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the secret of their powers of leadership. "Wis
dom is the principal thing, therefore with nil
has been n nationwide custom of long thy getting get understanding."
According to
standing for chapters of Sigma Delta Chi, na- the Biblical analysis,
'wisdom' comes FIRST,
The Kentucky Kernel Is the official newspaper tional professional
fraternity, to
nnd in larger quantities than KNOWLEDGE.
of the students of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the sponsor on the respective college campuses an If you put knowledge first, and in wrong pro
college year oy tnc students 01 tnc university annual Gridiron banquet. Tills social affair reportions, direful results follow.
ceives Its name from the tactics employed by the
Subscription One Dollar nnd Fifty Cents a Year, "roastmastcr" in placing the reputation and
Five Cents n Copy. Entered at Lexington activities of University celebrities before the
Postofficc as second class mail matter.
public eye.
Until this year the Kentucky chapter of SigHere Shall The Kernel Press All
Beloved Tiger" of
ma Delta Chi has not felt financially able to
Student Rights Maintain
Franco, Rests "By the Sea"
sponsor the banquet. However, plans arc being
Editor-in-ChiWILBUR O. FRYE
formulated by members of the fraternity to
EDWARDS M. TEMPLIN .... Managing Editor .stage a banquet
Ed's Note The Kernel has asked persometime during the early part
mission to print the following editorial by
of next semester.
Leonard Strnnahan
Frances HolITday
Pauline Carpenter, written by her as an
The banquet is strictly an invitation affair,
Lois Purcell
Warren Lindscy
assignment in a Journalism class in editorial
and only those persons high In point of campus
Clarence Barnes
activities will receive invitations. Noted newsNews Editor paper men of Kentucky and outstanding busiMORTON WALKER
Clcmenccau, beloved "Tiger' 'of France, after
ness men of Lexington will also be allowed to a long and brilliant career of over fifty years
Edna Smith
Virginia Dougherty
participate in the fun making.
spent in public service to his country, is dead.
L. M. McMurray
Tills banquet should grow to be one of the
Glory, he called "wisps of smoke" and for that
Society Editor most popular social events on the University reason desired to be
buried simply, without
calendar. Certainly, the plan will be an innova- elaborate religious rites, in n grave beside his
Hazel Baucom
Emily Hardin
tion on the University campus and the results father in n lonely forest of Vendee, the land of
Henry Etta Stone
will be measured by the response of the leading his birth, close to the roaring sea.
LAURENCE SHROPSHIRE .... Sports Editor students on the University campus.
Clemcnccau was a man of colossal energy,
VERNON D. ROOKS . . Assistant Sports Editor
,130th mental and physical.
It was said "ses
ennemls cralgncnt ct sn plume, ct son eppc."
Jack Robcy
Hays Owens
Lawrence Crump
Elbert McDonald
Harris Sullivan
"His enemies fear his pen nnd his sword." He
Al Jones
Coleman Smith
The annual meeting of the Association of fought for his ideas with his pen, fought many a
Colleges nnd Secondary Schools of the Southern duel with sword and pistol, and was never known
O. K. Barnes States held in Lexington the past week, brought to be defeated in a political fight. Clemenceau's
Sara Elvove
Thomas L. Riley
to the University five hundred visitors of note desperate courage and almost super human
from all sections of the South.
power did not cease with the coming of old age.
P. H. Landrum
Pat Rankin
Acting as the meeting place for numerous In fact, the work by him in the last years of his
Louise Schmitt
Louise Thompson
Daniel Ooodman
conventions, the University has adopted the best life was more important to the world than that
Marvin Wachs
Harriett Drury
Virginia Meacham
possible plan for becoming widely known; and of all France's other premiers combined.
Virginia Hatcher
Horace Miner
thoroughly advertised. The favorite place for a
Louisa Bickel
Edythe Reynolds
It was he who managed the World War for
Lawrence Herron
Mary Lou. Renaker
years of age
convention in Kentucky, during the past year France. Although seventy-thre- e
Moss Daugherty
William Ardery
our campus has been host to more than thirteen when the conflagration began, he stood behind
Business Manager thousand visitors.
battling Verdun,
the young and middle-age- d
COLEMAN SMITH .... Asst. Business Manager
More and more as the University exemplifies supplying moral stamina that brought victory.
