xt72rb6vx83k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6vx83k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 20020511 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2002-05-jun11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2002-05-jun11. 2002 2011 true xt72rb6vx83k section xt72rb6vx83k 

                     Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                          University of Kentucky
                                1:00 P.M.
                              June 11,2002
                     18th Floor Patterson Office Tower

Accompanying Materials:

President's Report and Action Items

PR 5

Personnel Actions
Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations
Reappointment of the Executive Director of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research

PR 6    Agreement between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation
PR 7    Appointment to Board of Directors of the FUND for Advancement of Education and Research
in the University of Kentucky Medical Center
PR 8    Report on Result of Alumni Member Election

Academic Affairs Committee Report

AACR 1 Candidates for Degrees - Community College System

Finance Committee Report

FCR 1   Disposal of Personal Property
FCR 2   Report of Leases
FCR 3   Approval of Leases
FCR 4   Authorization to Sell 35.58 Acres of Gift Property in Woodford County
FCR 5   Authorization to Sell 21.875 Acres of Agricultural Experiment Station Land off the
South Farm in Fayette County
FCR 6 Operating Budget for Fiscal 2002-03
FCR 7   Patent Assignment Report
FCR 8   Anonymous Gift and Pledge
FCR 9   Anonymous Gift and Pledge
FCR 10 John H. Heick Estate Gift
FCR 11 R. C. Durr Gift and Pledge
FCR 12 Ford Motor Company Gift and Pledge
FCR 13 Secat, Inc. Pledge
FCR 14 S. Oden (Denny) Howell Pledge
FCR 15 Gloria W. Singletary Professorship/Chair Gifts and Pledges
FCR 16 Kentucky Medical Services Foundation Gift
FCR 17 Gifts and Pledges for Gifford S. Blyton Professorship
FCR 18 Changing Name of Professorship in Albert B. Chandler Medical Center
FCR 19 Changing Name of Professorship in Albert B. Chandler Medical Center
FCR 20 Reallocation of Proceeds Jes E. and Clementine Mills Schlaikjer Estate


Ad Hoc Committee on Board Structure Report

AHCR 1 Ad Hoc Committee on Board Structure Report

Slide Presentation on Administration Building

2002-03 Budget Presentation


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, June 11, 2002.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington
time) on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Mr. Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and Dr.
Elissa Plattner gave the invocation.

      B.    Oath of Office

      Paul Van Booven, Acting General Counsel, administered the Oath of Office to the
following members:

      Michael Kennedy, elected by the faculty to replace Loys Mather, for a term
          ending June 30, 2005.
      Tim Robinson, who will serve as student trustee for the 2002-03 academic year.
      Frank Shoop, reappointed by Governor Paul E. Patton, for a term ending June 30,
      Billy B. Wilcoxson, reappointed by Governor Paul E. Patton, for a term ending
          June 30, 2008.

      C.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll:
Ms. Marian Smith Edge, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Loys Mather, Mr. Billy Joe Miles
(Chairman), Dr. Elissa Plattner, Dr. Claire Pomeroy, Mr. Steven Reed, Mr. Tim
Robinson, Mr. Frank Shoop, Ms. Marian Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. Grady Stumbo, Ms.
JoEtta Wickliffe, Mr. Billy Wilcoxson, Mr. Russ Williams, Ms. Elaine Wilson, and Ms.
Barbara Young. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Paul Chellgren, Ms. Pamela May,
and Dr. Robert P. Meriwether. The University administration was represented by
President Lee T. Todd, Jr., Acting Senior Vice President Jack C. Blanton, Senior Vice
President and Chancellor of the Medical Center James W. Holsinger, Jr., Acting Provost
Michael Nietzel, Acting Vice President for Research James Boling, and Acting General
Counsel, Mr. Paul Van Booven.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being
present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 1:00 p.m.


