influence, being now the possessor of ample property to successfullv
carry out any enterprise he may undertake. He is hard working, far
seeing, and of the soundest judgment. Politically he is a Democrat
of the Jackson type, and is one of the most influential workers in his
district. He-is highly esteemed by all of his neighbors and friends,
and, by honesty of purpose and fair dealing, enjoys a very large
patronage. There are no better men in Henderson than Charles W.
     F. H. DALLAM came to Henderson in 1852, and engaged in
 the practice of law. He was a profound lawyer and exceptionably
 successful. I can pay him no higher tribute than by reproducing
 what was said of him some years ago by one who knew him intimately:
     "When he chose-as he sometimes did, to the admiration of his
friends-to give wings to his glowing, imaginative powers, his was ever
an eagle's flight, impetuous, rushing and heavenward. A superior
judge of law, his opinions were always held in the highest estimation.
A skillful draughtsman-his declarations, pleas, and other legal papers,
were unsurpassed in power, comprehensiveness, beauty and finish.
As an advisor, he was much sought; and his opinions were distin-
guished by acumen and sound judgment, and by a conscientious
regard for the interests of his client. But it was in the social circle
that Mr. Dallam exhibited his fine powers to the best advantage.
Well informed upon all topics of general interest; conversant with
the best authors, and singularly discriminative of their peculiar excel-
lence, learned in the lore of the philosophers, and in the spirit and
text of the poetry 'for which men strive and die, and maidens love
and mourn;' his colloquial powers were of the rarest and best, and
charmed all who came within the magic circle of his influence. A
geniality of temperament which knew no limit to its benign out-
givings; a kindliness of heart which ever sought to palliate the
offenses of his friends against propriety and good taste ; a disposi-
tion willingly to impart to others the selected fruits of his fine cul-
tivation and assured judgment; and a sparklingvivacity of manner
which pervaded even his more serious utterances, secured to him
at once the affection, the respect, the gratitude and the admiration
of those who were thrown into familiar association with him.  Of
acute sensitiveness, he readily granted to others that which he would
not allow to be withheld from himself-the consideration which is
due to honest and conscientious expression and action, and the cour-
tesy which dignifies, and is inseparable from true, gentlemanly address
gpd intercourse. Honest, and of a high sense of honor, he ' rendered