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1 CO1Tl1TlUIll[y of athletes wl1ere politics medal. The medal was no 111iracle. On ,     ‘   
I were 11ot in'ected. We got to really k11ow that team we had four future NBA rook- l,   -' 4
. D 1 { {W   [
each other. " 1es of tl1e year! It was agjoy to fellowship ‘ , c_*,.§?ie_ 3;
O11 its way to tl1e gold medal, tl1is with otl1er athletes and to come home       Q
team beat live teams by 50 points or to the great fanfare people gave you.” ‘ __ ”"”`    
1 111ore, two teams by 70 points and Russia Sa111 Bowie, 1IO\V a C€lIlCl` witl1 the \       if
l by 43 points i11 the linals . "Of`, course,” Newjersey Nets, knows tl1e thrill ol` B B · B
1   . . ‘ . . ,
I adds Evans, ll helped that we had Bill being chosen lor the OlyIIIPlCS, but 11ot I
Russell and K.C. _]ones on that team.” tl1e fulfillment ofthe promise. Bowie’s
Evans is another player who believes, 1980 [CHU] was a casualty oi` politics N
“that had I not played for UK and Rupp, when President_]immy Carter decided
Iwould 11ot have had the CIIZIIICC to even that the U.S. tea111 would boycott tl1e The 1948 Olympic
try out. Like so n1a11y other things in mv games in Moscow. Bowie l`ClIlClI1l)Cl`S '°°'“ ""l"d°d UK
l.i1 . UK 'l . .l Y ,, ’ _, k. . 1 A I I 1 1 othletes #27 W¤II¤ce
1 e, going to mac c it possi 1 c. ua ing up 111 tie lII()l ning tic) 1at ,,W¤h_W¤h,, Jones, V `
Adrian “O(l1€” Smith of the 1958 the hnal hstol )l21YCl`S(’”()1ll(’ to alayand #15 Alex Grozu, iw. ‘ l5l ·
l . P1 h l . 4 V ,
FlCl(lll1]’ Five 11at1onal champions was a n1y IILIIIIC was o11 1t. I can’t describe the gg   B°I;"d##26 _ 3 ,2, m gb I 1
. , . . . . I CI' EI' . · A
t S€I]101` when he was selected for tl1e l9b0 feeling wl1e11 I realized tl1at I was g()llIg Kenny Rollins, uédl I · 1 V
‘ Olympic team that played 111 Ro111e, to represent llly C()lll]ll`y a11d be a part kneeling for right,
Italy. He was 011ly tl1e tl1ird `unior col- of that. It is one ol`the l1i rhli rhts ol`mv ‘°°‘l" Ad°lPh R"PP·
’ ' ‘] ` ` ' Adrian Smith obove
·   s`,~·.   ,1A. · ·  I .._ _ _*__ ·
k lege playei to c\c1 bc ILCI uitcd by lllC.\/lllgll ld1d11 tgctra chancc to pai wecrmg hl; omuql
coach Ru J. “My lather sold a load of [ICI ate 111 tl1e games 111 Moscow, tl1at blazer, ortici uted
/ @ l P P ·
l cor11 i11 order lor 1ne to get tl1e money became OIIC olB tl1e lowlights, but I still '" *h° l96° °lY"‘P"‘·
~ ` . '. . . . Photos courtesy
I to get myself up l1ere to Lexington. II cl1er1sl1 lily selection among tl1e best ol of U_S_ Olympic
` you (l()II`l believe 111 miracles, you ought 111y basketball career IlICIIl()l`lCS. ` IT Committee.
to because that`s a miracle, a miracle
that a poor farm boy l`rom \t\'estern Ken- Li: Ielvward `6tS’, `73 is {IS.S`I.S`[(l)I[ rlirr·r/or/in·
tuckv one day stood up for his country mmmuzzim/{mis {1/ //1w I 'K,·\/umni1»l.s·.swir1-
on another C0l][ll]€Il[ accepting a gold limi and wlilor Q/B{(/Illlllll/}l([)[I('(([l()}IS.
Summer 1992 K<‘lllll(`l{}' Altlllltltls il