tive. As he walked down the front steps after his visit
he felt sure that an epoch in his life had occurred.
  "A splendid young fellow 1" remarked Mr. Page
after Sterling had left. "Although he is only twenty-
nine years of age, he has in his own right a cool two
million-dollar fortune. He inherited it from his father
and he himself is one of the most progressive business
men in the state and seems bent on using his fortune
for the good of soiety."
  "He was very quiet," remarked Dorothy.
  Mr. Page's statements concerning Sterling were
very true. He might have added that Sterling was an
elder in the Presbyterian church and was one of its
most devoted members.
Sterling found his mother in the sitting-room on
his return home that night.
  "Well, son," she said, "how do you like your new
  "Mother, don't ask me to describe her," he replied;
and then for half an hour he continued talking about
her. Before retiring he said:
  "Mother, how is it that I have never been told
about Miss Page before"
  "Well, son, I have known very little myself. The
Pages, you know, have lived here less than a year and
Dorothy has never been here before. A few days be-
fore Mrs. Page left to bring Dorothy home she told
me a good many things about her."
  "How long was Miss Page at the college"
  "Three years. The Pages were born in Virginia, but
when Dorothy was six years old the father, because of