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      D.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Miles noted the following three items on the consent agenda and asked for a
motion of approval:

             Approval of Minutes - April 30, 2002
             PR 2 Personnel Actions
             AACR 1 Candidates for Degrees - Community College System

      Ms. Edge moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Her motion, seconded by Ms.
Wilson, carried. (See PR 2 and AACR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

      E.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Todd called attention to the following items in PR 1 and encouraged the
Board to read all of items in the report:

       1. Researchers at the University of Kentucky received $7.2 million in funding
          for research on biochemical and environmental sciences projects under a
          $13.5 million grant through the Kentucky Experimental Program to Stimulate
          Competitive Research (EPSCoR). The funds are shared with the University of
          Louisville and Murray State University which is another part of the vision of
          working with other institutions in the state.

      2. President Lee T. Todd, Jr. accompanied Governor Paul E. Patton to Japan to
          reinforce the Commonwealth's standing as a business partner with that nation.
          Governor Patton gave President Todd a chance to address a group of 15 or
          more of the largest Japanese automotive suppliers. President Todd talked to
          them about their interest level in intern programs where some of UK's
          students can go to Japan to work and show off their Japanese language and
          their knowledge of Japanese business. President Todd also told them the
          University of Kentucky can provide support in a variety of ways with respect
          to research. President Todd pointed out that Japanese companies were
          recruited to Kentucky on the promise of tax incentives and cheap labor. If
          that is the main reason they are here, ten years from now when they amortize
          their plant investment, they could leave and go to the next cheap land and
          cheap labor place. President Todd mentioned he met some UK graduates who
          are interested in starting an alumni club in Hong Kong.

      3. The University of Kentucky leads the southeastern states in the Southern
          Regional Education Board's (SREB) Doctoral Scholars program for
          minorities. Four doctoral students completed their doctorates in 2001 and
          nine more are working toward their doctorates this year. SREB recently
          recognized UK for being the leader.


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4. The "Children's Miracle Network Celebration" benefits the UK Children's
   Hospital. In the past 15 years, they have raised more than $7.5 million for the
   UK Children's Hospital.

5. Sister Rosemary Howarth, General Superior of the School Sisters of Notre
   Dame, toured the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging recently when she came to
   UK to receive an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree. Sister Howarth is a
   strong supporter of the Nun Study.

6. Dr. Susan Scollay, Associate Professor of Administration and Supervision,
   has been appointed Academic Ombud for the 2002-03 academic year. She
   replaces Dr. Jeffrey Dembo who has served in this role since 1998. President
   Todd commented on Dr. Dembo's superb job. He said that he has been
   extremely pleased with Dr. Dembo's responsiveness, his empathy, and his
   ability to deal with issues in a very fair way. He is sure Dr. Scollay will do
   the same superb job.

7. Carr Sports Associates, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida has been selected to help
   UK find a new Athletics Director. President Todd gave a couple of reasons
   for that selection: Bill Carr was an Athletics Director at Florida and Houston,
   and Gene Corrigan, his associate, was the Athletics Director at Notre Dame
   and Virginia and then served as the Commissioner of the Atlantic Coast
   Conference for a number of years. Mr. Carr and Mr. Corrigan are highly
   respected in their profession. As a part of their proposal, they agreed to come
   to campus and interview employees in the Athletics Department as well as
   others across campus, give President Todd a report on their visit, and advise
   him on the type of leadership the University needed in an Athletics Director.
   President Todd reported that he has received that report, and he is getting
   closer to a short list of candidates. There are strong candidates interested in
   the position, and the position should be filled by the end of July.

8. UK staff elects first Staff Senate. There are 72 senators representing 56
   precincts. The first meeting will be on July 1 1th. The Board of Trustees
   established the Staff Senate, and it is working very effectively.

9. Work-Life Retreat encourages balance in work and life for UK employees.
   This retreat was a recommendation by the Commission on the Status of
   Women. It consisted of an all day seminar attended by the great majority of
   deans and administrators as well as a select group of people around the
   campus. There were approximately 150 people in attendance. There were
   speakers from Michigan State and Microsoft talking about work life issues at
   those two institutions. The vision for the retreat was to study the type of
   population of employees the University presently has. Many of them are
   working two jobs. They have elder care issues as well as family issues.
   President Todd believes that the University needs to be as advanced as


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          possible. He expressed appreciation to Carolyn Bratt and her Commission for
          implementing this seminar.