Advertising Manager
Kentucky hospitality and congeniality, the And he stood beside them, also when there was
James Salyers South and the nation as a whole is selecting the greatest danger, he held his ground with
Earl Surgener
Lola Combs
Al Klkel
John E. Roberston
Lexington as the best place to thoroughly enjoy common soldiers to learn how they were treated.
George Heffner
Circulation Manager a conclave.
It is said that he never feared bullet, shell,
McVEY . . . Asst. Circulation Manager
To people of every age and every occupation, sword, or the fact of any man. His courage
D. H. GRIFFITH . . Foreman Composing Room the policy of friendship and welcome has been cannot be exaggerated, his grim ruthless determination in time of danger to his country can
extended and received with slncerest appreciaSamuel Geiger
Cray M. Piatt
tion. Thus may it always continue as the Uni- - not be measured. A young man, he had seen
Mr n w rails
the humiliation of France, nfter the war of 1870
verslty grows and makes friends
when an imitation Napoleon, controlled by a
A Campus Beautiful
University Expansion
bigoted woman, plunged the French into disA CHRISTMAS
Dissemination of University News to Kentucky j
aster. He was determined that it should not
Strict Observance of Laws and
The University Y. M.. C. A. sponsors each year happen again.
Better Scholarship
a Christmas tree for the children of Lincoln
The French, with the exception of the few
school, financed by funds donated to the Y. M. narrow souls who hated him, call him their pere
C. A. by students who are anxious to help unla vlctorie, "Father Victory." He was Indeed
fortunates obtain Christmas joy. Certainly, at the actual saviour of France, and he would value
this season, we should let our thoughts and ef- that title above all others.
Fans of the hardwood court will heartily wel- forts concentrate on bringing good cheer to all
Clemenceau was sometimes referred to as an
atheist. It is true that he believed in a differcome the opening basketball fray between the mankind.
Activities of the University Y. M. C. A. in ent doctrine from that of the average man, but
Wildcats and the Georgetown Tigers Saturday
genuine Joy at Chrlstmastide are to he was not an enemy of religion. He fought only
night. After a long lay off the Wildcats net men spreading
be highly commended. University students can- against control of State by church. He believed
will once again appear on the court to sustain
not fall to appreciate this opportunity to share that death was a dreamless and endless sleep,
concerted drive for the Southern Conference
with these little unfortunate tots such a small and like Herbert Spenser, doubted existence of
championship crown.
Joy. The Kernel a future life. "We must accept that" said he,
consistency portion of their own Christmas
Last year the net men won with
urge every student to avail "as we find it," and in the closing hours of his
A can do no less than
over the best teams the South could
opportunity to lend financial aid life, when all hope of recovery had been
scrapping net squad from the University of himself of this
abandoned, he fortified himself with his usual
short to such a worthy cause.
Georgia, however, sent the 'Cats home Just
impenetrable armor of fearlessness, of courage,
of championship honors.
and walked bravely into the valley of the
Johnny Maurer and his basketeers have
shadow of death, the only foe to gain a victory
Prior to that
practising dally since October
over the hitherto invincible "Tiger."
time drills were held three times each
But despite his sterness, his fortitude, ClemThus the Wildcats are in perfect condition for
Seventh Day Adventist Pastor
enceau was after all Just a loney, mild old man,
Discusses Wisdom
their opening scrap. Win or lose it is the
who passing the long, sunny hours of his
of University students to do all within their
autumn days, in the peace and quietude, of a
power in support of the team.
secluded villa, after the intense and stormy
If the Bible were studied as it should be, men years of war and politics, took leisurely walks
would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of along the
sea, and found time for
character, and a steadfastness of purpose that roses, poetry, and children.
is rarely seen in these times. If the student
Grey said in his immortal Elegy, "The paths
will take the Bible as his guide, and will stand of glory lead but to the grave." A sacred spot
The closing of the second Guignol play of the
like a rock for principle, he may aspire to any for all Frenchman, and for all who love liberty
current season marks another step forward for height of attainment. The Bible is the greatest and exalt courage, are those lonely graves
the Guignol Players under the capable direction Book of knowledge that the world has ever father and son, near the ever murmurring waves
ever fretful sea, looking out toward the
at the little theater known. There cannot be a
of the
of Frank Fowler. Successes
education without a knowledge of this peaceful, purple west.
are becoming such an established fact that paBook.
trons of the drama in Lexington and surrounding towns are looking forward to an even more
It has lifted slaves to world leadership; it has j A group of sixteen Lehigh University students
brilliant future for this organization.
made Its students premiers in the greatest gov- were arrested by the Bethlehem police followUniversity students are always urged to try-oernments of the world; it has developed char- ing an attempt tb force their way into a theater
for places in the cast of the productions, or acter that is Impeachable; It has made its mas- after a football victory demonstration.
for positions In the various departments at the ters ten times better in all matters of the then University officials contested that the boys
theater. Aid and talent are always rewarded by known knowledge to be gained, over those who arrested were not guilty and they stood solidly
behind the students.
the key award.
knew nothing of its contents.
