through Pound Gap, in connection with the hattlo of tho Salt works, under Burbridge, as he rode at the head of his hatallion over the trees cut down to hinder the advance on tho mill.

Said Capt. Baker (of the Thirty-Fifth Kentucky) to Keen, " Isn't the odds too great with their Infantry brigade ou their chosen ground i" ""What else can we dot" replied Keen, "we are hungry; there is tho meal and flour; let us put on a bold front, lead our horses, jump over the logs, and make our way through tho treo tops; they will think wo are only tho advance, and when they retreat, wo will take tho mill and hold it." And so they did to the utter amazement of the Captain and his Company, who, for the first time, wero initiated into tho ways of the First Kentucky Cavalry, and formed a part of it.