       10. President Todd commented on the Commission on Diversity and reported that
          the program for 25 African American undergraduates to work with the "Bucks
          for Brains" professors has been implemented.

       F. Report on Grants and Contracts

       President Todd said he was pleased to report that grants and contracts received are
up 22.6% this year over last year at the same time. Significantly for the first time in the
University's history, the $200,000,000 mark has been broken with $200,057,188
received, and there is another month remaining. That is a very significant move forward,
and it indicates the quality of the faculty at the University and the good work that they do.
He pointed out some of the strategies taken which include opening the Washington, D.C.
office, hiring a lobbying organization to represent the University, and hiring some
additional grant writers. He said, in his opinion, these are things that will help the
University continue its growth and move forward with its charge to achieve "Top 20"

       G. Report on Kirwan Tower Accident

       President Todd gave an update on the accident that happened May 2nd at Kirwan
Towers when Jeffrey Pfetzer and Matthew Rzepka died after falling from a third floor
window. This is the first time something like this has happened on campus. The
investigation is still pending. It is public knowledge that the two of them were wrestling.
Wrestling apparently takes place in the dorms because it is an "in thing" to do. The
gentlemen had been wrestling for less than a minute when the incident happened. They
went in an unfortunate direction toward the window.

       President Todd stressed that the University has one of the strongest alcohol
policies across the entire country. The University has good educational programs for all
of the students who live on and off campus. Each student is asked to sign a contract that
states that they understand the policy and agree to abide by it. He said, in his opinion, the
policy is not a question.

       During the last ten years, the need to repair or replace windows in the Kirwan-
Blanding complex has been minimal. The windows in that complex met national
building codes when the building was built and still meet national building codes as they
are written today. The University will continue, however, to look and review the safety
options. President Todd emphasized that he does not want something like this to happen
again. He reported that an engineering firm is evaluating the possibility of putting a
safety bar across the windows, and two bar configurations are being tested. If a metal bar
is put across the windows at an appropriate height, the strength of the frame comes into
question; therefore, the frames will be tested. President Todd said that he hoped a
decision would be made within a month. He reiterated that the current windows meet the


present day code. He assured the Board that the administration is doing everything to
make sure that this does not happen again.

       H.     Governor's Scholars and Governor School for the Arts

       President Todd reminded the Board that UK is now offering scholarships to all of
the Governor's Scholars and the Governor School for the Arts. There were 125
Governor's Scholars enrolled last year. The current acceptances are now at 250.
President Todd said he was proud to report that the number has basically been doubled.

       I.    Report on Legacy Program

       President Todd gave a report on the Legacy Program, a program to benefit
alumni. Alumni who live out of state can send their children to the University at instate
tuition rates. The program currently has 91 continuing students. There are 109 freshmen
and 23 transfers. The program brings the University good students, and it also builds
bonds with the alumni.

       J. Review of Architectural Plan for Administration Building

       President Todd said that he gave his advisory committee a couple of guidelines
for use in planning for the restoration of the Administration Building. He wanted the
building to be an active building and full of life, not a holding place for administrators
where people only come with troubles and other issues. He gave credit to Dr. Pomeroy
for a comment she made to him about the Administration Building having its back turned
to the campus and the student body. Following her comment, he began thinking about
placing a door in the back of the building comparable to the front door; however, when
you hire imaginative people who are professionals in their field, they come up with some
even better ideas. Dr. Todd repeated the following quote made by Dennis Domer in an
earlier meeting that day: "We want to reflect history but illuminate the future,"
referencing the design philosophy desired. President Todd said that this would be a
multi-purpose attack on the way to design the building. He introduced Warren Denny,
University Architect, who, along with others, has been working hard on the project and
said that Mr. Denny would introduce the architects who will make a presentation.