Wisdom and knowledge have their source In
fad has caused much criThe recent yo-y- o
And the person who wears the Guignol should the Creator of the Heavens and the earth. He
ticism in the Universities throughout the counfeel that he has Indeed won a mark of distincIs the author of this greatest of all Books of
try. Several institutions have framed penalties
Knowledge. "The fear (or love, rather) of the
The Guignol combines in its program the in- Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The Lord for students caught engaging in the new sport.
terest of Lexington people and the University, glveth wisdom, out of His mouth cometh wisSomething ought to be done about the longer
and is a cementing factor between the two. The dom and understanding.
Wisdom is the prinare wearing
theater has reached its present place in the cipal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all skirts which the fair young co-ethis season. What is the use of living if there
spotlight only through months of united effort thy getting get understanding."
Job 28:28, is no inspiration to go out and do good
on the part of Mr. Fowler and his excellent Prov. 2:6 and 7:4.
The answer is in the negative unless one con
staff, and the Kernel wishes to extend Its highest
According to this analysis, education is comsiders going out and doing naughty deeds.
praise and most sincere wishes for a future as
posed of two ejements: wisdom and understandbrilliant as the past.
Where Is the student's honor who leads a very
ing (knowledge). Speaking in the terms of
chemistry, the educational compound is compos- retired life, devoting himself to his books en
tlrely? The answer is not known with any deed of two elements: wisdom and knowledge
gree of certainty, but it must be in the wife's key
Lexington is taking on its annual Christmas Water is composed of two elements: hydrogen
and oxygen, the former being in the larger pro to the front door.
dress; the windows, the streets are clothed in
portions, as indicated by the symbol H2-Now,
the traditional red and green. University stu- representing the educational compound by the
dents walk briskly down the streets with shin- use of the symbols, we have WK. Thus, using
ing eyes and glowing cheeks with laughter on the proportions in this analysis given for true
their lips, in anticipation of the Christmas holi- education, we have, according to Solomon, more
use of wisdom than of knowledge, "wisdom is
The knotty boughs of ancient oaks
Soon December 20 will arrive and students the principal thing." So we shall designate edWith scarlet leaves are hung,
will merrily embark for the homestead. Once ucation as W2-there, it will be easy to fall back into the IrFor Autumn is a tired old man
Realizing that ttie 'fear' spoken of by the
regular routine of family life, forgetting the prophet is love,
Whose trying to be young.
or reverence and respect for the
cares and tribulations of college. But only for Almighty, we
find that the object of true edua time. Every good thing must come to an end,
Autumn is a patchwork quilt
cation is the restoration of the image of God
and so must the vacations January 3 will roll
Stretched with threads of gold
in the soul. Lack of respect for the Almighty
around with uncanny speed. With the return
Into a pretty cc erlet
breeds anarchy, lawlessness and crime, while
to school tiiere will be a few weeks of grace beFrom fragments that are old.
love for the Creator of the universe cultivates
fore the final exams. Then, oh I the weeping
all the good graces necessary for the leadership
and walling of students who have made too
Autumn is a lover's note,
much whoopee during the first part of the se- the world Is needing today. Let this then be a
Yellowed now with age,
challenge to you.
mester. And the cramming that will be Indulged
And the leaves are faded flow'rs
Look at the achievements of Joseph, Moses,
in by those unfortunate laggards. Then it will
Pressed upon its page.
all be over, and the whole University campus Daniel, Solomon, David and other leaders of
Biblical renown, search for their source of greatwill emit a gigantic sigh of relief.
Autumn is a vagabond,
The Kernel, however, will not expound on ness. In modern times, look at Gladstone, NewIn brilliant ralnment clad,
their mournful predictions and on the eve of ton and Woodrow Wilson in politics and science;
But the tune upon his lyre
the vacations we wish everyone a Merry Christ- look at Luther, the Wesleys, Knox and other
Somehow me sad.
mas and a Happy New Year.
reformers, leaders in religious thought; and find

The Kentucky Kernel






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