` ° novation think tank, and one part mediation center, Hill
        COUYSQ hopes the project- which has him collaborating with
1 New living m Nashville with his wife, Amher, and new two Vanderbilt business professors sa will offer Nasns
$011, Tillman, Hill WOT ks Oui ef his heme office, happily ville—area business and technology gurus a space to come
l ssii·shlPi<>Ysd arid iasidillg the lhsiallgs ef P¤TsiliTs that and incubate their ideas and then turn them into real,
A s0i0T his saTssT- marketable products.
After completing law school, Hill moved to Atlanta, “[t wiii have Stuff to break you out of the mold arid
attracted by the tech boom there and his interest in be creative - bright primary coiorg, games, piay-Doh_
patent arid trademark sepyright law- lh hd time, with Things to get yon to ask questions in different ways? Hill
i the help ef a persehal sehheetieh, Hill was hired as as- explains. Centers like the one Hill’s proposing already ex-
sisialli te the gs¤sTai ssilhssi at Radialli SYsislhs» which ist throughout the country, in cities such as Chicago, Pitts-
_ develeped sash register mrmiterihg systems utilized hy burgh,Ann Arbor, and Louisville. Hill hopes to finalize
I lhahY gas siailshs alld lTl0Vls ihsaisTs ThT0ilgh0¤i the his business plan for adding one to Nashville’s landscape
i country. Hill helped the company’s software engineers by the ehd of this year_
j dereldp patehts hased dh their new predtiets-it was, ih “Rob bas lots of great ideas, and it’s exciting to have
i plam terms, his "dream1<>l>," he says, But, it didh’t last. him conie to Owen (Vanderbilt University’s business
  Shi meriths him the Pssiiish his dsPaTiThshi isidsdr a school). He’s someone to bounce ideas off of, and a won-
  Visiilh ef the dai-sdhl alld tech sTash ih saTiY 2900- derful intellectual collaborator,” says David Owens, Clin-
i After that, Hill switched gears, mevmg from mtellee ical Professor of Management at Vanderbilt and one or ‘
r tual PT 0P_sT YY ahd Paishi law te Tsai estate iaW ih 0Tdsl’ Hill’s intended partners on the inspiration station project.
i te help his uhsisr a Tsai estate hl0Tigags hT0ksT ih Air Also on Hill’s drawing board are plans to begin filming
  lanta. The area of speciality came naturally to Hill, who a documentary next Spying about Savannah, which vviii
  §TsW UP ih a iaihiiy ef Tsai estate ihVssi0Ts alld whe detail the history of the city and its evolution into one of
 E h0W 0Whs sshls iiwssihisili PT 0PsTiiss ef his OWU- America’s premier vacation and retirement communities.
  Having found success as a freelance attorney help- Hill is Serving as producer ori the project
*1  ' '
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I0 i
  _ .
;x_  _. . ing with real estate closings throughout Georgia, Hill
 _    . considered opening his own real estate law firm in While his schedule is admittedly "chaotic," he wouldn’t
 J   < Savannah, where he and Amber lived for a few years. have it any other way. "l honestly don’t think I could do
·*·r·  But in 2003 the family moved to Nashville, where his just one thing," Hill admits. Four months working in a
  ‘ parents and younger brother, Mark, had settled.There, traditional law firm setting in Georgia -- with its "politics
_ju-  Hill’s parents, still active investors, introduced him to and micromanagement" — was enough to let Hill know
r fi  .‘ membership in the Real Estate Investors of Nashville it wasn’t for him.
 "` *  " — the group that inspired Hill to write his second book, Since becoming a new father, Hill says he’s been trying
-   detailing true stories of the ups and downs of real es- to cut down on some of his projects. But it doesn’t come
. tate investment. naturally to him. "I make things complex, l know. I enjoy
_;  r · Since moving to Music City, Hill has sidelined his it that way,I guess. It’s just hard to simplify because I
t ‘ legal practice a bit (he gained license to practice in Ten- have so many things that intrigue me," he says.
Br  ~ = nessee only earlier this year) in order to focus on his So for now, it’s sleep he’s more apt to give up, waking
’*_ . r  many other interests. early to care for Truman to let his wife catch some shut-
U ·   In addition to running his media company and free- eye after staying up with the baby all night, and then
jj ( »_  lance photography business, he’s currently pursuing an turning to his PR work by midday and to his writing,
¢•  i MBA at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Man- roughly from 8 p.m. to 2 or 3 a.m.
_, . _;  agement and working on two more books —-— another The near-round-the—clock schedule is worth it, Hill says,
h'   on real estate issues and one detailing his experiences because it lets him do what he loves best. "l’ve always
· ,   . in business school. been about creating things. I love making things and see-
  He’s also got plans in the works to launch what he’s ing things come to fruition," he says.
-   tentatively calling an "Inspiration Station." One part in-
,  it