T if affix
  Piciure a majar research universiiy ..... aver l400    
_  buildings an 600+ acres, 26,000+ sTudenTs, ii,000+ faculfy _ f   ‘ `T
r and sTaff. · -   _ { 
  ‘ , :<‘“°*   *>¤’§’?‘}7"` 
 g T Vi/hai wards came Ta mind righT away? . - ‘   y—-   h f *     V  
 T Prabably nai "flexible - quick — respansive," righi?       A,   Tis} Q}  `    
’   =”`’i‘`     §      ’ y.:- { QV   ”i A ui
T Wrahg. Cansider, far example, The UK Cenier far  ,g “*~ #;"_· » Q`.? ?:,‘}Y_, _'      
 T l\/lanufacTuring's prafalyping service. Eric Pifchfard, a UK   _} h y'} C [     .1** A]
 . engineering alumnus naw aT DESA in Bawling Green, Keniucky,     !· ,·.i'   i  fa   °  
  is   he   V . _ Z  it I   "%"Ԥ%;\   .  
  DESA like afher successful manufaciuring campanies knaws A { iii  !‘ -T   `¤  
g Time-Ta—markeT is crucial given haw laugh The campefiiian can g Q   , jr     . `
l be naw. Their new praducl needed a prafalyping service . ,_,_ g J {   g Q   - _  
g Ta quickly and accuraiely make maids and Then casf       _ _  ”· L ..  _    
 _ paris far assemblies, pdrT af a new heaTer. Ta add Ta gk/C  ' — `,.s,   f »      
I The challenge, The paris invalved were nal smaalh     /(T-T .»   _ ’ T   
y and flaT, buf camplex and infricafe shapes wiTh  ii"           Q"'    ‘
blind hales and deep cares. Alsa required, high     Is- ,_g1»,.,_   _ ··A Ay  *1  T     _.
l Temperafure resin Thai wauld sfand up Ta The heaT. 0 if TW   ~~__         lr    
  Juslfa make Things even mare inTeresTing, same W     ,`‘’     r·‘l ’Qr§`;’   .::;._§g.~:‘» Q····¤,»;   T  
1 · · _¤ ,g   `O ’y ix ·. T` l "‘;i   ’ »· » _ .1;,,; 5  "
ly paris needed Ta snap fri in The assembly.   lj,.   r i ..     J   P; g V-
V Why did Eric chase UK? "l Taured The Cenfer whenl       X ly,,   "Y<\  ‘ y W"`    _ _§~L;;.; Q  y
Q was a sfudenf sa l knew They cauld handle The jab/' T V `Z     . 4 _   ,jQ5   3*;
  ml i :¥*“L"°>¥¤§._ " \J ‘‘?A  “ - .; · gl  _  
 g · l-law did iT ga? “GreaT," Eric says. “Turnaraund Time was “ L" `     A f _ ff  ·  '{F  }l{
  excellenl, They warked wiTh us when we had Ta change   _ ·_ [ ,_ _ {   
  Quaniifies, They Turned auT exacfly whaf we needed when we ·· h    V      
  needed iT." He passed The ward Ta aiher engineers aT DESA and "`   T _ "  L' .:  
T naw They are alsa Cenfer clienfs. ,·  l. _ ~ _  `r T
; i T K 5 ~ Y;   ·
z. Need fasT, flexible, respansive pralalyping and praducf *· ` — W [  
l_  develapmenf services? Cansider UK Cenler far l\/lanufacfuring.   ~ Q_ Y
·2  Afler all, we've been...   =‘Vy   _ , ’ ·’ . _._;_      »& lim
  i<€*@l?lllY&§i ‘%‘l’re rri&lDl;il in r‘ri.is;i>l;i§ l.1i`~l‘»i~ilai r,l‘ liwillfé $§i§"”:[.Z|` IZ11gim·vriii;; •
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