uite . lucky; second place went to Sid Most growers usually return home
{im i Holloway, Mayfield; third place with the determination to do a bet-
r'¤_¤1: went to H. M. Holloway, Mayfield; ter job of spraying and general fruit
11¤X~ and fourth place went to Millcr‘s ts¥`_0Wmg1¤_0¤`d€1`t0 return next year
it Orchard, Valley Station. with Superior fruit.
l ` . .
VSS Individual orchard booth display -i-;····L—
· ·`   *·‘·‘:fll ·:  · `
z  i l§l3{?°‘.§ `éZLZ,"ht3ri§i%? aL‘J$;rJ‘3? FALL MULLHING PAYS IN
  Y W. Fegenbush, Buecheli third, Mil- KENTUCKY
" ·_ ler`s Orchard, Valley Station; and
W1} fourth. ll. M. Hollowa , Ma field. W` Di ARMSTRONG
`QL`}1 r S _ Pk I Hy]. _ is \ Strawberry mulching trials have
flllf _“(f1°pSf‘l, L i(_mf)1°` UL t   xsi been under way in Kentucky since
_L.ns bushe o apples and best tray of the S em.1 H .t-. I ,1 , .
mb  . apples went to Lester Harris, of startcg md1938m mu tm P¤¤g¤¤m
ii 2 ~ Kevil in McCracken county, for the ‘
L. Hi 1 third straight year, on the Golden At CVCYY h?U`§'@$l OXCQDI t\\'0.
rm  . Delicious \.m.icly_ JOD Bm`. & 1939 and 19-16, tall mulching has
I 5 B if l `t k given outstanding in ` ` ld
nk.   ons, et orc, won sweeps a e . * ` ' creases in yre
ieni  i honors on the best basket and best L""¥" “O¤‘ml%lCh€d 0i` $Di`1¤g·m¤l€h-
I-idk.  1 plate of peaches with the Hale fd Plffls 01`f1§ld$· .Th<3 \\'0rk to date
one ‘ variety and on the best plate of W5 SWWY1 _t at, as an average, fall
wld  A grapes xyith me Niagara \-ul-ict}-_ or early winter-mulching will give
¥ Other swecpstake winners were: J. Lm m€1`€¤$€ OL 30 €1`8t€$_ D€1` 8€1`€
;  w_ Fpgcnbush, Bucchcly on bcst over no mulehrng or spring-rnulch-
HR plate of apples and Fred J, W. Wirth, mg at least 3 YGHYS Out ef 4-
 f Louisville. on pears. The harvest of 1939 was preceded
r Top honors in the general each by Unc Of thi? warmest winters in
. P
lllil   and grape exhibit vvgiit {0 Jog Bray 1`CC€Ul }'Q31`Sr Also, tl‘i€ ll&I`\'€S'[ of
vpt;   & 5OnS_ BQd{OI·d_ Top pear and 19-16 was preceded _by a somewhat
esa. ·- palm rumors went to Mrs. D. c. mild w¤t¢r· Duma Such open
lalltl T \\li{hQi·gpOO¤_ AnCh0l~;igg_ “'ZH°{I`l \\'32t€l¥S S&l'3\\&bGl`l`y pl3ll'[S ll')
_) i(j_ . . . . . \' ’ ‘ ’ r ‘ r'
im- G b,;iQ§{`“,Q?;f§? jfjfj i)°}{}l§°Q,¥j;’£;““F,‘{§ drisrfdsli arial sIc$ut§h»(;ii§)dI1sgg~li3’i`;li;r\g;;Ei
{nig  i premiums divided among the various picsgcd by QVC!] Q mpgemieji winter-
Md t exhibitors For the third straight ingigii TIFCSC mild "`mt€1°’ are de`
ex-  { _‘ _ _‘ _ _   _. . cr e y tre exception. however,
trol. Q_  §sé;_8g*kC;gC;OuI3;l;1Ei_0L?émIi1°};1£0u;2 rather than the rule. Records and
gg;     high   'exhibits and with rgggrimggg gQ¤;;,t*;;},,¤11.$,§.K€¤·
  . 24 entries. won 1-1 blue ribbons, T .> . “p r-, ; pen ligs asf
ved _ _. _' _ . _. loxx as 10 to ..0 abore zero by
U _ red ribbons and 3 uhite ribbons, be- .· . .
re . _ _ _ _ Christmas and temperatures that go
in a ‘ SIMS the mg S" Ccpsmkci to zero or below several times dur-
s Ross Harris. Paducah, Kentucky, ing the remainder of the winter.
 » sent up some very fine peaches and, The greatest increase recorded was
 — as a first-time exhibitor, made a following the sub-zero weather of
ldeel  · good start lby wrgmng second place 19-10. During that period tempera-
and  ; in tie peacr exhi it to Joe Bray and tures went to 10; to 15; below zero
len-  -. Sens` very outstanding exhibit of with no snow on the ground, and
Mc- Hale peachesr Thomas Jackson, of fall-mulched plots averaged 80 crates
len- Parksville. another new exhibitor, per acre more than non-mulched ·
ears  , made a nice start on apples and plots. This same contrast held for
der-  T pears. It is always interesting to see mulched and non-mulched fields
ame ` new exhibitors take their place in over the district. In addition to
Me-  ’· the fruit exhibit and to have the heavier yields through winter pro-
rful - older exhibitors back from year to teetion of the plants. that mulch that
·een ` year. All are welcome. There is spreads to the middles also helps .
;_ much good-natured visiting, friend- prevent soil loss through erosion.
 ‘ ly rivalry, and good comradeship The main objection to fall—mulching
. among the fruit growers and their among growers is the fact that they
L of ` families and friends, as they go often get a stand of wheat. cheat or
2 or ~ about packing their trays, selecting rye over their fields from mulch
t to . their plate apples or decorating their spread in the fall. This can be
{en- b00thsdin their efforts to capture the largely overcome by proper hand-
€0Vetc blue and purple ribbons. ling ofthe material.
` 3