       Mr. Denny began with the history of the Administration Building. Following the
fire, the first order of business was to stabilize the building, get it enclosed and protect it
so that the University could proceed with the design at a normal pace. The University
hired Jim Potts as the prime architect and the firm that would manage the consulting team
on the project. This team includes Staggs and Fischer, a local mechanical engineer,
Poage Associates, who has been working on the structural engineering, and Charles
Phillips, an architectural conservator who has just finished a historic structures report on
the Administration Building.

       He mentioned the advisory committee that is working closely with the architects
and Capital Project Management to react to the various issues that arise as the architects


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proceed through the design process. The advisory committee consists of a student,
Stephanie Letcher, two faculty members, Dennis Domer and Daniel Rowland, and Susan
Mullins with the Bluegrass Trust and David Morgan with the Kentucky Heritage Council,
all of whom have been very active in the project.

       Mr. Denny explained the way he organized his remarks. Following the
establishment of the advisory committee and the identification of the objectives that they
wanted to follow in the design of the project, he felt it was necessary to seek the services
of a consultant that had very specific design experience with this type of project. The
consultant would be asked to help develop a program for the spaces that would go into
the building and also to arrange those spaces in a very creative way. They looked at
many national firms and, based on a long list of criteria, narrowed the choice to two firms
that were clearly on a plateau above all of the others. Mr. Denny said that the selection
committee focused on the experience factor because that would play a significant role in
the success of the project.

       He gave a PowerPoint presentation showing the Administration Building as it was
when it was erected in 1882. He then showed a building at Case Western Reserve that
was also built in 1882. Though the buildings represent two slightly different styles of
architecture, they have a lot of resemblance in their appearance. Both buildings have
experienced a great deal of physical change through their history, including changes to
their exterior appearance, replacement of windows, and removal of towers. Both
buildings have at one time incorporated a chapel, a bookstore, classroom spaces and
administrative offices. Both buildings are at the heart of their respective university's
identity. Both buildings were severely damaged by fire, and the universities were at risk
of losing a very precious asset. Both buildings had the same elements remaining after the
fire, basically the exterior walls. There was nothing of value left inside either building
and so the base for a beginning was the remaining exterior structure. The loss was great
for both institutions, but this tragedy created a great opportunity to improve upon the
original condition.

       Mr. Denny showed pictures of Adelbert Hall at Case Western Reserve as it looks
today, pointing out the typical Board Room, the interior stair leading into a central space,
and the skylight that illuminates the upper portion of the central space. Case Western
Reserve staff told the architects that they wanted to preserve the character of the old
building, but if there were ways to improve it, they also wanted to know about them. The
architectural firm did an interpretive reconstruction of the building. While the original
stair was replaced, it still maintains the original grandness. He said that the architects
plan to "respect the past and illuminate the future." Mr. Denny introduced Robert
Kliment and Frances Halsband of Kliment and Halsband Architects. He asked Ms.
Halsband to make a presentation on the status of the design of the project today.

       Ms. Halsband said it was a great honor and privilege to be at the meeting. She
said that they began the process with five principle objectives in mind:

1. Reflect the past and illuminate the future



       2. Look at the history of the building
       3. Look at the site
       4. Look at the program
       5. Review a series of cultural and legal requirements

       Ms. Halsband said that the building needed to be brought up to code. It needs to
be accessible, which means elevators, entrances with no steps, bathrooms, air
conditioning, internet access, and all of those things that are essential today. Some
attention also needs to be given to energy conservation standards.

       Ms. Halsband reviewed some history of the building and discussed the proposed
design for the building. She said that they had begun some preliminary sketches of the
building and hoped to be back at a later date with some wonderful conclusions. She
displayed various photographs of the building and noted that the building turns its back
on campus because originally there was a power plant behind the building. She reported
that the building has had three different sets of windows, four different roofs, and
probably four or five interior renovations. There had been a room that was used as a
chapel, and two columns are the only remaining architectural features of that chapel. She
said that they have great plans for keeping the two columns. The original plan of the
building was mostly just classrooms in the four corners and a big open space in the

       She then talked about the proposed offices and conference rooms that would be in
the restored building. She noted that there would also be an electronic classroom in the
building and a new public room that would seat 110 people. She said that they do have a
detailed program for the building; however, this was just a summary to keep the Board

       Ms. Halsband reviewed the landscape plan for the building. She talked about the
lawn and wonderful green space in front of the building. She said that they plan to offer
suggestions about the concrete pavement surrounding the Administration Building and
the elevation of the site. One of the things that they discovered is the grade around the
building has been raised, and that explains why it is so damp on the first floor all the
time. She said their proposal is to go back to the original grade that was around the
building. She also mentioned moving the statute of President Patterson to the middle of
Patterson Plaza.

