"When at the first I took my pen in hand
               Thus for to write, I did not understand
               That I at all should make a little book
               In such a mode; nay, I had undertook
               To make another, which, when almost done,
               Before I was aware, I this begun,"  -John Bunyan.

, HE following History of Henderson County has long been an-
 nounced as forthcoming, but interferences I could not control
prevented. It was, indeed, commenced several years ago, but its
prosecution has been frequently interrupted by other occupations and
embarassments, of which it is, perhaps, out of place here to speak. I
have been compelled to await the indifferences of people, and, with
no one to assist me, have discovered for myself that the compiling of
historical matter, in book form, is a task rather to be shunned than
courted. The labors of this work have been of the severest and most
painful and patient character. Through the pity of some, the derision
of many, the rebukes of others, and with the good wishes of a few, I
have steadily pursued my course in quiet, to the goal of my ambition,
and now return gratitude to God for what success has been achieved.
    With no guiding light or compass to direct my researches, I have
plodded along through a multitude of books and papers, as best I
could, in search of I knew not what. I have faced a listless auditory,
and, by perseverance, have revived from the wreck of almost destroyed
memories, matter that would soon have been lost to the world.
Doubtless there are many incidents and many sketches of persons
omitted; but the fault is not with me. I have advised, I have plead, I