly a dream. Among the eloquent spokes- _f
Q 3_ The Extended Services Function ment of that dream was lohn   Bowman, first regent Y
of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky I
In the main, the University is characterized by a Univcrsm,7 who Said in 1865:
concern for the life about it and by a zeal for service I r I _ _ l
to the people whom it represents and who lend it sup- l Want le fauna up a paaplas lnsutunanr a .
port. The state university has found that it cannot have great free umersilve avenfuauy Open and aaeaS‘
thc desired impact on society unless its teaching is Sllna to llw paalest bor ln llw lanar Wha may .
cxtcndcd beyond the campus classroom, unless its re- enme and receive an education lnaeneal and Sun‘
search is in some measure translated into economic and able for any business O" Profession in ulca l want
social improvements, and unless its leadership and ta enaapan this Whale matter Ol aaucaualh SO
i example elevate the cultural and moral tone of the llwly ullaanlna lqr<>¤4 and axpanswa mlluancaaol I
nearer and farther communities in which it has its Our Tapubnaan lnSulun0nS> and Ou" aavanalng
Scttmg civéligptionk it may run [free, as our great rivers,
an ess t a coming mi ions. E
. . Hitherto, our colleges and universities have i
4 4' The Llbrary Fuuctmn been accessible only to the few, such are the  
I \Vithout an adequate library collection, a university expenses attending them. We therefore want a  
would find it impossible to perform its teaching and university with all the colleges attached, giving  
research functions properly. But over and above these education of the highest order to all classes. VC/c ig
6 l