       In conclusion, she said that she understood that there is a proposal for making
Scott Street a part of a traffic connector system. When that happens, it might be wise to
move the end of Administration Drive from where it is today to align with the
intersection of Limestone Street and Scott Street to improve safety and make an easier
place for crossing and stopping. Following the presentation, Ms. Halsband entertained
questions from the Board.

Mr. Wilcoxson asked if the University had received the insurance money.


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       President Todd replied that the University had received the money; however,
some of it had to be spent for computers, relocation costs, and drying documents. He
reported that there is about $8 million available to apply toward the project but that was
not enough. He explained that it would cost $14.5 million without changing the grade. If
the grade is changed, the cost goes to $16 million. Those are the rough figures now. It
would take either $6.5 or $8 million to complete the project.

       Mr. Shoop asked if the additional $8 million would provide more usable space or
just improve the appearance.

       President Todd said that it would integrate better into the campus and create more
green space. That is the main reason for doing it. You get the same program space
internally for both $14.5 million and $16 million. He said that he did not know how firm
the number is. It is a ballpark figure.

       Dr. Pomeroy said that the more expensive option gives a "center of campus
feeling" and that might be worth a significant investment to get that.

       Ms. Young asked what the Development Office had to say about raising $8
million. She said it sounded like a lot of money, but it did not sound like a huge amount
of money. The University is getting a building and, in her opinion, it should not be done

       President Todd said that he always watches the dollar amount, but he is leaning
toward the landscaping in order to try to change the way the place looks.

       Mr. Shoop said that he thinks the Administration Building is the most important
building on campus, and for $16 million, the Board needs to make a decision to do it

       President Todd said the administration was not ready to pass on the motion;
however, he will save that motion.

       Mr. Shoop said he would make the motion when it is the proper time.

       President Todd said that was the right attitude, but they were still trying to settle
on the exterior. He mentioned that the skylight in the top of the building might require a
roof change, and the roof is a big issue because it needs to be made functional so the
2,000 to 3,000 square feet of useless space in the attic can be utilized. He said that he
liked the plan to have the Visitor Center in the building, to have the classrooms back, and
the feeling of a museum. He said he would like for every student to feel like that
building is a part of what they want to join. He recalled when his dad visited him at MIT
before he passed away, and remembered his dad reading every inscription on every wall
in the place. He said he would like to have people meandering through the building and
reading about the history. He said he would just like to see people in the hall.


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      Dr. Mather said that he was perplexed about the Corinthian columns. He said
they looked like they were on the east side of the building in the pictures, and they are
actually on the west side. He asked if they would be worked into that large room.

      Ms. Halsband explained that the columns are changing from one side to the other.
They will be in front of the new public room. The original room took up the entire center
of the building, and the proposed new public room will be a much smaller room.

      President Todd recognized the members of the advisory committee in the
audience. He said he appreciated the preservationist and the restoration support. They
are very willing to program the building internally as a modern building while preserving
some aspects of the building. He said he thought the terraces would become places that
can be used very effectively, and they will also give an openness to the building beyond
what he had ever imagined.

      Mr. Miles asked the members of the advisory committee to stand and be
recognized, following which they received a round of applause.

      Mr. Guthrie asked if there was a target date for walking in the front door.

      Mr. Dall Clark said it would probably be late fall 2003.

      Mr. Denny said with the floor plans developing as they have, that's a major
milestone in the design schedule.

      Ms. Sparks said that she appreciated the fact that the University did seek the help
of a preservationist because she was not sure that was on the agenda.

