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lt is hard to believe it has been five • We have made tremendous progress Plan, a comprehensive analysis of    
years since I came back to my alma in our billion dollar capital campaign, what it will take to build a Top 20  f
mater. Looking back, it is gratifying bringing our total from $408 million university. It is the first plan of its , i t
to see how much this university has to more than $900 million, with nearly kind for a public university in the U.S. i_Q    
grown and progressed, thanks to the 80,000 different donors supporting us The university took the plan — and our ‘  I I
work of our faculty and staff and the since I took office. » goal to elevate-the quality of life in    ,
‘ support of our alumni and friends. • 0ur endowed chairs have grown this state — externally. We discussed {   ?
from 69 to 95 and our endowed . the plan with the General Assembly,    
_ • We have increased the size of our professorships have grown from 124 outlining the need for the state to ,     _
first year class from 3,000 to nearly to 210. commit itself to helping us achieve this  .  L
4,000 students, while improving goal. Those conversations resulted in     .
student quality. · We accomplished all this during both_ the best budget in decades for the JQ    .
• Our graduation rate jumped from good and difficult economic times. entire postsecondary system, including .  L
55 to 60 percent, the highest among As impressive as these statistics a firm financial commitment from the I ‘
public universities in Kentucky. can be, I have been more excited state to fulfill UK’s Top 20 mandate, Q  ·
• Research grants and contracts with how this university — and this beginning in 2007-2008. ‘ p  3 I
have increased from $173.6 million state — have embraced our legislative At the same time, we initiated a ‘  ‘
to more than $274 million and challenge to build a Top 20 public campus conversation about what we Q ,
approaching $300 million this year. research university. are willing to do to transform this    
_ • The university endowment has About a year and a half ago, we institution. We are in the midst of a <  ·} 
soared from $420 million to more decided it was time to force serious campus-wide conversation about how —  ·
than $773 million, the highest among conversations about whether this state we become even more efficient and · _
public universities in Kentucky. and this institution are serious about effective in managing our resources _ ‘ I
_ building a Top 20 university and what and how we identify the strategic _
achieving that goal will mean to the investments we need to make. Those
people of Kentucky. I conversations build on the $40 million ? .
We developed our Top 20 Business we reallocated over the last 5 years. °