      President Todd agreed that it is an important piece of the project. It also helps to
have Dennis Domer on campus as a faculty member now. He has graduate students, and
this is a real live project for the students and faculty. That has been one of the more
refreshing parts of this project.

      Mr. Miles asked about student involvement in the project.

      Mr. Domer replied that one student is doing a master's project. The students are
more involved in this building than ever in the history of the University. This has been a
great thing for the students and faculty in the College of Architecture. Mr. Domer
received a round of applause.

      With no further questions, President Todd thanked the architects and the advisory
committee for attending the meeting.


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       K.    Vice President for Student Affairs

       President Todd reported that there would be a press release about the University's
search for a new Vice President for Student Affairs. The search has been completed and
as of June 10th negotiations were finalized with Patricia Terrell. She is the Vice President
of Student Affairs at Utah State University. He reported that Dr. Terrell received her
degree from the University of Kentucky and still has relatives in the state. She will be
joining the University next semester. He said that Dr. Terrell is an outstanding candidate,
and she had very strong support when she came for the interviews.

       President Todd noted that the position has been elevated. Dr. James Kuder, who
holds the position of Associate Provost, is retiring. Given the significance of the
students, the student activities, and the fact that this position involves the entire campus,
it has been elevated to Vice President for Student Affairs.

       President Todd thanked the search committee for doing a super job. He reported
that there were over 100 applications for the position, and he said that he is thrilled with
the outcome. He noted that this is just a report because the deal was just closed, and no
action was necessary at this meeting.

       L.    Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 3)

       President Todd reminded the Board that PR 3 was discussed at the last meeting.
It has passed the 30-day period, and the recommendation is to modify the Governing
Regulations. He recommended approval of PR 3.

       Mr. Miles asked Dr. Mather if he had any comments.

       Dr. Mather reported that this is one of two items coming out of the Ad Hoc
Committee on Board Structure. The recommendations in PR 3 have received favorable
review from across campus and are ready to go forth.

       President Todd said that a faculty member did point out that the numbering and
lettering in two sections are the same, and that will be addressed with the staff.

       Mr. Miles called for a motion. The motion was made by Ms. Sims to approve PR
3, and Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Williams called attention to a couple of
minor changes that were recommended by the University Senate and the Faculty Senate
in PR 3. He said they were in Section 3 at the end of the last sentence of the last
paragraph about the President's attendance at meetings of the Executive Committee and
also at the end of Section A of the Executive Committee. The Faculty Senate
recommended that the Board get input in the performance review process of the President
from the University Senate, the Staff Senate, and the Student Government Association.
That is an addition from the last Board meeting.


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      Mr. Miles called for a vote, and the motion carried. He thanked Dr. Mather for
the good work of the Ad Hoc Committee. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

      M.    Reappointment of the Executive Director of the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation (PR 4)

      President Todd said he would like to recommend approval of PR 4. He noted that
the recommendation had already been before the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation. The recommendation is to reappoint Dr. James Boling as Executive Director
of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation through December 31, 2002. On
motion made by Ms. Sparks, seconded by Mr. Guthrie and carried, PR 4 was approved.
(See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

      N.    Appointment/Reappointment of Board of Directors University of
Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 5)

      President Todd said that PR 5 is another University of Kentucky Research
Foundation issue. He recommended approval of the appointment of Pamela May as a
Trustee member for a three-year term ending June 30, 2005 and the reappointment of
Henry Jackson as a public member for another three-year term ending June 30, 2005 to
the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. Ms. Sparks
moved approval of PR 5. Ms. Edge seconded the motion, and it passed. (See PR 5 at the
end of the Minutes.)

      0.    Agreement Between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical
Services Foundation (PR 6)

      President Todd said that PR 6 recommends the approval of the agreement
between the Board of Trustees and the Kentucky Medical Services Foundation (KMSF).
He pointed out that the agreement changes some dates as compared to the prior
agreement, states the annual allocation of the Dean's academic enrichment fund, modifies
the Foundation's authorization to bill and collect certain specified items, clarifies the
provisions for use of University facilities and provides the Dean of the College of
Medicine authorization to waive or reduce charges against clinical income. He said that
the document is very similar t